Sustainable Mums

Sustainable Mums

Nurture yourself! How else will you grow? As mums, we need to be sustainable. As the saying goes "You can't pour from an empty cup".

Our energy and enthusiasm for our families will not last if we don't nurture and look after ourselves. By sustainable I mean being nourished and happy and enjoying life, so this page will cover lots of "fertiliser" topics, compost ones for the garden and great stuff like humour, relationships and hobbies to help the mummies grow.

Timeline photos 20/05/2016

A great guide to refer to when buying milk in the future -

Timeline photos 22/03/2016

Yep - every time ;)

Timeline photos 14/03/2016

The most common criticism I hear is this: "You must really be giving up a lot of quality time with your family for your races. How selfish!"

Here is the TOP 5 list of things I gave up for ultras:

1) Frankenfood
2) Watching TV
3) Excuses
4) Negative self-talk
5) Bashing other humans who make different choices with their time

Here's the TOP 5 list of things I did NOT give up:

1) Breastfeeding and bonding with my children
2) Adventure dates with my children
3) Bedtime routine for my children
4) Eating meals together every day
5) Being a dedicated mother, sister, wife, businesswoman and friend people know they can count on!

It takes less energy to change YOU and raise yourself UP, than it takes to try to change others by tearing them down.

Timeline photos 08/03/2016

Too right!

Timeline photos 29/02/2016
Timeline photos 27/02/2016

So true...

Timeline photos 24/02/2016

Facebook finally has given us more options than to just 'like' a post! On the pc hover the mouse over the like button and on your phone hold the like button down to get all the new options!! :)

Timeline photos 22/02/2016

How many 3's do you see? I seem to get a different answer every time I try to answer this one...

How to Age Gracefully - CBC Radio WireTap 16/02/2016

This is adorable - and great advice too!

How to Age Gracefully - CBC Radio WireTap People of all ages offer words of wisdom to their younger counterparts in this WireTap farewell video, from CBC Radio One.

Timeline photos 05/02/2016

Just a bit of fun Mums - which is the perfect shade of toastiness for you???

Denmark is on its way to becoming an organic country 01/02/2016

Denmark is on its way to becoming an organic country Denmark could become the world's first organic country. But why is organic food important? And what lessons can Denmark teach the world?

Timeline photos 01/02/2016


Soooo... Lets talk about s*x baby!!

Firstly, I love this pic! I'm 30 odd weeks pregnant here with our daughter and I just felt EPICLY s*xy in this picture! I've never felt as empowered and s*xy as I did during my pregnancy!

I haven't always though! I have had my fair share of hellish relationship, including the violent type and even though I felt like having my surgery was going to w**d out all the "as***le" literal and boyfriend related, out of my life; I did slip. I did eventually forget my worth.

After having my surgery I stupidly got back with my ex fiance who had cheated on me with his bestfriends girlfriend who was also my friend. OMG what an idiot I was. But hey, we make mistakes and I thought because I loved him it would be enough. I also just wanted to feel loved and wanted after having this life altering surgery. Luckily I learnt my lesson very quickly and we broke up, again.

I then moved to Darwin and met a cute guy, started dating him but not long after he broke up with me because he "couldn't handle my bag". He was a do**he anyways and I became awesome friends with his girlfriend after me! This was so funny to watch when her and I would hang out! She even visited me in London years later!

This all happened before my 24th Birthday and I was a mess. I had always thought id be married with kids before I was 24! Omg this younger me was devastated!! I felt like Id never met anyone and that no one could ever possibly want me or love me because of this damn bag hanging off me and scarred up ugly body (my 24yr old delusions!!).

On my birthday my friends took me out to the nightclub and I was dancing on stage when all the above hit me like a ton of bricks! I bawled my eyes out so much I was almost in hysterics!! On stage! For the whole of Darwin to see! lol Now I can laugh about it....

Now... for the good juicy part that played THE BIGGEST turning point in my life!!

Ok, so maybe living in Darwin may have made me a slight alcohol loving drunk! TOTs (T**s Out Tuesday) was the best night of the week and I wasn't going to miss it!! hahaha

I was dancing and had decided that enough was enough! I was not going to ever find a man so I was just going to dance and tease all the boys! Cause hey, they'd never ever know that I had a bag unless I told them!

Well.... I found the HOTTEST guy there that night and was dancing away for hours. Of course he wanted to take me home and I said no. He was pretty good about it (bloody wanna be!!) and asked if I was worried about him having condoms - lol That was not the issue. (DISCLAIMER! SAFE S*X IS THE ONLY S*X)

I really wanted to be dragged away and swept off my feet, but I was nervous about telling some stranger about my bag! Id never had a one night stand before! How the hell do you tell some random that you have a bag, and how the hell do you explain why?!

Anyways, I caved! This gorgeous guy was into me as much as I was and I told him "Look I have a bag. I have had bowel surgery. This is why I cant go home with you!"

His response will stay with me for the rest of my life! " I already know! " Huh?! How the hell could he possibly know I had a bag?! Well the switched on bu**er had put 2 and 2 together while we were dancing! Sooooooo... he said, wanna come home?! YEP!

My first and only one night stand! It made me feel so good that some stranger could want me and want to be with me even though he didn't love me, he didn't have to go home or take me home with him that night. That guy could have had anyone in that club that night, but he chose me!

The confidence and the change in me was instant! I felt s*xy again, I felt empowered! I felt like a woman who was still desirable!

I am sure all of these crazy experiences led me to the love of my life! My hubby I told I had a bag on our second date. He never cared and still doesnt! Hes never made me feel anything but s*xy! I'm sure that my confidence is what he loves about me. If I'm not making an issue out of it, why should he? :)

So, the moral of the story is... You are still s*xy! You are still amazing, You are still powerful, You are still desirable! *xyandpowerful

Timeline photos 30/01/2016

Can you find the 6 hidden words in this picture? Took me a while, but I got there in the end!

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

A great way to use up all those half eaten boxes of cereal in the pantry :)

Timeline photos 20/01/2016

Great on a wrap with some grilled chicken or as a side salad. Beautiful and fresh!

Timeline photos 18/01/2016

Looking after yourself is not selfish - you can't continue to give to others if you are empty