Wordtowomen Videos

Videos by Wordtowomen. Word to Women is a subsidiary of Christ's Forgiveness Ministries, a non-denominational evangelistic ministry founded in Toronto, Canada.

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Every Monday at 7:00pm EST

🙌🏽 Deliverance for the single soul: Greetings, beloved Word to Women Sisters! 🫂😇🫶🏽💖Tomorrow! Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, we will be doing our LAST BIBLE STUDY alongside going over the book 📖 "Deliverance for the Single Soul" ✨ authored by Michelle Sanders. If you are a woman of God yearning to be uplifted 🙌🏽 and find contentment in the season of singleness, we invite you to join us! Our study sessions will be held on the Telegram channel ( @Wordtowomen ) at 11:00 am EST. We eagerly look forward to your presence, as we anticipate engaging conversations that will enrich us. You don't want to miss it! 😁✨Additional Details: We will be observing a 24-hour fast starting at 11:00 am est 8/7/24 until 11:00 am est 8/8/24 at the beginning of the study, as we prepare our hearts and minds for this transformative journey.✨💖All women are invited.💖✨🕚🌎🕒🌍🕞🌏 To find the 11:00 am est time in your time zone use this website: www.timebuddy.com

🛐Mother’s in the Gap🛐🗣 Calling ALL mothers and grandmothers - biological and spiritual and guardians especially of youth, teenagers, young adults, adults for a time of intercession for this generation. 🔥❤️‍🔥🔥When: Sunday, July 28th at 8PM EST | 7PM CST | 5PM PST | 1AM BST/UK | 12PM Sydney, Australia💖(Biological Women Only)💖Please request for the zoom link by clicking the form link if you don’t already have it: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7PT31DZMMvoMOtNIKa7pxIhbofxC5azmLT4cUHW583whmXQ/viewform ✝️ Blessings,🌸Your Word to Women Sisters 🌸#sahm #sahmlife #christianmom #homeschoolmom #homeschoollife #momlife #mother #motherhood #prayerforkids #warriormom #mommabear #grandma #grandmother #aunt #prayerforprotection #homemaker #homemakerlife #helpmate #proverbs31woman #cfm

Dear Spotless Brides, 👰🏿‍♀️👰🏾‍♀️👰🏼‍♀️👰🏽‍♀️👰🏻‍♀️👰‍♀️💖✨When was the last time or the first time you gave yourself as a living sacrifice for a 5:00 am est prayer unto the Lord, the King of kings? 👑If you haven’t ever or it’s been a while, I encourage you sisters to join us on zoom at 4:59 am est as we present ourselves before the King of kings, to the One who is seated on the throne. 👑✨🙇🏽‍♀️🧎🏽‍♀️‍➡️🛐Let us set our alarms now to be ready for His coming. I look forward to seeing you sisters on zoom, soon. Please sign up for Zoom Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7PT31DZMMvoMOtNIKa7pxIhbofxC5azmLT4cUHW583whmXQ/viewform

🌸Dear sisters🌸, Please join us for a time of Bible Reading and Prayer, on Tuesday mornings at 10am EST. We welcome you to invite another sister and Spread~The~Word to other women! Love in Jesus Christ✝️,🌹Your WordtoWomen sister🌹⏰: 10am EST/ 9am Central/ 7am PST🗓️: Every Tuesday Morning 📍: On the Telegram App🔎: Look up “ WordtoWomen “ and join the channel 😇📖 “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.”Hebrews 4:12 KJV📖#onlinechurch #onlinecommunity #onlinechristians #onlinefriends #womensfellowship #women #womenministry #biblicalministriesworldwide #HolyBible #Christianwomen #christianliving #christianwoman #sisters #safe #ruth #esther #Mary #Elizabeth #Hannah #Sarah #telegram #wordtowomen #CFM #Christsforgivenessministries

Word to Women TESTIMONY
🌸Dear sisters🌸, This is Licia and I’m thankful 🙏 for the opportunity to share with you a time of Bible Reading and Prayer, on Tuesday mornings. As you can see in my testimony the Lord is growing us in the WORD 📖 and answering prayers through our Word to Women community! I welcome you to invite another sister and Spread~The~Word to other women! Love in Jesus Christ✝️, 🌹Your WordtoWomen sister🌹 ⏰: 10am EST/ 9am Central/ 7am PST 🗓️: Every Tuesday Morning 📍: On Telegram ⬇️CLICK⬇️ https://t.me/wordtowomen?livestream 📖 “And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb and by their testimony. And they did not love their lives so much that they were afraid to die.” 📖 Revelation 12:11 NLT

🙌🏽 Deliverance for the single soul: Greetings, Word to Women Sisters! 🫂😇🫶🏽💖Commencing Wednesday, June 19, 2024, we will be continuing going over the book 📖 "Deliverance for the Single Soul" authored by Michelle Sanders. If you are a woman of God yearning to be uplifted and find contentment in the season of singleness, we invite you to join us! Our study sessions will be held on the Telegram channel ( @Wordtowomen ) weekly at 11 am EST. We eagerly look forward to your presence, as we anticipate engaging conversations that will enrich us. You don't want to miss it! 😁✨Additional Details: We will be observing a 24-hour fast starting at 11 am est 6/19/24 until 11 am est 6/20/24 at the beginning of the study, as we prepare our hearts and minds for this transformative journey.🕚🌎🕒🌍🕞🌏 To find the 11:00 am est time in your time zone use this website: www.timebuddy.com

Deliverance for the single soul: Greetings, Word to Women Sisters! Commencing Wednesday, June 5, 2024, we are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting *NEW* weekly bible study series. This series is crafted around the book "Deliverance for the Single Soul" authored by Michelle Sanders. If you are a woman of God yearning to be uplifted and find contentment in the season of singleness, we invite you to join us! Our study sessions will be held on Telegram weekly at 11 am EST. We eagerly look forward to your presence, as we anticipate engaging conversations that will enrich us.You don't want to miss it! Additional Details: To fully immerse yourself in the study, you may consider ordering the book from Amazon, enabling you to delve deeper into its empowering content. Yet, please be assured that purchase of the book isn't required to attend. In addition, we will be observing a 24-hour fast starting at 11 am est 6/5/24 until 11 am est 6/6/24 at the beginning of the study, as we prepare our hearts and minds for this transformative journey.🕚🌎🕒🌍🕞🌏 To find the 11:00 am est time in your time zone use this website: www.timebuddy.com#sisters #sisterhood #besties #bibicalwomanhood #onlinecommunity #internetfriends #godlywomen #woman #womanofGod #holiness #purity #homemaker #stayathomemom #homeschooling #biblicalmother #righteous #fyp #womanhood #friends #trending #zoom #online #tuesdays #thursdays #christians #christianfriends #CFM #wordtowomen #love #Yeshua #Jesus #Godblessyou

💖Blessings beloved sisters💖 Here is a beautiful testimony from one of our dear sisters from CFM (Christ’s Forgiveness Ministries) San Francisco. I hope this testimony encourages you by seeing the power of prayer and what happens when sisters come together in unity. ❤️‍🔥🙏🏽🙌🏽 We would love to see and hear more of the power of God move in all your lives so we invite you sisters to join the #WordtoWomen morning Bible reading Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:00 am EST | 9:00 am CST | 7:00 am PST on Telegram. 💕Your Word to Women sisters 💞 #sisters #sisterhood #besties #bibicalwomanhood #onlinecommunity #internetfriends #godlywomen #woman #womanofGod #holiness #purity #homemaker #stayathomemom #homeschooling #biblicalmother #righteous #fyp #womanhood #friends #trending #zoom #online #tuesdays #thursdays #christians #christianfriends #CFM #wordtowomen #love #Yeshua #Jesus #Godblessyou

God bless you my dear sisters in Christ. May the Lord's grace and mercy be upon all of you. ❤️ If there is one verse that I probably think of the most, it is this one. This verse alone can get us through every trial and tribulation. It's a breath of fresh air everytime you read it; " I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Remember this. Keep it in your heart. In your prayers. Keep it on the tip of your tongue every time you face trouble. The Lord is our strength. He strengthens us. Though we may be weak, He is ALWAYS strong! God bless you sisters in Christ in Jesus name 🌷🕊 -Sis Sarah #Godisgood #thelordismystrength #reminder #encouragement #wordofGod

Greetings, Word to Women Sisters! Commencing Wednesday, June 5, 2024, we are thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting *NEW* weekly bible study series. This series is crafted around the book "Deliverance for the Single Soul" authored by Michelle Sanders. If you are a woman of God yearning to be uplifted and find contentment in the season of singleness, we invite you to join us! Our study sessions will be held on Telegram weekly at 11 am EST. We eagerly look forward to your presence, as we anticipate engaging conversations that will enrich us.You dont want to miss it! Additional Details: To fully immerse yourself in the study, you may consider ordering the book from Amazon, enabling you to delve deeper into its empowering content.Yet, please be assured that purchase of the book isn't required to attend.In addition, we will be observing a 24-hour fast starting at 11 am est 6/5/24 until 11 am est 6/6/24 at the beginning of the study, as we prepare our hearts and minds for this transformative journey. If you desire to join,download the Telegram App. Here is our Word to Women channel invite link : https://t.me/wordtowomen -Sister Nikita

🙏🕊Obeying God means taking the narrow path. 🕊🙏 The broad path of sin and rebellion leads to destruction. My sisters I want to encourage you and personally testify to you that obeying God will be a blessing over your lives. When I lived in the world, I was a prodigal daughter. I was rebellious. I was ignorant. I just did whatever my friends were doing. But what were they doing? They were drinking, getting high, partying, clubbing, fornication, lusting, vain etc. There wasn't any true peace in my life because one small sin always lead to a bigger sin and in the end it led to hitting rock bottom. Sin is a dangerous slope. But there is good news! And that is Jesus. When you choose Jesus, He can free you from bondage. He can clean up your life of sin. He pulled me out of that pit and lifted me up and called me His Daughter. Imagine that? You are God's daughter! That's amazing. Our Father in heaven loves us so much and always wants just best for us, just like my father on earth did but I chose the foolish way of my peers. When I out my trust in Jesus, I started seeing the blessings of obedience to Him. I quit college to become a homemaker and mother, and was blessed with a husband, many children and a place to call home. Later I was blessed to find CFM on the streets of Toronto and it has been a blessing ever since! If you put your full trust in Jesus, he can deliver you out of whatever it may be that you are struggling with. We have to live a life pleasing to God. God hates sin, so should we. God loves what is good, so should we. My sisters, when you are disobeying God and always insisting on your own way, you are missing out on the blessings God has in store for you! Obey God in all things, follow Him and He will direct your path and bring peace and joy to your life that is beyond anything the world can give you! I love you my sisters in Christ and may the Lord bless you! -Sis Sarah 🌷 #wordtowomen #cfm #testify #encourage #obeyGod #Jeremiah #b

Marriage & Obedience 🙏💍 Whenever I think of a woman of God who was obedient, though there are many, I tend to think of this amazing woman of God named Sarah who was married to Abrahram. Sarah teaches us about having faith and trusting God. She teaches us that there has to be order in marriage, there has to be obedience. If we want to live holy obedient lives then , we have to do things God's way. If we try to do things out of order, it will eventually fall apart. Now, Abraham was not always right and he had his flaws and all but Sarah still obeyed him and showed him honour. In a society that hates the word obedience in a marriage and has a feminist mindset of controlling and dominating over men, Sarah is complete opposite to what the world is teaching young women today, but she is the exact example we need! The husband being the head/ leader, provider and protector and the wife being the helper and submitting/obeying to her husband. Sisters, here are 3 simple questions to reflect on: 1. Do you obey your husband or do you try to take the lead? 2. Are you helping your husband where he needs help or are you telling him to do it himself? 3. Are you praying for your husband or are you just complaining about him? God bless you my dear sisters. May the Lord's grace and peace be upon you! ❤️🕊🌷 #wordtowomen #marriage #biblicalwomanhood #biblicalroles #genderroles

🌸Blessings Sisters, It’s that time again to gather in Jesus’ name as the women of Yah! 🗓️ We will meet Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10:00am EST this week!📍Telegram Channel @WordtoWomen Live⏰ 10am EST (7am PST/ 9am Central / 12am BRT/ 4pm BST or UK/ 1am AEST)‼️ Check your Timezone ‼️ 👉→ www.timebuddy.com( Biological Women Only ) ✝️ Blessings,🌸Your Word to Women sisters🌸. #curiouscat #curiousaboutchristianity #christianwomen #biblicalwomanhood #wordtowomen #womensupportingwomen #womeninspiringwomen #womensupportwomen #onlinefriends #internetfriendship #internetfriendshipgoals #womeninchrist #womeninchristministry #international #internationalministry #yeshua #JesusisLord #holybible #biblestudy #holybiblestudy #onlinebibkestudy #bible

💕Dear Sisters 💕! Please join us every Thursday evening on Zoom from 8PM EST to “Rendezvous with Abba Father”.Come ready to soak and get intimate with Abba, to sup with Him and He with you and to hear from Him. Time: 8PM EST | 7PM CST | 5PM PST | 1AM BST/UK | 12PM Sydney, Australia ( Biological Women Only ) Sign up for Zoom Link in our bio on our profile page. All Word to Women Bible Studies and Prayer Calls (except for Tuesday and Thursday’s Telegram Morning Bible Reading) are using the same Zoom Link. You won’t have to request multiple times as it will be the same each week. ✝️Blessings,🌸Your Word to Women Sisters 🌸. #faith #love #hope #peace #sisterhood #helpme #growclosertoGod #sisters #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenempoweringwomen #womensupportwomen #womenleaders #safespace #Abba #abbafather #zoom #zoomlink #joinus #joinustonight #8 #8pm

🌷🕊Proverbs 31:31🌷🕊 Give her the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates God bless you dear sisters in Christ! In Proverbs 31:31 we read how God cares for the hardworking Proverbs 31 woman, that she should be honoured and rewarded for her work. (And these rewards are great in heaven.) However, we must also consider that this can't just apply to any woman. Many women today are lazy, foolish and ungodly. The Proverbs 31 kind of woman is excellent in what she does, she is a godly woman who doesn't seek praise from others. The fear of the Lord will allow her to be excellent in all she does! ❤️ -Sister Sarah #proverbs31 #w2w #womenofGod #women #wordtowomen #cfm #christsforgivenessministries

Dear Sisters, Please sign up to receive the zoom link to attend this week's Deliverance for the single soul Book Reading and "Word study on the word "Pursuit" led by sister Nikita on Sunday, February 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm EST, 6:00 pm CST. Also, we will implement a 24 hour fast starting 2/18/24 at 12:00 pm EST | 11:00 AM CST | 9:00 AM PST. Fast ends on 2/19/24 at 12:00 PM EST | 11:00 AM CST | 9:00 AM PST. Request here- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd7PT31DZMMvoMOtNIKa7pxIhbofxC5azmLT4cUHW583whmXQ/viewform As mentioned, all Word to Women Bible Studies and Prayer Calls (except for Tuesday and Thursday's Telegram Morning Bible Reading) will be switching over to this new Zoom Link. You won't have to request multiple times as it will be the same each week. Blessings Sister's 🙌