Desi Young Mommies

Desi Young Mommies

Being a mom is not easy, let alone being a DESI one. Share your problems. Discuss with other moms. G


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Why young moms need to stay in touch with old friends | Inspiration & Motivation for Young Moms | Desi Young Mommies 23/10/2018

Young moms need to stay in touch with old friends for reconnecting with their old selves and maintaining a healthy body and mind.

Why young moms need to stay in touch with old friends | Inspiration & Motivation for Young Moms | Desi Young Mommies It is a well known fact that after having kids as responsibilities take over young moms tend to let go of their lives. This life involves friends, seasons, movi

Postpartum Depression: A taboo in Desi culture | Inspiration & Motivation for Young Moms | Desi Young Mommies 22/10/2018

is as real as the labor pains. However, it is treated as a taboo in desi societies and in worse cases, it is disregarded as a state of mind that will get better on its own.

Postpartum Depression: A taboo in Desi culture | Inspiration & Motivation for Young Moms | Desi Young Mommies Postpartum depression is as real as the labor pains. However it is treated as a taboo in desi societies and in worse cases it is disregarded as a state of mind