CSU Pueblo LoL Club
Keeping members of CSUP LoL Club up to date on events as well as stay connected
There will be a club meeting Wednesday 10/19/2016 @ 5:00 PM in the League Room (LARC 184). This is an officers meeting to go over and vote on the revised Constitution. Members are not required to attend but are strongly encouraged to do so as they can cast a vote. These changes to the Constitution will greatly effect current rosters, teams, and eligibility to play competitively. These changes were made because of uLoL changes for the year.
Just as a reminder to everyone we will be having a league craft 101 class Wednesday nights from 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM in LARC 184 (study room by south entrance of library). It is not required but everyone is welcome to attend to learn everything about LoL from basic mechanics to advanced gameplay. Hope to see you there!
I need to gather some information about who is interested in a League 101 class. If you have an interest please let me know in a reply or in an email as well as the most convenient day and time for you. I will try to find a day that works for everyone.