Grow Home PH

Grow Home PH

We're here to help you grow your home through design. Furniture, Home Decor & Novelty Pieces



Almost there!

These interesting prints are about to make their way into your homes. We can't wait to help you grow home.


More than finding love that warms your heart, we hope you find all the right reasons, tangible and intangible, that make life worth living. Always remember that you deserve the love that you give and will give to yourself.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here's a piece that we fondly call "Always."

Let's grow home.


Add warmth and visual interest to your space using wooden elements. It can be your flooring, wall, and ceiling claddings, furniture pieces, or that simple decor on your table or your walls. Your space will never feel cold again.

Are you ready for this wooden mirror to grace your home? Our first collection will be posted soon!

Let's keep growing home.


Grow Home PH is a project of love and passion. It isn't just a shop that we put up, but it also signifies our liberation as a design team. This is us, pursuing what feels right and starting a journey towards the path that brings us the most joy. We hope that our pieces reflect the care we give to each of them. We aim to help people grow their homes and encourage them to go home with happy hearts.

Let's grow home.


Go and dare use contrasting materials!

Find your way through the perfect mix of textures. Place textured wooden accent pieces near pieces with soft white fabrics to add visual and tactile interest to your space.

You can never go wrong with mixing and matching until the perfect balance between the elements in your space is achieved.

This is a great start to growing your home.

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00