Puget Pod CASI

Puget Pod CASI

Our mission is to promote the great food, Chili, raise money for charities, meet new people, visit new places and have fun. Member of CASI.


Hey all we now have had two events cancel on us this year. I think I might have a location / but if you know of one please reach out-- event will not have much money if at all but I can come up with gifts. Would people be interested in a casual event so we can hold our POD status. We need at least 1 event per year. Dates I am looking at are: August 3, September 21, Oct 4 or October 11


Chili judges we are looking for judges for the Inaugural Lynne Brokaw Memorial Chili Cookoff on July 8. Please contact me if you are interested or post here!

Pacific Northwest BBQ Association - 2023 Grillfest - Chili 08/06/2023

Get Registered Now!! 07/08/2023 Inaugural Lynne Brokaw Memorial Chili Cookoff! Come join us https://www.pnwba.com/event-5285322 Please join us - teams can vend to the public at the event. See the PNWBA website for details.

Pacific Northwest BBQ Association - 2023 Grillfest - Chili Sampling:Information:Christene James, [email protected] for registration or cooking questions for Chili CASI RULEShttps://www.casichili.net/uploads/3/7/7/2/37727781/rules_2022-2024.pdf

Pacific Northwest BBQ Association - 2023 Grillfest - Chili 19/05/2023

Inaugural Lynne Brokaw Memorial Chili Cookoff! Come join us https://www.pnwba.com/event-5285322 Please join us - teams can vend to the public at the event. See the PNWBA website for details.

Pacific Northwest BBQ Association - 2023 Grillfest - Chili Sampling:Information:Christene James, [email protected] for registration or cooking questions for Chili CASI RULEShttps://www.casichili.net/uploads/3/7/7/2/37727781/rules_2022-2024.pdf


Hi all heading to DuPont this morning to Forward operating base brewery for a great CASI event!! Samples. Teams turn in chili at 1 and 2 pm


Still need a few more people who want to help reestablish Puget Pod. Please direct Message me if you are interested.

Hi All !! I would like to get the Pod back together. To do that I need at least 15 dues paying members / names and addresses and some people willing to be part of the leadership of the pod. Dues will be $20 per year. Please direct message me if you are interested in restarting our POD. We already have one event on the books! April 1 at FOB Brewery in Dupont, WA. -- Thank you -- Former Great Pepper / Future Great Pepper Christene J.


Hi All !! I would like to get the Pod back together. To do that I need at least 15 dues paying members / names and addresses and some people willing to be part of the leadership of the pod. Dues will be $20 per year. Please direct message me if you are interested in restarting our POD. We already have one event on the books! April 1 at FOB Brewery in Dupont, WA. -- Thank you -- Former Great Pepper Christene J.