The Hypno Mama Method

The Hypno Mama Method

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from The Hypno Mama Method, Health & Wellness Website, .

The Hypno Mama Method uses rapid hypnotherapy techniques to help mamas in all stages of child-bearing - from trying to conceive, early to late pregnancy, childbirth, lactation and postpartum healing.

‎Medicine Stories: 61. Revillaging: Maternal, Cultural, and Planetary Wellness are One - Rachelle Garcia Seliga on Apple Podcasts 28/06/2020

I highly recommend listening to this podcast.

It explains how we can help heal the future generations.

‎Medicine Stories: 61. Revillaging: Maternal, Cultural, and Planetary Wellness are One - Rachelle Garcia Seliga on Apple Podcasts ‎Show Medicine Stories, Ep 61. Revillaging: Maternal, Cultural, and Planetary Wellness are One - Rachelle Garcia Seliga - Jan 3, 2020

Twilight Sleep - The Brutal Way Some Women Gave Birth In The 1900s | BellyBelly 03/05/2020

Back in the old days...

Twilight Sleep - The Brutal Way Some Women Gave Birth In The 1900s | BellyBelly Giving birth in the early to mid 1900s could be brutal. Twilight sleep became popular, despite being particularly violent. Find out what women went through.

Breast Milk Could Hold Clues to Coronavirus Protection. This New York City Researcher Wants to Study Yours. 16/04/2020

Breast Milk Could Hold Clues to Coronavirus Protection. This New York City Researcher Wants to Study Yours. She's examining whether the antibodies lingering in human milk can protect babies — and perhaps even adults one day — from coronavirus.


Women with COVID-19 can breastfeed if they wish to do so.
They should:
☑️ Practice respiratory hygiene and wear a mask
☑️ Wash 👐 before and after touching the baby
☑️ Routinely clean and disinfect surfaces

Timeline photos 10/03/2020

Why? Because love echoes. Because when we can deeply hold love for ourselves, it is easily given to others. We meet our own needs for unconditional love and don't have to demand it in unloving ways. Doing the work to truly love yourself opens doors we don't know exist yet. Doors to connection, doors to authenticity, doors to a beautiful life that reflects your inner relationship.

I find it freeing, when the work to focus on becomes an inside job.

7 Huge Benefits of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth | BellyBelly 19/02/2020

7 Huge Benefits of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth | BellyBelly Do you know the benefits for both mother and baby by having an undisturbed first hour after birth? Here are 7 massive benefits worth considering.

Timeline photos 29/01/2020

Ever thought about how giving birth lying down is kinda...counterproductive? The birth canal curves upwards when you lie down, so you're going against gravity. Birthing on your back can make labor last longer because the body has to work much harder to eject the baby. It constricts blood vessels, meaning baby and mother won't receive the optimum levels of blood & oxygen. It also makes you more prone to tearing, and is typically more painful than birthing in an intuitive position. Your pelvis isn’t given the opportunity to open to its fullest capacity, and makes it harder for babies in non-optimal birthing positions to rotate or switch to better positions - which can lead to a need for medical intervention.

There are a number of positions to give birth in that are better for both mommy and baby. Unfortunately, hospitals sometimes have a habit of telling birthers that they “can’t” deliver a baby in any position besides on their backs. DON’T LISTEN. Request the squat bar. Adjust the bed to your liking. Switch to a side-lying position. Do what feels COMFORTABLE and - most importantly - follow your body’s lead.

"You can't spoil a baby!" New research says to comfort crying babies 18/11/2019

"You can't spoil a baby!" New research says to comfort crying babies Research has found that children will grow into healthier and happier adults if they have parents who are affectionate, sensitive, and playful towards them from birth.


Great idea!!

Timeline photos 14/11/2019

A mother recently shared with me her frustrations when people were constantly sharing their birth horror stories and downplaying her ability to birth without an epidural while talking it up about how excruciating and awful it all is- while she was actually pregnant and planning a homebirth which thus = no epidural. 🌿let me attempt to highlight how inappropriate it is to dump your luggage on an expectant mother🌿 when someone announces their engagement to you - what do you do ? The common courteous response is one filled with joy & blessings -“congrats - yay!- wish you the best!- how exciting!” 🌿You would never say “oh marriage sucks. The divorce rate is through the roof. I know sooo many people that have divorced. My parents are divorced. I’m divorced. Most people end up hating each other. You’ll probably get a divorce”🌿we don’t say that to newly engaged and wedded folks so WTF do we think it’s okay to pour words of tragedy and inadequacy all over an expectant? It’s not okay. We need this culture to change. I’m not saying there’s no place for people to share their traumas and challenging birth stories. Unfortunately there are way too many in our society and yes they need to be heard and expressed and worked through.🌿I’m just saying don’t use communication with an expectant as an outlet for you to hash out your fears and pains. Please don’t pass that along to your sisters and next generation. & to the expectants & mommas to be- please give yourself full permission to stop someone in their tracks when they start sharing horror stories. You don’t HAVE to accept everyones stories just because you’re pregnant. Tell them you’re not okay hearing that right now. Maybe another time. It’s okay to stand your ground. In fact it’s vital for you to set your boundaries and protect them for your and your baby. 🌿let us lift up expectants with admiration and support - let us become a culture that reminds wombyn of how epicly powerful & capable they are! Let our perspective of birth grow into one in which birth is a normal part of life and we melt away the layers that shroud it in fear. It is soooo time for a paradigm shift. 🌀
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"𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘴 𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘈𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘋𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘋𝘦𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘋𝘳𝘰𝘱 𝘪𝘯 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺’𝘴 𝘛𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘮 𝘜𝘱."

You are the best incubator/warmer there is. Period.

Wrapping that baby up like a little burrito is only necessary if he/she will be away from you. But the best way to keep her warm in the early hours, days, and weeks is to cuddle with them skin-to-skin with a blanket over the two of you.

Your skin contact means that baby will have to expend fewer calories regulating her own temperature.

AND...Dads can do it as well! ❤

To learn more, join my Private Facebook Group My Baby Experts Community


Timeline photos 10/11/2019



Give the baby back. B**b is the answer.

Timeline photos 06/11/2019

If you can read Spanish...

Posted • 💜Donde hay pelo hay Alegría, eso dice el refrán.
El vello púbico tiene su misión, una de las más importantes es proteger la v***a y los ge***ales femeninos de infecciones, aunque tiene algunas más como:
-Dirigir el chorro de la o***a hacia abajo.
-Ayuda a diseminar las feromonas.
-Mantiene estable la temperatura en la zona ge***al.
-Reduce el roce y la fricción que produce la ropa o cuando tenemos relaciones, de manera que reduce la irritación.
Cada cúal es libre de llevarlo como quiera, pero te animarías a dejarte crecer el “bigote” para comprobar sus beneficios??
Esperamos tu respuesta!!............................................
Posted • ***acion ¿Alguien se anima al vulvember?
***a ***acion ***a


I can’t remember the last time I nursed my oldest child... 😢 ❤️

My mum thanked me last night.

She babysat, and SHE thanked ME?!

She never taught my brother or I to self soothe.
We shared her bed.
We took our naps in her arms.
She breastfed till we naturally weaned...

And one day, all of that came to an end.

One day, we turned into cranky and unruly teenagers who wanted to be with our friends over her.
And then even later on, one day we both got married and had families of our own.

Last night, my husband and I went out.
Not far. And we weren’t late.
But when we got back, I went upstairs and found my children asleep in my mothers arms in the same way that they fall asleep in my arms every night.
And in the same way that my brother and I had fallen asleep in her arms every night.

They all looked so calm and peaceful.
I asked if she was ok, and she smiled through faint tears.

She thanked me for giving her these moments back.
These moments that she never imagined possible to experience again....
she thought that these days had well and truly passed.

She told me that no matter how hard she tries, she can’t remember the last time she held me.
She can’t remember my last feed.
She can’t even remember the last time that I climbed into her bed in the middle of the night asking her for a cuddle....
But when she held her grandchildren to sleep, it gave her an emotional reminder of what it was like. How beautiful it felt. How special it was.

Because these moments won’t last forever.
Even though sometimes they feel like they will.

She told me how lucky I am that I get to do this every single night. And how fortunate I am that I get to do so for a little while longer.

I smiled. She is right.
Even on those long nights when I don’t believe that to be the case; I am most definitely lucky.

Motherhood helped me learn who my real friends are 30/10/2019

Motherhood helped me learn who my real friends are Prior to motherhood, my friendships were very much reflective of the 23-year-old social butterfly that I was. I had a big group of friends—all of whom I could call upon for a night out or a trip to the beach at a moment's notice. I had no trouble meeting friends wherever I went and I would often f...

I Tried Meditating to Increase My Milk Supply And I Think It Worked 30/10/2019

This is what I’ve been saying... but for those moms who need to go a little more beneath the surface, I use hypnotherapy to find the root of the block or limiting belief that is stopping moms from producing the amount of milk they need.

I Tried Meditating to Increase My Milk Supply And I Think It Worked After six months of breastfeeding, my milk supply started dwindling. I figured I'd try breastfeeding while meditating, something I heard could help with my issue. As it turns out, meditation was the solution I never knew I needed.



Yes 👏👏👏👏
credit Body Positive Mom

Primary Prevention of Cow’s Milk Sensitization and Food Allergy 27/10/2019

Primary Prevention of Cow’s Milk Sensitization and Food Allergy This randomized clinical trial assesses whether avoiding supplementation with cow’s milk formula at birth can decrease risks of sensitization to cow’s milk protein and/or clinical food allergy, including cow’s milk allergy, among newborns.


Reframe the way you think.

What would happen if we re-framed how we talk about uterine rupture?
When preparing for VBAC, a lot of providers put a HUGE emphasis on uterine rupture risk and don't focus on your REAL chances of success or the escalating risks that come with repeat Cesarean. Take away the risk for uterine rupture and VBAC is just like any other birth.
With a 99.5% (VBAC) - 98.5% (VBAMC) chance of NOT having a uterine rupture, those are pretty amazing odds and in any other medical procedure, would be considered a no-brainier.
- Brain surgery with a 99% chance that things will go perfectly, YES, please!
- Heart valve repair with a 99% success rate? AMAZING!
- Prescription drugs with a 99% chance you will have zero side effects? I'd TOTALLY but it!
Do you see what I mean? Why do we rush so quickly to a surgery that has a HIGHER chance than that of major complications when the odds of NOT having a uterine rupture uterine rupture are so high?
Your odds of NOT having a major complication due to a Cesarean are 96.7%, by the time you are on your 3rd Cesarean it drops to 92.5% (which are still good odds, arguably).
Let's put it all together.

- Your odds of NOT having a uterine rupture: 98.5%-99.5%
- Your odds of NOT having major complications due to a repeat Cesarean: 92.5% -96.7%.
How does that make you feel??
Find out more about uterine rupture at
Dig more into the facts about VBAC in our How to VBAC Prep Course for Parents:

***Statistics taken from the National Vital Records Database Birth Reports Data from 2016.


“I'm now 29 and have 3 kids with my wife, Franziska, who carried and birthed them all like a pro. Here's what I would tell my childless 24-year-old self about how to be a supportive partner during the ‘becoming parents’ phase:

1. Wifey carried baby IN her belly for 9 months. So, you carry baby ON your belly for 9 months every chance you get. Not only does it help her recover but it bonds you to your kid more than imaginable.

2. Wifey is breastfeeding and--while beautiful and fulfilling for her--it's exhausting. So, you change EVERY diaper you can. From diaper #1 onward. You will get over the grossness fast. And you will prevent imbalances and resentment in the relationship; in fact, when all your wife's friends are complaining about how absent and unsupportive their husbands are, your wife will be bragging about you.

3. Make her the decaf coffee every morning. Even if she leaves it cold and forgets to drink it most mornings because she falls back asleep while you're working or (later) taking the kids to school. She was up all night feeding the baby so help start her day in a way that helps her reset.

4. Tell her she is beautiful and help her see that in the moments when she is feeling most self-critical and hopeless about her body. Remind her of times when she achieved goals in the past. Remind her she is a superhero. She literally just moved all her organs around and gained 20 + pounds to give you a child that will be a gift to you for the rest of your life. Help her see past her body image issues and stay focused on a positive goal, one day at a time.

5. Take the heat. Hormones are crazy, both pre and post birth. She won't seem like herself every day and sometimes she will say things she wouldn't say if she didn't feel like she was hungover, caffeinated, and on steroids every day. Remember your job is to be her rock through all of this, so toughen up and keep perspective when her tongue is sharper than you know her best self intends. Normal will return soon and you want her to be grateful that you kept it together when she wasn't, not resentful and disappointed that you hijacked her emotions by making her problems yours.”

For our best videos, subscribe to our YouTube channel:

Credit: Ted Gonder

Study Proves That Cuddling Babies Early (and Often) Has Huge Benefits 17/10/2019

Study Proves That Cuddling Babies Early (and Often) Has Huge Benefits So forget everything you've ever heard about "spoiling" the baby.

Timeline photos 16/10/2019

October is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month 💜

A month that for many is sadly a reality. While you may not be that woman or those parents, you may be the mother or the sister or the friend of that woman and parents who carry the sadness and agony of such a life changing experience.

Spare a moment for those that have suffered loss. 💜

WIRF strive to educate, raise awareness and support those who have experienced a miscarriage, stillbirth or the loss of an infant. 💜


What would you add?

We would add “offer to take older siblings to their activities and for a play date.”