Second Sight Tarot

Second Sight Tarot

I am an interpreter, using intuition to deliver guidance and knowledge from Tarot.

My focus is to help you have more clarity and hold space for you on your journey of self discovery.


New moon reading is up on YouTube.


BELTANE: draw 3 cards for this years themes surrounding desires in sexual relationships. THE UNFOLDING: This is about connecting to the things I am learning and then I have learned to assist me on my journey. This is also about participating instead of sitting on the sidelines not doing anything about whatever situation this might be. Being an active participant. It’s about taking action instead of thinking I don’t know enough about whatever situation that may be. Whether my personal life or the things that I desire in my life this year it’s time to take action. COMPASSION: intuitively this makes me feel about really sitting with the things that I’m compassionate about and really analyzing it instead of just looking at it in a Broadway or a Munding way. I’m really making an effort this year to be compassionate to all things and beings. And not just bringing awareness to them, but bringing peace good health and happiness to all of it. Be the change I want to see in this world and in my life. Another thing that comes up for me is about staying positive and the things that I desire and my personal life. OUROBOROS: this really resonated with me about bringing my awareness to my spirit as things start to circle back around. Looking at where I’m making progress or where there is a loop of repetition. Am I repeating my patterns or am I shifting them. This is about the need of heightening my awareness of empathy and grace to myself and all other beings.


what lessons that I learned in 2021?


A time for reflection and fond memories. Being grateful visiting old friends and family and sharing happy memories. It’s a reminder to reconnect to your innocence and when times were simple.


Now up on YouTube!


Now Up!


Collective Reading all signs for September is up on YouTube!!!


Full moon reading is up on YouTube!


Today’s lesson!


New Moon Reading is up!

Second Sight Tarot a Branch of Wellness - YouTube 05/03/2021

Second Sight Tarot a Branch of Wellness - YouTube I am an interpreter, using intuition to deliver guidance and knowledge from Tarot. My focus is to help you have more clarity and hold space for you on your j...


Sometimes, it’s the journey that is most rewarding, not the destination.


Sometimes it’s all about our perspective. It’s just a reminder to check in with yourself and see if you are looking at situations with blinders on or seeing the bigger picture. Maybe just by shifting the way you are seeing things can lead to a better outcome.


Feeling the need for be around my soul tribe with this card. Just a reminder to stay connected with family and friends. You never know who may be feeling alone and needing some extra love right now.


Launching February 28th!!! Check it out if you are interested.


Staying connected to your tribe is crucial right now. Although this isolation may be empowering with self development and going inward to deal with things that we’ve been putting aside for so long. It is important to stay connected to our tribe, our community and the human race as a whole. We need to stick together in this time of isolation and separation.


When your 2 year old sits in your chair.


Finding ways to connect with yourself in a different way than you did in the past. Being at peace with who you are right now. That may change tomorrow, but just for today, you be at peace with the things your can not change and get to know your true self a little more.