Golden Agers

Golden Agers

a place to visit and share gems of old and some new solutions to old problems, or to recommend good stuff for people in their Golden Age.

The Government should be afraid because they are in the wrong, says Neil Oliver 26/11/2022

He's right. Let's do it!

Begin by uniting and joining our new party legitimising a movement begun by Winston Churchill in 1924.

This will be our first step in destroying the british government's powerbase and also the first step on our journey to creating a far better future.

The Government should be afraid because they are in the wrong, says Neil Oliver Neil Oliver says the Government 'keep doing more and more, faster and faster, to make the people poor, cold and hungry – also demoralised, anxious and fearful'


On behalf of the City of London of course.

Emails released in Canada show that Government knew Ivermectin worked! 15/09/2022

By stealth fascist book is preventing me from sending my posts to my fb friends.
So this can randomly reach anyone.

Here is Daddy Dragon himself in a special 3 minute rant! from about the 50 minute mark.

To find out why he's on a super-rant you'll want to wind back and decide yourself whether t's about Bad Faith or Gross Negligence.

The former means mass murder has been committed and the latter means mass manslaughter. You can be the jury.

Watch the whole show if you want to learn more about Voiding the Acts of Union, as opposed to closing down the Union of the Crowns of England and Scotland which happened 104 years earlier.


Emails released in Canada show that Government knew Ivermectin worked! IverMecTin could of saved thousands of lives in Canada and globally. The Government knew IverMecTin worked well, was harmless and cost very little. So the question is Bad Faith (Murder) or Negligence

#NotMyKing - King Sausage Fingers, WEF . . . Not anti Monarch, Anti Charles 14/09/2022

A shorter and succinct run down on our Supreme Court case for the indy2 referendum by Scotland.
The Acts of Union 1706 in England and 1707 in Scotland created the political construct of the British Parliament which is therefore subordinate to both of us, and not superior to us.
This amongst our rights to self-determination in particular, is what is now happening, our intervention and appendices having been acknowledged.

#NotMyKing - King Sausage Fingers, WEF . . . Not anti Monarch, Anti Charles I will never accept a King with so much baggage. Now Princess Anne is another story. Going over to 412 tonight at 9pm UK time.


They are right except for the "European" laboratory that was invaded by armed police and stripped and closed. That was in Cambridge, England and the Company was Immuno-Biotech GCMaf. A Japanese scientist discovered it from studies on Raw Milk but later withdrew his paper. This small English company found his work after about 15 years of it having been shelved. They refined it and got it to the stage where it was successfully treating people with class 4 cancer tumours, referred to them by private clinics after oncologists had told them their tumours were inoperable.Their success rate with tumour cancers was well above 90%. They also had 100% success in the lab with non-tumour cancers like blood cancers and bone marrow cancers. The cost was 99% cheaper than chemo-therapy at around £450 and many were given for free if that was unaffordable. It had none of chemo's side effects. The British watchdog aka Pharma-Enforcers sent in the thug-police. They also used an illegal European arrest warrant to transfer the co-owner chemist Lynne Thyer (I think) into a French hell-hole prison. Her Co-Owner and partner David Noakes was also imprisoned. He had been UKIPs number 2 until britsh*t Farage was parachuted in. They also had success using it for Autistic patients. The MHRA are now a private company. A medicines watchdog my arse! Big Pharma attack-dog more like. may still be up and running but was full of paid for trolls when I last looked. That was all about 7 or 8 years ago. About 2 million unnecessary cancer deaths have resulted in my humble opinion, in that time. 2 million tax payers gone if viewed through the eyes of the britsh*ts in govt, responsible for shutting down this most important cure. From our viewpoint it is SCANDALOUS. I suspect the Japanese govt is no better. That scientist must have come under such pressure to withdraw his discovery! After I discovered this my faith in govt was shattered and recent covid and its vax attacks have dropped my opinion even lower. My faith in all these cancer charities was shattered too. Not one of them fought for this cure. Because their livelihoods and govt and pharma donations would dry up maybe? Who knows? Not one penny have I given them since learning of this. Please share widely.
