Women In Trades Apparel

Women In Trades Apparel

We created our brand to support the trailblazers, the fearless, the bad ass women who are working in


"For example, while women are roughly half the workforce, they represent only 4% of the construction trades. With this tremendous investment in new jobs, it’s never been more important to create and expand promising career pathways for women in the skilled trades"
We are making strides but there is so much more we can do!!!!
https://blog.dol.gov/2022/10/26/meeting-the-moment-expanding-career-pathways-for-women #:~:text=For%20example%2C%20while%20women%20are,women%20in%20the%20skilled%20trades.


Our prayers go out to the victims, employees & their families
A tragic event that has changed these lives forever.
Please join us in prayer and hold your loved ones closer.

Photos from Women In Trades Apparel's post 13/11/2022

Today's WITA "Meet The Women" story a great one, so great it will be shared in 2 parts and one I'm sure some of you can relate to!!
Don't forget to FOLLOW, SHARE & SUPPORT your sisters in trades.
Meet Jennifer;
1. What's your name, where are you located in the world?
Jennifer Green
Ontario, Canada
2.Which trade do you work in? What made you get into the trades?
Industrial Mechanic Millwright. Currently Director of Competitions & Business Development at Skills Ontario
Almost 20 years ago I started in high school and was originally going into forensic criminology, fast tracking my courses to apply early to university. My father is a Tool & Die Maker and his father before that, but going into the trades was never forecasted or shown to me an option I was an A+ student and pushed another direction. I had always taken technology however, as I enjoyed it and am a visual hands on learner, but still, had not considered it for a career. In grade 10, the teacher noted it was the last day to sign up for cooperative education, and I didn’t know what it was. I learned more about the program, and decided to “take a break” from university studies and choose a tech co-op. I read the local college course guide, Conestoga College, and read through the description of all of the skilled trades they offered. Industrial Mechanic Millwright sounded just like me…so I tried it! I ended up changing all my courses in grade 11 as I enjoyed it so much and changed my career course, ending up being a signed apprentice as a grade 12 student earning hours as an Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program – OYAP student. After graduating, I started my first official year of apprenticeship and earned my red seal license by the age of 21.
3. What do you love the most about being a woman in the trades?
The ability I have to empower others with the experiences I’ve had for others to learn and grown from. AS well as the advocacy and mentorship opportunities it brough to to me, to be able to provide to others.


Do what you gotta do right ladies?

Photos from Women In Trades Apparel's post 10/11/2022

Hey everyone! We love that the trades is making waves ALL OVER THE WORLD, today's Legacy builder is from !!!
Meet Chelsea:
1. What's your name, where are you located in the world?
My name is Chelsea and I'm from Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

2. Which trade do you work in? What made you get into the trades?
I'm a 4th year light automotive mechanic apprentice. I got into the trades in high school when I came to the realisation that I loved working with my hands and I loved cars. I was especially motivated when people told me I wouldn't last or couldn't do it. It drives me to be my best everyday.

3. What do you love the most about being a woman in the trades?
I love being a woman in the trades. My favourite part about it would be meeting other amazing female tradies who share their experiences and help break the bias.

4. What have you found to be the most difficult about being a woman in the trades?
Something I've found challenging over the years are some sexist customers/teachers who refuse to communicate to me or acknowledge my work. Sometimes their comments were so foul I would question my career choice. I used to let it get to me until I realised it was more their problem than mine. I have had some amazing co workers who have had my back through these rough patches though.

5. What piece of advice can you give to a woman looking to join the trades?
If I had any advice for other women looking at getting into the trades, I would say that you don't have to change yourself to thrive in your job. If a workplace isn't suiting you, don't be afraid to leave and find somewhere you are appreciated. Work hard and remember your values (both to yourself and to the people around you).

6. What are your social media handles?
My Insta is

As you can see, no matter where we are in the world, we face the same stereotypes, together though, we can redefine hands on and how women are seen in the trades.
Thanks Chelsea!!!! Keep up the great work


How are you "Redefining Hands On"?
Fall is the perfect time to grab our signature hoodie, get yours here

Photos from Women In Trades Apparel's post 10/11/2022

Everyday women are seeing that the trades offers them a future that no other career path can offer.
The only way we can grow our community is to show support and share our stories!
Please visit and follow each other!!!

Meet Ally:
1. What's your name, where are you located in the world?
Allison “Ally” Jencson (pronounced Jen-son), located in Colorado Springs, Colorado USA

2. Which trade do you work in? What made you get into the trades?
I do concrete polishing and epoxy coatings for concrete flooring. I needed a way to make a decent living and be my own boss.

3. What do you love the most about being a woman in the trades?
The ability to be an inspiration for other women in the trades and help them navigate working in a “man’s world”.

4. What have you found to be the most difficult about being a woman in the trades?
Juggling being a mom and working long hours. Also, the porta-potty situation on job sites. It should not be “the norm” for filthy toilets on construction sites.

5. What piece of advice can you give to a woman looking to join the trades? (Either advice you received or how you've overcome a struggle maybe.)
Do not compromise who you are to “fit in” with the guys. Be true to yourself and if you are not respected or appreciated, find somewhere else to work that will!

6. What are your social media handles?
Instagram -
Facebook -
LinkedIn – linkedin.com/allisonjencson

Photos from Women In Trades Apparel's post 10/11/2022

Can you spot the problems????
Let's hear it ladies, this poor single Mom was taken advantage of by not 1, but 2 male contractors... good thing there is a woman on the job now to get it done right!!!

Photos from Women In Trades Apparel's post 10/11/2022

This month we want to introduce you to the amazing women around the world who are working in the trades. Everyday women are seeing that the trades offers them a future that no other career path can offer.
The only way we can grow our community is to show support and share our stories!
Please visit and follow each other!!!

Meet Tammy:
1. What's your name, where are you located in the world?
Tammy Pender, I Live at Austral NSW

2. Which trade do you work in? What made you get into the trades?
Carpentry / Construction..
Covid, losing my job and working with my partner and starting our own business.

3. What do you love the most about being a woman in the trades?
New experiences, showing customers and also other trades we know what we are doing and are capable of doing it and don't need a man to help us.

What have you found to be the most difficult about being a woman in the trades?
At the beginning physical fitness and also acceptance of male trades working in with them.

5. What piece of advice can you give to a woman looking to join the trades?
Give it a go, don't let a man or anyone hold you back.. woman have a great eye for detail and are more thorough with their work.

6. What are your social media handles?

Facebook: Tritam Carpentry


Who remembers?🤚🤚.


WITA is all about celebrating the female trailblazers making waves in the trades, all with a sense of humor.
We know what you face daily can be challenging & isn't for the faint of heart
Well, neither are our tees, tanks or hoodies