The Watchmen Network

The Watchmen Network

Watch over God plans purposes and people to until they are performed. This a copy of the original blog, plus emails sent out. The aims are


If when he seeth the sword come upon the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; Then whosoever heareth the sound of the trumpet, and taketh not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. To help move the church from reactive state of operation to a proactive state.
2. To get believers to walk in a deeper relationship with God through acknowledging and participating in the plans, purposes and person of God


Remember, all the things we wrote concerning the vengeance of God. And Intransigentt evil. Staying on the right side of God. It is important. Remember, you were told to cleave to now save God. The tendency in trouble is to do the opposite.

For the judgement and vengeance of God will

Many discern men because of their current or past deeds in Christ (Signs, Wonders, Miracles) - is this how to judge a man? 0thers judge men according to associations, others according following and numbers etc but are any these the discernment and judgement of God? Hence, they huddle with what shall destroy. They say because we are many we ir they are right? And many ministers encourage this.

For the judgement of God does notice such. These are for men, carnal men and the immitator and supplanter of the spirit of God that makes those seeking him drunk on its wine. The one who is able to work in the Church and the world.

The judgment of God will not split or honour men according to these things. Neither does he split it according to sinner and non sinners for all would fail. Some will tell you it is because by those who received and have not received. Really, they teach what comforts their souls nut not the way of God. Or do you not know even at this time and amongst God people many will betray Christ. So already but it is not apparent and in the times to come. So are these marked among His.

Even as we speak there are Christian of hold themselves gallantly as believers yet they will betray Christ and help evil spread and use the word of God to justify it. Was it not clear from 1 Corinthians 2.8 That was the Principalities and Powers that used the Pharisees, the most knowledgeable men with the word of God of the day to pursue and kill Christ. Does the bible not talk of the great deception and the great fallen away. You have heard lined to. The coming of the antichrist. Is it so? Have from one revival after another believers not fallen away? Yet few can answer why revivals fail? if it is not because of sin.
(For revival came because of sin and for sin and in the midst of great sin and if this is so how come sin they conquered it?) And you do not know, why will not happen again?

Brethren you have the same spirit of Christ and access to Him. Do not waste your time on frivolous things, like food and drink, using Christ to gain ground in the Pride of Life as most do. Is the pride of life from Christ? You cannot be truthful if you do. But to search out the truths of God. For there are many deceptions even in the Church, some born out intentions, some of greed, some of the pride of life, some ignorance, some lack of process etc. Many not out sin but will not lead to destiny. Like using you time to in his presence to seek pleasure and status in this world. Did Jesus need such?


After all what we have been through? When our ways please the Lord, He makes even our enemies to be at peace with us.


Here we go!!

Release Of The Spirit 2013 26/03/2024

Watchmen to the Towers.

Live Against the Flow | Jonathan Cahn Sermon 15/11/2023

For Watchmen

Live Against the Flow | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Check back daily for new videos! From the message: #2421 - To get this full message, just click TO SUBSCRIBE:


The current state and understanding of Christianity is preparing most believers to fail. It is important you understand that "the Church" what I call the corporate church and to distinguish it from the Church which really will be the remnant of the corporate church : if you like those that will come out the corporate church and follow properly the plan purpose and person of God.

There is plenty of scriptural antecedents from the Old testament to the New Testament. Right from the garden of Eden, to the Pharisees and there after. Such the orthodox churches and pentecostal, of the past.

If you know anything about church history you will realise many pentecostal came out of the orthodox churches. Though many are worse and perhaps bear a worse fate than the orthodox churches they came out. What is clear is they did not learn from history of these church these. There current Zeal and seeming progress appears to blind while making the same mistake

It is a common pattern in the history of churches for them to start well but them to end as a religious institution. This is why you need to answer my conundrum question "why do revival dies and please as I always say no simpleton and unthoughtful response like sin" As revivals were born in the midst of sin, that's what they are about. Is sin is more powerful than a revival?

So it is quite relevant and important to understand what Jesus was emphasising on the two types of Christians in most of his parables. Sheep and the goat, the profitable and unproftible servant, tares and the wheat, the fisher net:chosen and the unchosen. From, all scriptural indications there are two types of people that will form what many undiscerningly call the Church, which I normally call the corporate church. Which to me represents the whole mass of Christians but not the Church if we follow the antecedents and indicators in scripture.

Let me say this because people like to think that the reason they go to their church is because they are different and ministers often indirect emphasis that their church is better off. This is more a carnal marketing gimic than anything else. All denominations except they are follow a specific principle laid down in the bible.. and many will not and can't and it would undermine the own notion and structure of Church. You see where we are today

From both history and scripture, 99.9% of the time it is the majority that fall on the wrong side. And there is a good reason for this..

There are a number of things that have or
will lead to the corporate church falling away and many of them do not start as conscious efforts to go astray. We need to understand this and differentiate this from those that actually Satan has sent specifically for such a purpose. A large percentage, starts in ignorance, carnality, lack of spiritual maturity. Yet none are by any means admissable excuses. Ignorance or immaturity are not permissible excuses

In short a large percentage of those that shall be part of the great falling away, will not be because of "false Prophets" as most people understand them: people who deliberately come to lead the Church away from Christ

Let me show you some scriptures

Rom 10:1 Passion does not make make a person more serious and on point. Many people respond and allow themselves to be influenced by the passion of another

1 Tim 5:7-9 - Boldness and participation in ministry are not an indication of being right or understanding, being on the right path.

Mat 15:28, Isaiah 1:13 - 17 Being in church regularly is not as indication your are on the right path

Mat 22:14 Being part of the many that are called is not a indication that you are chosen. So be part of a big church or part of the many in your church does necessarily mean that you are amongst those that are right. Numbers is not a method for spiritual discernment.



One of the biggest problems in the Church today is not revival but the need for revival. In the past some of the most spiritual eloquent men that represent these moves and calls often in my view do not have a firm grasp of what they want, is happening or they are promoting. Many call for revival in the church but what does that actually mean ? And if that's what we are asking for before we call for revival. Should we not ask what happened to the last revival why did it stop

Many of you know me and are on my personal page. Will know I love to ask you the the question why do revival die ? I think this is a more important question that needs to be answered before we get into a new revival.

One thing we should know, you will only end up back in the same place you left if you continue to repeat the mistakes of the past. And how can you avoid them if you do not even know what they are ?

Again many believer and more so many of have become and those that are keen to present themselves to the vast majority as the spiritual officers do not appear to know the difference between revivals and moves of God. This is a fundamental issue. As you cannot drive a sophisticated to the destination it was given to you to get to if you do not know the purpose of the various parts of the vehicle.

So I ask you what I have been asking you, why do revivals die ?

And please no lazy answers that you have learnt from others or ministers such as "SIN" if revival came to quench sin or the power of God is behind how does sin quench it ? Think about? If the power of God is greater the the power of the devil. Hoe can the devil.stop ?


Nigeria and World Events Part 1 : Nigeria Decides 2023

First let me thank every one who has bee part of the Watchmen Network. We have fought many battles that are not missed by God.

A lot is about to happen. And through what we do we have been engaging at the forefront of the battle. While many measure Christian in terms of activity, other association, you answered the call and set yourselves apart to fight some of the wicked disembodied persons in the history of this earth. Which for us, it is what Christianity is about. To ensure that the will of God is down.

What some of you may not know, is the Nigeria and African issue has been battle for over 30 years. Unlike the Iron curtain where we all gathered under the direction of the spirit and we prayed perhaps with may other around the world and with a few it fell. This battle has not believe and easy and it is not over. Yet the signs are all their no matter what we say.

30 year we started a series of seminars Africa and the endtimes. And what is or is becoming common knowledge today regarding Africans and the end and the true colour of skin of the forerunners of the faith we now share. Which except for this time should not be of importance save for speaking the truth.

There is a whole chapter devoted to a nation, a nation that when it rises, things on the earth shall change. Some commentators say or believed it happened years ago. Yet,

1. Character Description 1: Land is divided by Rivers

2. Character Description 2: It is a identified as having something to do with the spread out wings of a bird (Have you at Nigeria Coat of Arms, What do they call their National Team)

3. Character Description 3: The people shall be oppressed by what and who - many relate this to physical oppression but is it. Physical oppression sometimes

4 Character Description 4: There shall be a return a return to this nation of people who found what ever means necessary to leave even at risk of their lives

5. Geographical Location Description 1. It is is the land of Africa. It starts with what look a warning and uses the word Cush, Sudan and so. However. the same word used to excalmation of an warning in this instance may also be used as an expression of surprise. And further interrogation

5.Geographical Location Description 2. It is beyond the rivers of Cush (The Nile). Judging from where the prophesy was given (Isreal). This means subsharan Africa and more specifically perhaps West Africa.

The issue of Nigeria has not been Nigerians as we spoke before MKO death. And made clear in an interview to Gospel Voice. Neither is it the Politicians after all they are not aliens. They a citizen of a nation. If any need to take responsibility it is the church. How many Fela, Gani's, Soyinka's, Solarins have we seen come from the church. Yet every Christian should be one of them

But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house. Mk 3:27

I have seen even in London here, where we are undo little pressure. How in dealing with issues, people who passionately in their dealings they do not obey the word of God, neither the law or the natural law but ascribe themselves as right just and doing the will of God. And yes we all sin. But what we do not all do. Is so passionately present that we are doing it from God. Nigeria indeed, is no different. I have to ask are Christians making the situations better or worse ? Do they do others what they want to be done unto them, Do the enforce the right law of the land ? Both of which are precursors for God laws.

Christians seem to detach Christianity from what the do in and for society. We are supposed solution providers and repairers of the social, economic and moral fabric. This is part though comes before we preach.

1.Here are my directions: Pray much for others; plead for God’s mercy upon them; give thanks for all he is going to do for them.

2 Pray in this way for kings and all others who are in authority over us, or are in places of high responsibility, so that we can live in peace and quietness, spending our time in godly living and thinking much about the Lord.[a] 3 This is good and pleases God our Savior, 4 for he longs for all to be saved and to understand this truth: 5 That God is on one side and all the people on the other side, and Christ Jesus, himself man, is between them to bring them together, 6 by giving his life for all mankind.

Let me paraphrase because Christians love to hinder behind lazy interpretation of scriptures

Pray means: to speak to God and invite and take action in line with your prayer.

Not to pray and fold your arms waiting for others to do what you prayed about.

So we have prayed for Nigeria, and it seem like we are almost their. Let's pray for the Church in Nigeria : This is our new battle.

We need men a women who can continue to who fort over Nigeria in a spiritual dimension. This has nothing to do with Church building, social recognition such authority does come from men or the numbers you gather under you. But from God and sacrifice. Let pray for a continuous supply and streams of gates of God over the nation who can hold back the spirit wickedness over the land

But let use also pray for a type of Christian that will institute and be effective ministers of the three level of God law. The natural laws, The Human Law and God's law.. A people that will not hide behind pray and they participate in what the prayed against because, "they have prayed". But will take action and be steadfast in it and what they pray

It is me PYL HMS and from all of us and to all of us at the Watchmen Network. Let's continue do what we must do.


This next few months are going to be interesting It seems that most of the prophecies are coming to pass almost simultaneously.

In the space of the last few year the things God has warned about asked to pray about and strong.

We seeing the rise of a hidden army, just as God said to Elijah. The men of conscience, the spiritual fathers, the correction of the chuch, the judgement and vengeance of God. The division between pentecostal religion and spiritual maturity, the upheaval of long standing and what was intransigient evil

And of the nations

We will not be realeasing the Release of the Spirit this year. But rather State of the Nation
which focuses.

We also be reviewing past prophecies with the view of giving greater insight to what is happenning and any

We will also be commenting on important aspect of God plans purpose and purpose. Releasing revelations that we have held for years.

Some of this will mean commenting on other believers messages to add weight or clarify.

So over the next few months. It is going to be an awesome time.


We will soon review all prophecies in the light of the world events.. Many countries in Africa that are quite and docile now. Need to becareful of sudden sporadic truth that can devastate some economies for decades.

We need to continue to pray for fallen Christian nations and the rise of new ones who will champion the cause of God


Hi All we are still have serious problems with FB and the site. But the Lord is in control.

We have tried to set up a special group for some of you all.

But for some unspecified reason we are restricted.

Timeline photos 27/02/2022

URGENT! Please pray for Pastor Sunday Adelaja his wife children and church. He is currently in Ukraine
