Wendy Marie Ingram

Wendy Marie Ingram

Science and music aficionado. I strive to share the positive aspects of science and music in clear, concise, and universally relatable ways.



● Talking about mental health in academia is kind of like being in a room where everyone is walking around with a stick coming out of their forehead, but no one mentions it
● They even look at you funny if you say something about the stick
● Thing is, those looks don’t last. And it’s totally worth speaking up
● The vast majority of Dragonfly’s donors are people who’ve been academics and struggled with their mental health. Or they have a colleague, trainee or family member who’s struggled
● Or they’ve lost someone to su***de
● They need someone to name the stick coming out of all of our heads
● They need permission to talk about it
● They need information they can trust
● They need skills that are practical
● So our team of volunteers talks about it. No matter how people react at first
● Because once we normalize it, show how easy and important it is, the floodgates open and the personal stories come out
● We skip the small talk and go from strangers to deeply connected…fast


👋 In case you don't know me well, I'm Wendy Ingram, CEO + Founder of Dragonfly Mental Health. I graduated with a PhD in Molecular and Cell Biology, but these days I focus my research on finding the most effective ways to support academics to achieve excellent mental health and function at their very best.

💜 Our team of academic volunteers focuses on delivering evidence-based workshops, programs and consulting to academic communities around the world – in a way that helps them actually feel seen and understood.

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