LiL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit with the purpose of providing support to children of alcoholics in order Statistics:
1 in 4 children in the U.S. (1999).
All that we do at Live in Love is based on the belief that everyone deserves the chance to lead an empowered and productive life. It is our belief that alcohol affects families as a whole and that a combination of knowledge and opportunities can help protect from the consequences of parental alcoholism. are currently exposed to familial alcohol abuse or dependence. Children of Alcoholics can be pr
otected from many problems associated with growing up in an alcoholic family. The presence of caring adults and peers in the life of a child of an alcoholic supports the development of hope, self-esteem, and self confidence which seem to be keys to transcending growing up with an addicted parent. Children of Alcoholics may benefit from adult efforts, which help them to:
Develop autonomy and independence
Cope successfully with emotionally hazardous experiences
Perceive their experiences constructively, even if those experiences cause pain or suffering, and gain, early in life, other people’s positive attention
Develop day-to-day coping strategies
Children who cope effectively with alcoholism in their families often rely on support from a nonalcoholic parent, grandparent, teacher, and other caring adults. (National Association for Children of Alcoholics)
Children of Alcoholics can be helped whether or not the alcohol-abusing family members are receiving help
Prevention programs often help COAs reduce stress; deal with emotional issues; and develop self-esteem, coping skills, and social support. Emshoff, J.G. & Price, A.W. Prevention and intervention strategies with children of alcoholics. Live in Love Programs:
Provide an environment that allows children of alcoholics to channel their energy into positive, structured community service opportunities and recreational activities. Reinforce the concept of early intervention and support, which can protect children, foster understanding and build lifelong resilience. Encourage a safe environment where children of alcoholics can and are able to openly express their feelings about alcoholism and their experiences with the disease.