Ardington Creative

Ardington Creative

Branding & Graphic Design Find me over on LinkedIn. I have been working with brands and businesses, big and small, for over 20 years.

I deliver brilliant branding for your business using a process that takes your unique business, your customers and your goals into account. I believe that working closely with my clients is the key to success and value working in partnership with those who use my services.


My word for 2023 was courage. Yesterday I changed it.

It’s now two words.

For 25 days my word has been courage. But it’s not lead to much - except some great ideas about what I *could* do. I was still not DOING.

But TAKE ACTION feels like it embodies courage and will actually make me DO!

So with that in mind — I thought I’d better start to tell the world that I’m launching a 6 week course on 22 Feb!

It’s been in my head for AGES. And it is long over due for ACTION!

It’ll be based on the same brand strategy framework I go through with all of my 1:1 design clients. But this will be a ‘quick and dirty’, live, done-with-you style course over 6 weeks to get you started quickly.

It’s for solo business owners who are feeling stuck or feel like they need to connect with their business better.

Building your brand brand foundations will give you ✨clarity and ✨confidence about your business.

Together we will establish your brand building blocks and develop your very own brand strategy blueprint.

I’m still working out the details but if you are interested in learning more about how you can have your brand foundations in place by Easter let me know in the comments of drop me a DM and I’ll send you more information as soon as I have it!



How often do you spend time ON your business…? To take time to strategise, plan and better understand your business and the people you want to serve?

Yesterday I spent the day with some incredible, ambitious, business women for a masterminding experience with .

So much conversation that covered not only our plans and ideas but also our worries and blockers. Learning from each other was empowering and exciting and I left feeling more courageous and looking forward to what I will be bringing to the world…!

I’ll be explaining more soon but I’m really excited about an idea that will allow me to help more business owners to really get to grips with the foundations of their brand, to feel more confident and to benefit from the insights and inspiration of others as they do it.

If you want more clarity around your business, to be able to articulate better who you are and how you help people and to feel confidence to show up as the professional you are drop me a DM or comment “TELL ME MORE” in the comments and I’ll let you know more details as soon as I have them!


This project is one of the reasons I decided to start my new done in a day service. 

To be fair, this was done in half a day and was born out of an expected need that arose for a roller banner, on a rather tight deadline (on a Friday afternoon!) 

But the energy and collaboration that was generated working with Amy at getting the project from start to finish so quickly was brilliant and I wanted to replicate it!

So the cogs started to turn and today I had my first VIP Design Day with one of my fabulous, long-standing clients!

I know far too well that feeling when the you have things on your list that you never quite get round to doing. Well, if those things on your list that are adding up or just really need to get done are design related I can help! Don’t ignore them any more! Get in touch and we can get them done in a day and OFF that list! Oh the relief!

I’ve got ONE free Brand Consultation session still available – so if you are thinking about re-branding, don’t quite know where to start with this branding malarky, or want to review what you have let me know! :-)


Imagine getting to Christmas with a bold, beautiful brand that helped your business attract and retain high paying clients. Imagine feeling PRIDE as you look over ALL your business documents and assets.

Your branding is ALWAYS working and it will either be working FOR YOU or AGAINST YOU. It can help you maximise opportunities or, put bluntly, loose opportunities. Your current branding could be putting clients off as they compare you with your competitors.

I help business owners feel confident to be seen through brilliant brand identity design, so they can look and FEEL like the expert they are.

Now is the perfect time to get your brand assets sorted so you can standout, communicate clearly and smash those sales goals!

My ‘VIP Design Day’ is for businesses who already have their branding but have no time or inclination to do anything with it themselves.

I am exclusively yours for the day, and work through your ‘wish list’ of design items, so by the end of the day you have your very own brilliant, branded assets to use to your heart’s content and smash Q4! 🙂

Or if you are just completely lost about where you are or what the heck you should be doing with regards to branding, or just feel like you do not want to show off your business, I’m offering three 30 minute, free Brand Consultations for anyone sitting in brand confusion and looking for clarity.

Let's make Q4 count. Let's make Q4 Impactful. Let's start with a conversation.

Let me know if you'd like one of my Free Brand Consultations and imagine where you'll be by this time next month?!


Christmas break is over and I’m sliding into 2022 slooowly.

And as it’s the new year (in my head still) let’s start with a little introduction.

I’m Alex and I help small business owners feel more confident about shouting about their services or products through brilliant brand design.

I love working with people who are experts in what they do but don’t feel their visual identity or marketing materials truly represents the value of what they offer. Want your business ‘face’ to make you feel proud…? That’s where I can help!

I believe every business deserves a strategic brand identity that they love. A solid brand strategy and well designed brand identity are assets that will enable your business to become recognised, trusted and grow.

Outside of work I’m mum to 4 young humans 👨‍👨‍👧‍👦 and 1 tortoise

(I was going to write 4 *small* humans but the 15yo is now towers over me at 6’3” so young seemed more appropriate!)

I love DIY and home improvement.

My next project is redecorating the small, awkward room that contains the toilet!

I’m scared of heights

I have my Grade 1 in the recorder

And attempt to play the piano every once in a while.

(Mum said I’d regret giving it up.
Don’t you hate it when your mum is right…?)

Now that you know a little bit more about me, I’d love to know more about you. (Personal, professional or both!)


Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year! See you in 2022….!

📷 A big thank you to for my fab Christmas card design 🎄


Hot desking it today - at the Volkswagen showroom while waiting for my car to be serviced!

Nothing to be distracted by here… apart from Instagram of course! 😉

I’ve officially finished for Christmas but am using this week to finish off projects for both clients and me. Plus a bit of last minute Christmas prep before the schools finish!


Not your usual, boring letter from the bank.

Usually they are so plan and boring with small print so this made me smile 😀

Do you think that this might have it’s limits as to the age group it would be most suited for though…?


Gorgeous sunset in Ørestad, Copenhagen. Love how the sky continues across the reflective windows of the buildings.



The summer has started in our house...! Time for lots of fun and hopefully some sunshine ☀️

Studio reopens in September. Have a happy summer!

Photos from Ardington Creative's post 22/07/2021

Retro branding for the win!

Yesterday I was delighted to see (and be able to show my children), not only one of my favourite toys from my early childhood, but to show them the old logo and packaging too!

Kinda hate that I’m old enough that my childhood toys are now referred to as vintage or retro…! 😉👵🏼

A Brilliant Business deserves Brilliant Branding

I deliver brilliant branding for your business using a process that takes your unique business, your customers and your goals into account. I work closely with my clients to create brilliant brand identities that make an impact.

Beyond brand identities, I offer design support services – whether I designed your logo or not – that support your business; marketing and promotional materials, documents, reports, presentations, signage and exhibitions etc. (A full list of how I can help you are on my website.) Some businesses may benefit from my Brand Management service where I partner with you to become your outsourced 'in-house' designer.

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 14:30