Kauai Brew Club

Kauai Brew Club

Kauai Brew Club - the best hobby on the island. Good people, good beer, good times! Meetings held the first Wednesday of each month, 6pm at Kauai Beer Co.


Looking to get some pre-orders together or rough interest in some special/rare yeasts in order to have Homebrewinparadise stock them regularly.

Bootleg biology offers some fantastic yeast/mixed-culture options that are harder to get here in Hawaii. **

I've had AMAZING results with their Oslo Kveik and the Mad Fermentationist Saison yeast (from the author of American Sour Beers), but shipping from far away has its risks, and ordering through HBIP can help reduce temperature concerns.

They also carry yeast wrangling kits & merch.

If you are interested please comment here or message directly on which cultures interest you or what you'd like to see more of locally. Cheers and Happy Brewing!

**(Prices vary, shipping not included)

Opening Hours

18:00 - 21:00