

(Act 26:18) To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins..

I want to use this page as a connection point for while I am on deputation and for once I move to Scotland.


The Lord gave us wonderful week in our Holiday Bible Club! We are thankful for Gerrard Street Baptist Church for allowing us to use their building for the event.
We had 187 enrolled with 56 teens in the evening and 131 boosters during the day. We saw many decisions made in the week including 30 salvations! đŸ™ŒđŸ»
The competition for the grand prizes were extremely competitive this year and very close. We are glad to see almost 1000 verses quoted, 66 visitors brought, and 50 Bibles handed out in the week.
Looking forward to follow up and what God will do through ODBC next! đŸ™đŸ»

Photos from Open Door Baptist Church Aberdeen's post 27/07/2024

We have emailed this to my supporting churches and will also be sending it out via snail mail as well. I wanted to post it on here anyway just in case something happens with either the emails or the regular post!

Dear Praying Pastor and Church family,
I would like to start this letter off by thanking you for your faithful financial and prayer support for over 9 years! God has used you all in ways that you may not even realize to further His Word. Your faithfulness has produced much fruit toward the Kingdom of God. Thank you for entrusting me to represent you all on the field here first in Scotland and now in England.
As Caleb and I are settling into the ‘normal’ routine of husband and wife, we are also working towards different ministries to reach the lost here in England. God has given me a great start to children’s church at Peacehaven Baptist Church with 4 faithful kids in attendance! We will be starting an addiction recovery program soon and are praying to see souls saved and addicts recovered for the glory of God. The starting of this program will put us in a place to be able to come back to the states for a furlough around the fall of 2025. Our hope is to be able to come visit with you and your congregation so you can meet Caleb and so we can share how God is working here in England.
Thank you for supporting my wife for nine years. As she said we have some wonderful ministry opportunities coming up in the next year. That said, we both feel like it's important to do a furlough in the foreseeable future. As such, we have prayed over when to do a furlough, talked to our church on the field, my sending pastor, Deana’s sending pastor, and our mission board director, and have decided to do a furlough next year, in part, so that I can personally introduce myself to those who have faithfully supported Deana.
Due to my visa situation, we will only be able to do a short three-month furlough, from August to October 2025. We are informing Deana’s supporting churches before anyone else so that you may be the first to schedule a meeting with us.
You can email me at [email protected], my wife at [email protected], or call us at 803-991-4950 by 5 PM Eastern Standard Time (that’s 10 PM over here, although that’s 1pm in Arizona)
Thank you for your continued prayer and support.
Caleb and Deana Fielding


It's been a while since I've been able to post anything. Changing ministries and getting things started from scratch takes time. God is good and has given me 4 kids in Jr Church. We are going out letterboxing with Jr Church invites as much as possible. Looking forward to how God is going to grow this work!


This month marks 7 years on the mission field! There have been plenty of ups and downs, happiness and tears, and mountains and valleys. Through it all I have no regrets in following God's call to missions! As I enter my 8th year in the UK, I enter it in a new season of my life, married to an amazing man who also has a heart for missions and God's call in his life. I am looking forward to God's guidance as we serve together in England!

"Is It Worth Fighting For?" - Anniversary Sunday 08/10/2023

"Is It Worth Fighting For?" - Anniversary Sunday Sunday Service - 8/10/23"Is It Worth Fighting For?"Jude 1:3-4Happy 5th Anniversary!

"What Should The Church Look Like?" - Matthew Series 01/10/2023

"What Should The Church Look Like?" - Matthew Series Sunday Service - 1/10/23"What Should The Church Look Like?"Matthew 21:10-17

"The Call To Radical Generosity" - Rick Demastus 03/09/2023

"The Call To Radical Generosity" - Rick Demastus Sunday Service - 3/9/23"The Call To Radical Generosity"II Corinthians 8:1-15For The Cause Of Christ - Missions Month


Looking forward to the start of missions month tomorrow! In addition to the service, we will watch a video presentation, hear the choir sing, and have an international sampling dinner right after the service! We have dishes from South Africa, India, Spain, Latvia , Nigeria, Thailand, Poland, United States, England, Scotland, and Mexico. Invite a friend and come share in the theme, “For the Cause of Christ.”


An Engaging August
August 2023
Dear Friends and Family,
As a single missionary, on the field for almost 7 years, there was one thing that I definitely dreamed of. I dreamt of a time when God would bring along a husband for me. As the years have passed, it seemed as if that dream would go unfullfilled. Meanwhile, I happily served where God led me and enjoyed the work He called me to do. I often felt that finding a husband that I can work together in ministry with was just too much of a hard thing to ask. Can God do the impossible? Yes, but I wasn’t sure if that was going to be my experience.
But God! God has seen fit to answer my prayers with a yes and Caleb Fielding walks into my life! Caleb is a single missionary down in Cambourne, England and has been serving on the field for about a year and a half at Peacehaven Baptist Church.
On the 9th of August, Caleb offically proposed to me and of course I said “yes!” We planned to get married in October in Arizona but because of the visa situation our plans for a wedding in Arizona cannot occur. The immigration lawyer said we needed to get married, in the UK, as soon as possible to make the spousal visa happen. Because of that recommendation from the lawyer, we will be getting married here in Scotland at the end of September. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or Caleb at [email protected].
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
Deana Hewston


Prayer Letter


Current Prayer Letter

"Unlimited Forgiveness" - Matthew Series 18/06/2023

"Unlimited Forgiveness" - Matthew Series Sunday Service - 18/6/23"Unlimited Forgiveness"Matthew 18:21-35Happy Father's Day!

"What To Do If A Believer Sins Against You" - Matthew Series 11/06/2023

"What To Do If A Believer Sins Against You" - Matthew Series Sunday Service - 11/6/23"What To Do If A Believer Sins Against You"Matthew 18:15-22


Exciting times ahead for the month of June!

"Why The Church Needs A Youth Ministry" - Rick Demastus 31/05/2023

"Why The Church Needs A Youth Ministry" - Rick Demastus Wednesday Evening Service -31/5/23"Why The Church Needs A Youth Ministry"Mark 10:13-16

"The Final Appeal" - Hebrews Series 24/05/2023

"The Final Appeal" - Hebrews Series Wednesday Evening Service -24/5/23"The Final Appeal"Hebrews 13:20-25

"Do You Have This Kind?" - Matthew Series 21/05/2023

"Do You Have This Kind?" - Matthew Series Sunday Service -21/5/23"Do You Have This Kind?"Matthew 17:14-23

"Continue Brotherly Love" (Part 2) - Hebrews Series 17/05/2023

"Continue Brotherly Love" (Part 2) - Hebrews Series Wednesday Evening Service - 17/5/23"Continue Brotherly Love" (Part 2)Hebrews 13:7-19

Videos (show all)

God's Not Dead!!!! Amazing reminder to us all!
Singing in a phone booth
Mannequin challenge! Best of the two teams;)
Mannequin challenge attempt
Other teams proposal
Proposing to.a random stranger
Row Row Row Your Boat while stuffed on a phone booth!
First days skit with Lou Scannon  and Ann Chovie!
They were too cute not to film them!:)
Jr church song time:)