Colette Grace St. Clair

Colette Grace St. Clair

Medical Intuitive. Health & Life Coach. Integrative Healer. Expert with Nonverbal People. Psychic


Special Holiday Offer - 50% Discount!

Until November 30, I'm extending an exclusive 50% discount to cover all my services, which include psychic readings, life coaching, health coaching, and EFT (tapping). This is your chance to gain invaluable insights and answers while kickstarting your personal transformation journey. As the saying goes, "The truth shall set you free," and the awareness I can provide has life-changing potential.

Here's a glimpse of what you can achieve:

🌿 Flourish in Health & Wellness: Rediscover vitality for a healthier, balanced life.

🧠 Master Your Mind & Rewire Your Brain: Harness the power of your subconscious mind and transcend negative thoughts and emotions.

❤️Nurture Love & Family, Embracing Light Without Old Shadows: Heal past wounds and amplify love and harmony in your relationships.

đź’° Unleash Your Full Potential in Career and Finances: Overcome financial barriers even the subconscious ones, and achieve the career prosperity you deserve.

🤗 Gain Insights into Your Children and Your Own Inner Child: Understand your children better and nurture your inner child, fostering a happier family life.

It really adds meaning and purpose to my life when I can support you in achieving your best life! So by taking advantage of this offer, it's a win-win for both of us.

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 27/03/2023 is a memorable, brandable domain name that will help you establish a strong online presence in the animal lover community. This premium URL is easy to remember and easy to spell, making it the perfect choice for your next business venture.

Whether you're launching an animal rescue organization, a pet supply store, or an online community for animal lovers, is the perfect domain name to help you get started.
With this premium URL, you can create a powerful and lovable brand to help you stand out from the competition.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a premium domain name that will help you connect with animal lovers from all over the world. See the link in the bio and follow the steps to own!

15/03/2023 is a memorable, brandable domain name that will help you establish a strong online presence in the animal lover community. This premium URL is easy to remember and easy to spell, making it the perfect choice for your next business venture.

Whether you're launching an animal rescue organization, a pet supply store, or an online community for animal lovers, is the perfect domain name to help you get started.
With this premium URL, you can create a powerful and lovable brand to help you stand out from the competition.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to own a premium domain name that will help you connect with animal lovers from all over the world. See the link in the bio and follow the steps to own!


Adults with Down Syndrome like to feel useful and productive, and they love to give back to the family that looks after them. Being allowed or encouraged to do so helps their self esteem and alleviates depression or frustration.

If you or someone you know has a loved one with communication struggles due to Down syndrome, I encourage you to use the link below to schedule a no-strings attached introductory zoom meeting:

If your loved one is an adult with Down Syndrome, by now you will most likely have assed their abilities and potential for taking on responsibilities.
As a medical intuitive who works with adults with Down syndrome, I tune in to their thoughts and personality, find out what they’re really capable of, and help address what stands in the way of them doing or achieving their best.

I sometimes find that their relatives or caregivers underestimate what they can or cannot do. Sometimes they’re accidentally treated like children to the point of having their childhood toys in their environment. Once this is addressed, families immediately experience a higher sense of well being and connection. No matter the chore, giving them a grateful acknowledgment gives them happiness and a sense of good pride.

Types of chores to be considered include: empty the dryer, fold laundry, help with the dishes, vacuuming, sort recyclables or take out the trash, brush the dog or hold its leash on a walk, help wash the car, water the plants, make their bed etc.. It’s never too late to learn, and YouTube videos can help you show your loved one how things are done.


Dementia can be a heart wrenching disease not only for the one who has it but for family members as well. If that's you, and if you're grieving or feeling anxious because there are things you want to say or ask your loved ones but you think it's too late, I promise you it's not too late and I can help.

Even when we have dementia or Alzheimer's, there is a part of the brain and mind that witnesses life and can be connected telepathically. In plain English, this means that if you want to have a conversation with your loved one I can facilitate that for you.

Check out this webpage and then reach out and schedule a free introductory meeting. I would love nothing more than to help you find relief and a bit of peace of mind.

For more information:

Free Meeting:


Sometimes it makes no sense why a relationship doesn't develop into the loving bond we hope for. We try to bring our best self to a relationship and we see enough in the person of interest to want it to succeed. When it doesn't work out and you feel deeply disappointed, that's a good time to reach out to someone who can give you clarity and guidance.

When I help my clients with relationship issues, I more often than not find out that the perceptions and expectations they have are based on the subconscious paradigms that actually sabotage intimate relationships.

Another tell-tale sign is when we don't love ourselves enough to the point that the person of interest feels our negative vibes and is discouraged by them.

You deserve love and happiness as much as anybody. Let me help you! Reach out and schedule a free introductory meeting.


In a conversation with my niece yesterday, I shared with her something that is weighing on my heart. After listening caringly, she responded: “Let me know if there's anything I can do” and immediately corrected herself and asked, “Is there anything I can do to help?”.

I was very touched by her level of attention and pointed out how important her editing herself was. You see, there is significant difference in the vibration of asking the question in the present tense, in a way that shows genuine willingness to be of service now, compared to the “let me know if … “ statement that can feel fleeting and less sincere.

Words are energy in motion and their vibration can affect us on a cellular level. You can actually see this in action if you go to Youtube and look at Messages In Water by Dr. Masuro Emoto.


This moment will never come again so seize it now, close your eyes, take a deep breath ... Ask yourself “Have I been my best with my loved ones and anyone I may have come into contact with today?”

Being able to answer yes to that question every day is the most priceless gift you can give yourself.

I pray for your highest good, and the highest good of everyone whose life you touch.


How you love yourself is orchestrated by your subconscious mind which is responsible for 80% of your thoughts and feelings, your beliefs and decisions, your relationships and how you conduct yourself in your job or business.

When you heal and get in alignment with your true nature, you become aware of your highest potentials and start loving yourself more fully, which allows you to cultivate more of what makes you happy in life. For one of my clients today it meant saying yes to a vacation in the Bahamas with someone she adores. It only took 30 minutes to let go of the sabotaging thoughts and feelings that had her say no previously. I can't wait to see photos of her having fun, just as I can't wait to be of service to you should you wish to get out of your own way and start loving yourself and life unconditionally.

Mental health is self-love, schedule a session with me. Please access links in bio to either book a session or start with a free introductory session. Let Valentine’s Day begin with you this year.


On a physical level, we can heal frustration and anxiety by improving our gastrointestinal health and getting rid of anything that interferes with the gut-brain axis.

Many of us are walking around with bleeding wounds in our subconscious mind, wounds triggered or amplified during the pandemic that stole our sense of safety in the world. Some of us harbor conscious or subconscious anger, resentment, fear, sorrow or grief over lost loved ones, loss of time, loss of friendships and more.

If that's you, please trust that you can heal, in a short period of time and without too much effort.
With my unique Integrative Healing modality, combining medical intuition with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique also know as Tapping), I'm known to help people heal in one tenth of the time it takes with psychotherapy alone. I invite you to meet with me for a no-strings attached introductory meeting on zoom. Meanwhile please love yourself with patience and compassion.


Dr. Masaru Emoto, researcher, author and visionary, presented conclusive scientific evidence that human thoughts and emotions have an impact on the molecular structure of water.

Positive words, thoughts and emotions projected at water embellish the molecule, rendering it more sparkling and whole. Negative thoughts and emotions alter the molecular structure to one that is fractured, warped and even ugly.

Considering that water accounts for 70 to 80% of our body, blood and brain, videos of Dr. Emoto’s findings (link below) prove that thoughts affect physical health.


There are times when prescription synthetic drugs are unavoidable. They can help us get over a hump while we search to find natural solutions to our health problems. But we all know that synthetic medications don’t heal, they only address the symptoms of a health problem without repairing what caused it. Furthermore, synthetic prescription meds almost always have detrimental side-effects that lead to more medications, and go on to deteriorate our health and negatively affect our quality of life.

It takes courage to say no to prescription meds, and that same courage needs to be applied toward addressing the root cause of your health problem. Examine your life, the way you think and feel. Seek to remove superfluous activities that steal your attention away from self-care and from the relationships that nurture your heart and soul. Check your lifestyle habits, prioritize good nourishment, healthy sleep patterns and remove toxins from your home and workspace. Connect with nature more often and open your heart to receive God’s nurturing love. You may discover that your health issues are easily resolved, or that you need help to address current emotional states or old trauma.

I can help. Reach out now, no strings attached!

**Click link in comments**


There are many reasons why we struggle with anxiety and depression these days. On a physical level, we can heal both of these by improving our gastrointestinal health and getting rid of anything that interferes with the gut-brain axis. We can also help the brain by identifying the lifestyle behaviors that contribute to anxiety or depression, and by resuming or upgrading our meditation practice which in and of itself, is the most holistic mood enhancer there is.

Of course, we also want to ask what's going on mentally. Many of us are walking around with bleeding wounds in our subconscious mind, wounds triggered or amplified during the pandemic that stole our sense of safety in the world. Some of us harbor conscious or subconscious anger, resentment, fear, sorrow or grief over lost loved ones, loss of time, loss of friendships and more.

If that's you, please trust that you can heal, in a short period of time and without too much effort.
With my unique Integrative Healing modality, combining medical intuition with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique also know as Tapping), I'm known to help people heal in one tenth of the time it takes with psychotherapy alone. I invite you to meet with me for a no-strings attached introductory meeting on zoom. Meanwhile please love yourself with patience and compassion.

All the best,

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 02/02/2023

No one knows how anger is affecting your life better than you do, but there 's no doubt that if you don't try to address the causes and get help to heal, it will grow like a cancer and prevent you from having the life you want.

Use this checklist to identify how anger is affecting you. Is it causing you to feel:

~ short fused or temperamental?
~ frustrated, bitter, resentful?
~ enraged or hateful?
~ passive or shut down?
~ restless or anxious?

Things that contribute to anger include:

- not being true to oneself.
- denying ones dreams and aspirations.
- repressing creativity and enthusiasm.
- disconnecting from one's soul and God.
- unhealthy relationships.
- physical health issues affecting the gut and gut-brain connection.

Did you know that long-term anger causes cancer?

I see it in my clients, especially wonderful women who can't give themselves permission to feel anger and work through it. Please don't let that happen to you, it really isn't worth the trouble or the pain. And recognize that the ego will do everything in its power to encourage you to stay angry because that's how it gets validated - try not to buy into it!

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 28/01/2023

Progressive Souls Academy is a safe and supportive community where we explore healing and wellbeing holistically. Colette brings decades of experience and knowledge along with current medical and healthy lifestyle innovations.

We meet the first Saturday of each month. We hope you'll join us on February 4!

**Click the link in the comments to learn more and register!**

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 26/01/2023

We want 2023 to be the best year of your life - to help you raise your vibration and truly THRIVE! Join us for Progressive Souls Academy on Feb 4, and the first Saturday of each month.

*Please click the link in comments to learn more or register today*

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 24/01/2023

With decades of knowledge and research, medical intuitive, Colette St. Clair, is proud to bring you Progressive Souls Academy. A monthly meeting that focuses on holistic health and wellbeing through guided meditation, scientifically-backed healing exercises, innovative health modalities, and group coaching in a safe and supportive environment.

This group meets the first Saturday of each month and we hope you will join us on February 4!

**Click the link in the comments to learn more or register today.**


Teaching children to meditate can definitely help them better manage their thoughts, regulate their emotions, adapt to change more easily, and most important of all, build stronger self-esteem and self-confidence. When you think back on your life, how do you think things might have been different had you been taught meditation at a young age?


If you’re reading this, it means that like me, we are extremely blessed compared to millions of people around the world. We so often forget that don’t we? A prayer can be as simple as closing our eyes, holding the suffering in our awareness, allowing our hearts to open, and saying “Please” . The rest can be subliminal and it’s just as powerful as many spoken words.


Never mind if you've seen this post before, you deserve to be reminded how special you are!

Especially at this time of year, look at your successes and accomplishments and give yourself the credit you deserve. With the new year upon us, set your goals fearlessly and with hope. Try to avoid the illusion that "false hope" is real because it is not. And always remember LGLG - Let Go, Let God!


It's not too late to join Progressive Souls Academy launching tomorrow morning at 8:30am PST!

Click to register!


I know a few people who fit the description very well. Two of them are loved ones, thanks to whom I learnt how to manage around anger. Step number one is to take as many steps as necessary away from their angry outbursts, or from them, if they're the type of people who carry and use anger in a passive aggressive way. Then I remind myself that their anger is an expression of their wounded self, and I accept the fact that they’ll get the help if and when they’re ready. “Live and let live” is a reminder to set healthy boundaries, to not take things personally and most important of all, to forgive so as not to generate anger in our self. What do you think? Please comment below.

P.S. Chronic anger is visceral; it gets stuck in your body and amplifies itself. It can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers, acid reflux and more. It leads to poor decision-making, erratic behavior, loss of productivity and creativity, and harms relationships. Anger ultimately affects your self-esteem and lowers your vibration overall. I recommend EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique; it is the most powerful healing modality available, particularly when you're being helped by an experienced practitioner like me. When you're fed up of being angry please don't hesitate to reach out.

Photos from Colette Grace St. Clair's post 01/01/2023

I wish for you to experience good health and express your fullest potential in 2023! Anything less, deprives you and everyone around you of whatever it is you were born to bring to the world.

More than ever before in our human history, we now understand the interconnectedness of all beings on our beautiful planet. Asking for the highest good of all, is a way to generate more compassion, love, forgiveness and gratitude.

Join me in ushering in 2023 with hope, optimism and a mindset that promotes happiness with the integration of mind, body and soul.


Whenever your mind throws negative thoughts at you, don't believe them. Take a deep breath, acknowledge what you heard, and tell yourself, "Actually, this is no longer true." Follow this statement with a proactive thought and action. Remember that you are not your monkey mind, and you have the power to tame it!


Did you know that what’s going on in your body directly influences how you think? Anything out of balance physically can make it that much harder to think in alignment with your intention.

How we think affects how we feel, and vice versa; how we feel impacts our thinking. If you’re not feeling well physically and were to allow your thoughts to match the energy of how you feel, you can expect your thoughts to be negative.

And if you're body is feeling good but you start identifying with negative thoughts, you can expect your body to react with symptoms such as indigestion, irritable bowel, headaches or anxiety. The body knows when we're not in alignment with our tree self and it will speak up! But we have a choice, and the power to control, and it is in your power to redirect your mind away from identifying with your body so that you can avoid negative thoughts and self-talk.

And I can help. Schedule a free, no-obligation consultation today:

Videos (show all)

In a conversation with my niece yesterday, I shared with her something that is weighing on my heart. After listening car...
Dr. Masaru Emoto, researcher, author and visionary, presented conclusive scientific evidence that human thoughts and emo...
If you’re reading this, it means that like me, we are extremely blessed compared to millions of people around the world....
Whenever your mind throws negative thoughts at you, don't believe them. Take a deep breath, acknowledge what you heard, ...
I'd like to wish you and your family peace and light this holiday season. I hope that you can be with your loved ones in...
try to be in allowance of memories and the emotions that accompany them. Be tender with yourself and give your inner chi...
If you had to read this twice to understand it, you already know the answer! Please comment and let me know your thought...

Opening Hours

Tuesday 09:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:30 - 17:00
Thursday 09:30 - 17:00
Friday 09:30 - 17:00
Saturday 09:30 - 00:30