Inward Bound

Inward Bound

Feminine Leadership for Women

A Community of Growth and Leadership for Women.


Here is an incredible organization to support for World Water Day!

New Blog Post 13/02/2024

New Blog Post

New Blog Post Honoring the Light and the Dark

Reiki for the Planet 29/01/2024

Join us: Reiki for the Planet this Thursday

Reiki for the Planet Feb 01, 2024 at 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM MST


Okay BV - I’m heading to the border in a few weeks and will be spending time with some of the women from the Artisan Project. They had to flee their community because of cartel fighting and are in Tucson until they can - hopefully - go home.

They are in need of women’s products - everything from shampoo, hair spray, lotions and more.

If you are able to donate some items - please drop them off at the Buena Vista Roastery Cafe. Thanks so much!


Honoring our shared destiny…

It was recently shared with me that the mushrooms are fulfilling their destiny right now alongside humanity. This created a significant shift for me. It further broke down the Power Over paradigm that has been so deeply embedded in my DNA.

We (all of life) are truly in this together. All beings (seen and unseen) are fulfilling their destiny and bringing their gifts to this moment.

If we can break through the fear that is blocking a large portion of humanity from embracing their gifts, we free up the energy needed to create immediate change.

So the question that remains at the forefront of my mind and heart has been there for years - How do we heal the fear plaguing humanity? It is the greatest pandemic in the history of humans.

This is our work every moment of every day. When you see it playing out in front of you, how do you respond? Do you meet it with anger and fears of your own? If so - without judgement - can you begin to see that you are feeding the wrong dragon?

Healing our thoughts, or more to the point, healing how we interact with our thoughts is where we begin. This may feel like too small a task, or like a huge undertaking, but either way we need to step in together and make this commitment.

When we interact with our thoughts from a space of embodied awareness, we create energetic shifts. We open a door that allows us to see the goodness that is inherent to all of life and call out the fear that is working overtime to mask this goodness.

We must honor the ancient feminine wisdom that is so powerful at this time and lead from our hearts.

This “new” way is vulnerable and will require us all to dig deep and let go of the need to be honored in the ways that have lead us to this moment in time.

I commit to this work daily, and I enter into 2024 committed to seeing the heart of every being that crosses my path. I hope that you will join me on this journey of exploration, wonder, and deep honoring.

New Blog Post 13/01/2024

Honoring Our Shared Destiny
It was recently shared that mushrooms...

New Blog Post Honoring Our Shared Destinies


So excited to wear one of the beautiful creations of for her new brand ! If you are in Santa Fe stop by .generalstore and see what fun design is waiting for you!


Yesterday was our first Reiki 4 the Planet call with practitioners joining from as far away as Portugal.

This monthly online call is an invitation for Reiki practitioners to come together and send healing energy to the heart of the planet, Mother Earth, Pachamama, Madre Tierra.

Join us next month!


To celebrate 123123 and the New Year I’m offering 10% off all of my services through the end of January!

Treat yourself to a Reiki session (or two) or join me in my Embodied Freedom Series. Start your year off with powerful intention!

Enter the code HAPPYNEWYEAR at checkout.


Happy New Year! Enjoy 10% off all services through the end of January.


Reiki for the Planet! This is an invitation to Reiki Practitioners worldwide to come together once a month and send Reiki to the heart of our Mother.

The planet and humanity are in the midst of significant shifts - by coming together every month we can contribute to the healing of all.

I hope you will join us! Link in bio.

Reiki for the Planet 30/12/2023

For All Reiki Practitioners

Reiki for the Planet JAN 04, 2024 at 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM MST


Happy Holidays to all!

Ten Love Letters to the Earth – Thich Nhat Hanh 24/12/2023

Happy and Merry to you all!—20231224&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_73186f6259-5e8ff592fd-357163510

Ten Love Letters to the Earth – Thich Nhat Hanh In honor of the passing of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, we are sharing his Ten Love Letters to the Earth. These meditations are an invitation to engage in a living dialogue with our Earth.


The embodied union of power and grace. Exactly the medicine I needed today. 🦅


Following the Threads…

I have been committed to listening and following the threads that appear lately. Allowing what I am feeling to land in my body, holding it in my heart. Sometimes I get bogged down with the feelings of Why? Why bother? Am I losing my mind? Am I missing the greater messages? Am I spending too much time trying to listen and wait for guidance? What if I just get out there and Do?

But that feels like the old Laurie. The one who jumped into action at the very beginning of an idea or impulse. Sitting and waiting is hard - maddening. It’s a feeling and practice I’m still not used to. One that makes me feel a bit lost. But I continue. I continue to listen, feel, write, and hold it all in my heart.

This is the piece I’m struggling with the greatest at the moment… to what end? I know one of the greatest issues plaguing us all at the moment is the drive for individualism. It has turned humanity into a self-centered, self-serving collective. How is sitting at home listening and writing changing this?

I feel that question so heavy in my heart. This is the question that is creating such powerful feelings it is bringing me to tears. How am I participating in the needed change? But perhaps this question again points back to individualism. How am I adding to the collective shift that needs to happen?

What if bring out in nature, taking daily hikes, seeing the truth in every living thing around me is the “work” I am meant to be doing? We are all meant to be doing.

This bumps up - so strongly - against everything I have been taught about success. Where is the money - the reward we are taught to seek - in loving all of life? And why is it so difficult to hold both, seemingly opposing desires at the same time? What is it our daily “work” pulls us out of the feeling we have when we are free in nature? Why is that feeling of freedom so fleeting?

I’m finding it’s harder and harder to stay put in front of a computer. Even on these cold Colorado winter days, I want to be outside walking - all day long. It’s the only place it all falls away. And even as I write “it all” I’m not sure if I could pin point what I mean. It’s a nebulous, vague discomfort…

New Blog Post 21/12/2023

New Blog Post - Following the Threads...

New Blog Post Following the Threads...

Photos from Inward Bound's post 21/12/2023

Happy Winter Solstice - or Yule. Welcoming back the light while honoring the gifts of the dark.


We are not our stories, but we are the storytellers…

Our stories can tether us or bring us freedom and release.

We aren’t letting others off the hook for their behavior by letting go, we are just dissolving our connection to their patterns and learned stories.

We are shifting the energetic hold they have had on us for far too long and stepping onto a new path that only has space for the life we are working to create. A life that supports us in trusting and sharing our gifts. A life of embodied freedom.

New Blog Post 20/12/2023

We Are Not Our Stories...

New Blog Post We Are Not Our Stories...

Endings and New Beginnings 18/12/2023

Endings and New Beginnings

Endings and New Beginnings Bringing Focus, Insight, and the Gift of Healing


Boundary Walker Conversations! In the New Year I am diving into shared conversations with those gently walking the line between cultures, beliefs, and wisdom.

These individuals are pushing against the current paradigms and standing in their vulnerability to share their truth.

If you want to be a part of a Boundary Walker conversation please get in touch.


Still looking for holiday gifts? Leading From the Feminine and my new Embodied Freedom Series offer an inroad to transformation and awakened freedom.

Both can be found on my website -


Sharing these two offerings for the holiday season. Give gifts of transformation and freedom!

Links for both in bio.


I’m excited to share my new series - Embodied Freedom. In three session together we will explore where you experience positive and negative emotions in your body, how they impact your ability to live the life you desire, and enjoy the gift of Reiki to move energy and free up anything that needs releasing.

A beautiful way to step into the New Year!

Link to more info in bio.

Just In Time For the New Year ~ Embodied Freedom Series 11/12/2023

Join me for three sessions of Somatic Awareness Coaching and Reiki. A beautiful gift for yourself to close out 2023.

Just In Time For the New Year ~ Embodied Freedom Series Just In Time For the New Year ~ Embodied Freedom Series

Inward Bound | Embodied Wisdom 08/12/2023

I gave my website a new look this week and realized that my blog posts date back to April of 2017. Over 6 years of thoughts and sharing. Fun to watch the progression.

And thanks to Adam Williams for the photo.

Inward Bound | Embodied Wisdom Inward Bound opens doors to the embodied, feminine wisdom in us all through conversations, stories, live-events, and more.


For whatever reason - Amazon is offering a sale on my book. As one of my readers shared “Accessing the deep feminine wisdom from within will take effort, but the work is needed and the time is now.” 💙

Videos (show all)

Yoga with cattle dogs 🤷‍♀️🐕🐕
Writing again! After a powerful 4 days learning from Arkan Lushwala and time in the Amazon connecting to the wisdom of t...
The Myth of Disconnection
This current moment needs our embodied awareness and action. It’s demanding our attention.Please join me this October as...
If you feel this calling, I would invite you to join us. This is a time of deep remembering and awakening. A time to ste...
If you feel this calling, I would invite you to join us. This is a time of deep remembering and awakening. A time to ste...
We are standing at a critical moment in the history of humanity. Manari Ushigua is the Spiritual Leader of the Sapara Na...
The Myth of Disconnection
A quick hi and a question - Are you being a good ancestor?
I’m editing Grandma Perci’s sharing for my A Hundred Voices project. This Hopi Grandma has so much goodness and wisdom t...
This year my word(s) is Gentle Awareness - and I have to say that since I’ve been focusing on this new invitation I have...