Orchard Rest Farm Videos

Videos by Orchard Rest Farm. Once the site of the Orchard Rest speakeasy, now our family farm. We have free range chicken eggs,

Dust bath anyone?

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Other Orchard Rest Farm videos

Dust bath anyone?

New momma on the farm. 10 cute chicks and 2 ducklings. The ducklings crack me up. Our first time having ducklings. Snuck them under mom last night so she woke up today with them. Momma is teaching babies how to eat yummy grapes.

A little flash back Friday, cuteness overload. This little nugget is baby Duke the day we got him. He was in pretty sorry shape. Had infections in both his eyes. Dirt and muck all over his little face. (Which is normal with outdoor babies) so I was washing him up trying to make sure nothing else was wrong. He was 3 days old in this video. 12 ounces. Which is officially the smallest baby I’ve ever hand raised successfully. He kept biting and shaking the warm wet wash cloth. Not sure if he was trying to play with it or kill it for washing his face. Duke is now 6 months old and a very very sweet little piggy.