Lost and Found - a journey through discovery

Lost and Found - a journey through discovery

Reiki Practitioner
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
Certified Professional Coach, Life Coach


Make time for more fun in your life! Rid yourself of some of your "have to do chores" and give yourself more time for the "love to do things"
For more information email [email protected]


Lost and Found is happy to announce new services have been added. In keeping with the feel of the business, an errand service is now offered. My hope is to allow those that have lost independence, find freedom and for those that have lost life balance, find more joy. For a complete list of services feel free to email me at [email protected]. I offer senior services, new mother services, in home meal preparation and much more. Gift Certificates are available ~ give the gift of time!!

Timeline photos 02/04/2017

Pet loss......a grief not easy to share.

The death of pet can hurt as much as the loss of a relative 27/03/2017

This article explains beautifully why the loss of a pet can be so devastating, and demonstrates how misunderstood people can feel, in this situation.

The death of pet can hurt as much as the loss of a relative How could a dog’s death hurt as much as that of a relative? The author assesses that feeling.

Timeline photos 24/03/2017

Should you wish further information for working through the grief associated with the loss of a dear pet and friend, contact me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 15/03/2017

Do you know how to talk to your child about their grief? Sometimes it is difficult to think of what to say but, to not acknowledge their feelings is not the answer. Ignoring, dismissing or downplaying the situation can lead to your child feeling unheard, giving them the unspoken message that they should not be feeling sad or confused. For more information on helping your child grieve and the When Children Grieve Program, contact [email protected] or visit www.lostandfoundcoaching.com

Timeline photos 04/10/2016

When we lose someone dear to us, we are left wishing things had been better, different or more. In every relationship we shared with someone, we are left with unmet hopes, dreams and expectations. For more information on the Grief Recovery Method contact me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 10/08/2016

Sometimes taking the first step on the road to recovery can be the hardest step to make. Take a moment and imagine what addressing incomplete communications from past relationships would feel like. What if it allowed you to complete the pain of unfinished emotions? Wouldn't it be wonderful to open your heart again, and stop being in protection mode, afraid to expose yourself to new relationships. If you are ready for a change email me at [email protected] for more information or visit my website www.lostandfoundcoaching.com

Timeline photos 30/07/2016

Our pets give us unconditional love, never disappointing us or hurting our feelings. The loss of a beloved pet can leave us feeling isolated, as our grief is not always understood or acknowledged by others close to us. This can make it difficult to share our feelings and get the support we may need. Should you require assistance in moving through the pain of losing a dear fur friend, email [email protected] for further information.

Timeline photos 03/07/2016

Is there something you want to do but you're holding back? Maybe you want to say something to someone, but you are having problems building up the courage to express your feelings? Ask yourself this.....what is worse, never trying or taking a chance, or living with regrets and questioning, what if I had just said this, done that? Don't let fear hold you back. Wonderful opportunities may be passing you by because you are listening to negative self talk. Remember, you have the potential to accomplish and experience great things in life! Believe in yourself!

Timeline photos 08/06/2016

Have you ever dismissed a thought that keeps persistently popping into your mind? Do you tell yourself, you're just worrying about nothing? Trust yourself.....listen to your inner voice. It is speaking to you loud and clear. Sit quietly, away from all the commotion and noise and open your mind, ears and heart to what you are being told. It just may be the best advice you have gotten in a while!

Timeline photos 17/05/2016

Reiki energizes the mind, body, and spirit. This energy healing technique offers many benefits to those receiving it. It promotes relaxation, and physical healing and as well, aids in reducing stress and anxiety. It can help you in releasing emotional issues, and aids in pain relief, and can be safely used along side other medical treatments. To book either a half hour session or an hour session, contact me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 17/05/2016

Everyone experiences and deals with loss in their own way. If you are dealing with grief due to the loss of a family member, loss of health, loss of pet, or the breakdown of a relationship, and you are ready to take the necessary steps to overcome your grief, email me at [email protected] . Together we can work towards completion of unmet dreams, hopes and expectations. Whenever a loss of any kind occurs, we always wish things had finished better, different or more. Make the first step towards recovery.

Timeline photos 12/04/2016

Join me Sunday, April 24/16 1pm-3pm for an afternoon of relaxation. Learn the benefits of meditation as well as various methods and techniques to help with emotional and physical wellness. Cost $15.00 and refreshments provided. Limited spots available so please email me at [email protected] to reserve your space by April 20th.

Timeline photos 12/04/2016

Join me either Thursday, April 21/16 1pm-3pm or Wednesday April 27/16 7pm-9pm for an informational workshop on the benefits of two different energy healing modalities. Information/demonstration will take place. Cost $15.00 and refreshments provided. There will be a draw for a free session. Space is limited so please email me at [email protected] to reserve your space for desired date.

Timeline photos 07/04/2016

Join me either Thursday, April 21/16 1pm-3pm or Wednesday April 27/16 7pm-9pm for an informational workshop on the benefits of two different energy healing modalities. Information/demonstration will take place. Cost $15.00 and refreshments provided. There will be a draw for a free session. Space is limited so please email me at [email protected] to reserve your space for desired date.

Timeline photos 07/04/2016

Join me Sunday, April 24/16 1pm-3pm for an afternoon of relaxation. Learn the benefits of meditation as well as various methods and techniques to help with emotional and physical wellness. Cost $15.00 and refreshments provided. Limited spots available so please email me at [email protected] to reserve your space by April 20th.

How the Meridians and Chakras Work Together? - Reiki Rays 04/04/2016

How the Meridians and Chakras Work Together? - Reiki Rays Chakras are spiritual energy centers located in our spiritual bodies that channels Universal Life force Energy or Qi/Ki both (In and Out) of our physical and spiritual selves. They are considered both transmitters and receivers of energy. Meridians are energy paths in the body in which Qi/Ki flows t…

Lost And Found Coaching – Lost And Found Coaching 17/03/2016


Energy Healing:

Reiki - $35 for ½ hour or $60 for 1 hour, In home service available
Distance Reiki - $30 for ½ hour or $75 for 3 ½ hour sessions
Animal sessions - $30 for 30 to 45 minutes

Reiki Home Party - Each person receives a ½ hour session $30 Max: 8 attendees

***New as of May 1st 2016 Axiatonal Alignment Therapy***

Life Coaching Services:

In Home/Office Mini Workshops – $20 per person Topics: Time Management, Power of No, Self Care, Finding your Passion and many others. Your choice of topic and no charge for the hostess.

One on One Life Coaching – Fees to be discussed.

Grief Recovery Services:

Grief Recovery Method Support Group or One on One. -Educational based program to assist in working through a loss of any kind. Fees to be discussed.

-Pet Loss support
-When Children Grieve support

Contact: Alyson Gibbs @ 905-979-0635
or [email protected]

Lost And Found Coaching – Lost And Found Coaching

Timeline photos 26/02/2016

Ask yourself this.....

How does that benefit you?

Timeline photos 16/02/2016

Our pets don't disappoint us or hurt our feelings, they just love us unconditionally. The loss of a pet can leave us feeling isolated, as our grief is not always understood or acknowledged by others close to us. This can make it difficult to share our feelings and get the support we may need. Should you require assistance in moving through the pain of losing a dear fur friend, email [email protected] for further information.

Timeline photos 16/02/2016

If you have not yet experienced the relaxing effects of a Reiki session, or have been wanting to try something that could benefit your overall wellness, help you sleep better, or aid in pain relief naturally, email me at [email protected] to set up an appointment. I have $10 off an hour session, and $5 off a half hour session until March 31/16.

Why not host a reiki party in the comfort of your own home, and have fun with friends, while doing something positive for yourself at the same time. Invite friends to share in the experience and try a half hour session. The stress and anxiety reducing effects of Reiki are truly amazing!!

Timeline photos 11/02/2016

REIKI SPECIAL - $10 off an hour session, $5 off a half hour session, until March 31/16
Email me at [email protected] to book your appointment. Experience the relaxation, pain reducing, and stress reducing effects of reiki energy healing for yourself.
**special also applies to animal reiki sessions and distance healing sessions.**

Timeline photos 10/02/2016

Register for both festivals and SAVE $100 😊
Book Now: http://www.yogafest.org/ #!vendor/bg7ux

Timeline photos 04/02/2016

Reiki energizes the mind, body, and spirit. This energy healing technique offers many benefits to those receiving it. It promotes relaxation, and physical healing and as well, aids in reducing stress and anxiety. It can help you in releasing emotional issues, and aids in pain relief, and can be safely used along side other medical treatments. To book either a half hour session or an hour session, contact me at [email protected]

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

Looking for a way to clear the winter blahs? Why not host a fun, interactive mini workshop in the comfort of your own home. There are a variety of topics to choose from, including Finding Your Passion, The Impact of Forgiveness, Time Management, Goal Setting and more. Cost is $20.00 per person, and treats are provided. The hostess is free of charge, and is only responsible for beverages. For further information contact me at [email protected]

"I took the Power of No workshop with Alyson, and it absolutely went above and beyond all expectations that I had for it! It was such a fun and informative night and I would definitely recommend anyone to take one of Alyson's workshops" ~ Kristina, client

"Thank you for the privilege of attending Girls Night In. I thoroughly enjoyed my evening socializing and learning. You did an amazing job at presenting, The Power of No. You provided creative ideas and offered many suggestions. What a unique learning concept!! A must attend by all!! Great job Alyson!" ~ Susanne, client
