Honey Words
honey words is a woman-owned arts + crafts shop, based in Toronto, ON. Our brand was built on giving
honey words.
honey words is all about positivity, in its many forms.
The name came from the idea of keeping your words like honey; coming in all flavours and colours, but good honey is sweet and protects you and your body. Above all else, good honey never spoils.
honey words was started by Day Hambrock. Initially, the idea of this began in the Christmas Season of 2017, where she created and sold Christmas cards and all profits went to the Moss Park Safe Injection Site in Toronto. Now, ready to keep giving back, she has started honey words to create a permanent outlet to keep giving back.
Day Hambrock is a graduate from the Humber College Graphic Design program. After working in the field, she discovered that she needed an outlet to give back and do good. All of our products give back to different causes, and we're really dedicated to picking organizations that need our help.