Fit and Busy

Fit and Busy

I'm Laura, I'm an ER nurse and a fitness ju**ie. I love creating recipes in the kitchen (almost as much as I love wine)


Obviously I haven’t been posting or blogging ( like 2 years 🤦🏼‍♀️) but I am reviving the fitness side of my Instagram so, if you’re interested, check it out!


To be honest, I have been way off the workout wagon. I hit my pre-pregnancy weight and then just kind of trailed off. Sure, we stayed active but today I got in a real workout for the first time in a good while and hubby and I have committed to making workouts a priority again.


I'm pretty sure covering my protein brownie with Nutella makes it no longer "guilt free"... But it is tasty


So this week was supposed to be my week to kickstart my workouts again (I've been slacking) and instead I'm two days post gum surgery and not allowed to workout for another two... Best laid plans right?

Timeline photos 21/03/2016

It's time.

Timeline photos 10/03/2016

This is from December (on the left) to now. While I didn't see a huge difference from last month to this month, I'm having to remember I'm only 4 months postpartum! It took me 9 months to lose my muscle, so I'm going to give myself that long to get it back.

Timeline photos 18/02/2016

Mommy confession... Mornings are still my "me time". I sometimes feel guilty for just putting little man in his swing instead of baby carrier or interacting a lot while he's awake but here's the thing... A. He's happy in it! B. I'm a better mom when I eat a real breakfast and get a workout in. Of course there are mornings when he's fussy or we have somewhere to be but, for the most part, our routine works.

Timeline photos 18/02/2016

Mid-week giggle


Photos from Fit and Busy's post 10/02/2016

Monthly check in... I haven't been taking measurements because I really wanted to focus on just getting some strength back and rehabbing my core. I definitely feel stronger than last month so tonight I plan on taking measurements and am feeling even more motivated! FitFluential, For Two Fitness Maternity Fitness Apparel, Try About Time

Timeline photos 09/02/2016

I think I've shared this before but it's so true. What good is anything we do if we can't help others too?

Timeline photos 07/02/2016

3 months postpartum, 1 month into workouts. Need to get back into my meal plan, I've been slacking on diet for the past week or so but... I'm getting there.

Timeline photos 05/02/2016

Happy Mommy style!


Saw this today and I love it... "Eat well, workout often, smile more"


Quick review of About Time Vegan protein... I tried cinnamon spice. Flavor is decent for a plant protein (I'd say B+, I still prefer whey) and it mixed well with almond milk and 1/2 frozen banana. It is grittier than whey and mixes in a lot thicker. Hopefully it settles better with little man's stomach!

Timeline photos 13/01/2016

Oh hey there biceps... It's nice to see you again. Abs- I'm coming for you! (Keep in mind the hidden legs, which has always been my struggle 😝) I'll get there. My son is a reason, not an excuse. I want him to grow up knowing a healthy lifestyle

Timeline photos 08/01/2016

Happy Flex Friday! I used to roll my eyes about but I've actually come to like it. It forces me/you to find a body part you can feel proud of. Lately I've had a lot of negative self talk about my post baby body and this helps me refocus. So, what about you? What's a body part you're proud of? And, if you're at a point where you're happy and proud of where you're at overall- that's awesome, celebrate it!

Timeline photos 07/01/2016

Chicken and rice with onions for lunch in bed so little man will let me eat. He likes sleeping in our bed, I obviously won't let him if I'm not in the room so, whatever works right?

Also- diets don't have to suck. I'm eating more each day now than when I try to do it alone and feeling satisfied. Your body needs the right balance of fats, carbs and proteins to function correctly!

Timeline photos 06/01/2016

This month's progress pictures (with December's in the lower right corner). I'll be honest other than just being more active, I've really only started my meal plan and regular workouts the past couple days. While in the pictures I can see small changes- I'm excited for the next month with a solid meal plan and new workout routine! FitFluential For Two Fitness


When your 8 week son sleeps just long enough to make a healthy snack (cause you know better than to try for lunch) and you come back down to eat it but your dog beat you to it... 😠

FDA Finds Majority of Herbal Supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, And Target Don’t Contain... 05/01/2016

Always know what you're putting in your body

FDA Finds Majority of Herbal Supplements at GNC, Walmart, Walgreens, And Target Don’t Contain... The lack of regulations in regards to herbal products helps Walmart, Walgreens, Target, and GNC to take full advantage and sell the public supplements that do not contain the herbs on the label. The New York State attorney general’s office conducted an investigation into store-brand supplements at f…


It's been a disappointing morning and I'm feeling more stressed than I should be... Pretty solid sign it's time to get a work out in! The cleaning will hold another hour


So a friend has convinced me to join as a coach! While with school and the new baby I don't have a ton of time to dedicate right now, if there are any programs you're interested in please let me know! I'll be trying PiYo and can't wait to get it in the mail!

Timeline photos 07/12/2015

In the spirit of posting again... little man will be 4 weeks tomorrow (which is crazy) and that means I can slowly start exercising again until I get fully cleared at 6 weeks! So, here it is, my "before" picture. 4 weeks postpartum, no filters or make up because what good is a before pic if you're dolled up ;-)

Welcome to the World 07/12/2015

Finally posting little man's appearance on the blog! Welcome to the world baby boy.

Welcome to the World I'm a little (okay, a lot) late in posting but on November 10 at 1659, hubby and I got to meet our son! I have to say, as much of a whirlwind as it's been with the holidays and still trying to stay...

Maternity Update 31/10/2015

Just a little pregnancy update and some photos from the past couple weeks!

Maternity Update Well, tomorrow I hit 38 weeks. Which basically means little man could come any time... or he could wait another 2-3 weeks. I'm not great at the waiting game but I am trying to cherish the time left...

Mobile uploads 15/10/2015


THIS is the problem!! THIS!

Protein Pumpkin Spiced Pancakes 06/10/2015

Welcome to fall! Pumpkin pancakes to celebrate a day off. Enjoy!

Protein Pumpkin Spiced Pancakes Hello again! I know I've been quiet for some time now- I'd like to say it's going to get better but with work, my new school schedule, and the baby due next month... I'm just going to be realistic ...


I'm impressed and overwhelmed by the awesome response nurses have had to rally with Miss Colorado. Here's my only question... Why can't we do this for safe patient ratios or nurse safety? The lack of apology from The View has shown their ignorance won't be fixed, but we could try to fix real issues with the momentum. ENA (Emergency Nurses Association) AACN American Association of Critical-Care Nurses


My NURSE'S stethoscope has listened to a 16 year old's heart stop beating, it has confirmed breath sounds when I've been a part of a team that emergently intubated a patient to keep them alive, it has listened to a 3 year old having an allergic reaction who's mom is terrified, it has listened to a 90 year old who caught pneumonia... and each time the doctors have asked for my assessment- because they trust me. I have held family members who were just told we couldn't save their loved ones and I have been thanked by the family members of those we could. I have congratulated new moms while at the same time quickly assessing their child who was born out of the hospital to make sure they're both okay before a doctor even knew they were at the door. And I've done all this, and more, in my "costume" because it is a messy job. I've had blood, vomit, tears and sweat on those scrubs. So to the ladies and producers of who still haven't felt the need to apologize to the nursing community, I hope you never need me as your nurse. But if you do, I will be there with MY stethoscope, in MY scrubs, ready to save your life.

Mobile uploads 26/08/2015

This is why I try to keep blogging (even though I've been TERRIBLE lately). I love hearing from people I've been able to inspire/help to live or maintain a healthy lifestyle. It's not about fad diets and everyone being a fitness model, just about making healthy decisions!