Life of an Ex Tradwife

Life of an Ex Tradwife

An Ex Tradwife here to share my story and show the parts of being a tradwife that social media doesn't want you to see.


Thinking like this is meant to scare fragile and young men into thinking they need to like a certain type of woman. It's part of programming them to think a certain way and thus fall in line.

Pay attention, this is where is starts.

An account peddling toxic masculinity posted a photo of two athletic women, and asserted: “If you’re attracted to this body type in a woman it could be because the gay culture has gotten ahold of you.”

So, just to be clear: If you’re a guy, it could be “gay” of you to ::checks notes:: be attracted to ::checks notes again:: *women.*

…There’s just so much to unpack here, I don’t even know where to begin. 🤦🏻‍♀️ What’s your take?

And, what *would* we do without guys like [Redacted] Masculinity bloviating about their issues all over the manosphere? 😆💀


H/T Mike Shipley, Anarchist for this screenshot.

Not only is the wife NTA, she has terrible friends.

Planning for all possible futures is important. What she didn't touch on is her staying home also allows him to be more successful with his business. If he's not stressed an about who's watching the kids, he'll be able to focus better on his business. Her staying home, at his request, affords him the luxury of working whenever he wants. Though, I suspect he does that anyway as I'm sure if anything happened with the kids mom was the one to leave work and handle the situation.

Essentially, staying home at his request would also be helping his business. She deserves half.


I used to be amazing at cleaning. Handwashed all my dishes as my ex husband said the dishwasher was lazy. I had a strict rotation for the bedrooms, bathroom, mopping, and laundry. No matter what I did, it was wrong.

One day, I decided to surprise him by cleaning the entire house all at once. When he got home from work he noticed and for a split second I thought I'd finally pleased him and did things to his standards. It took him less than a minute to look around, tell me it looked OK, then tell me if I was gonna bother cleaning the whole house I should have also cleaned the miniblinds. This man nitpicked because I didn't dust the blinds on the window in the living room.

That's when I truly knew I would never be able to do anything correctly by his standards. Standards that constantly changed. Standards that weren't really there. They were an illusion used for control.

That's what the Tradwife movement is about. Control.


2018 brought a social media movement to glamorize what many call a traditional lifestyle. This came in the form of posts, videos, and even podcasts highlighting what is now referred to as being a Tradwife (short for traditional wife). The posts talk about how great being tradwife is. Videos show social media consumers what they believe is how great being a tradwife is.

But, as in all things social media, the whole picture is never shown. Tradwife influencers lure young women in with small things like quick cleaning tips or healthy snack options for your kids. Some start with religious undertones and loving Jesus. In the end, they are all promoting a lifestyle of submissiveness to their husbands.

The truth is, the tradwife movement isn't just meant to lure in young women, it's meant show men that this is what they should want and that they shouldn't settle for anything less. The point is to normalize submitting to men.

I started this page to share my stories from my time as what would now be considered a tradwife. I hope my stories will shed light on what really happens in marriages like this and expose the ugly underbelly of this movement.
