Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga

Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga

Functional, fundamental movement!
- Private 1 on one and 2 on 1 training
- Mobility & fundamental movement
- Yoga


The day of rest


Woulda never of guessed a Pilates reformer would be the next “new toy” in our gym!


Good start to my r&r! 📬


Firing up a few free Stretchtember mobility sessions on my weeks off from the mines over September! 10 sessions over 4 days. Limited places, bookings essential and available at


‘Tis never a bad idea to add a some stability to the single leg stuff from time to time! 👍


Haven’t done 5am workouts in years...but here we go again! 🌛

Photos from Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga's post 10/06/2020

First day up at one of the new mine site camps I’ll be floating between, Warrawandu! Also the first time I’ve scored a double bed in one of these rooms! 👍 ..Hopefully it’ll be made up before I knock off tonight! 🤷‍♂️


The current “gym setup” in the donga! Simple but effective 👍


🎉 Surprise swing to Whaleback/Kalgens/Warrawandu! 🤷‍♂️🛫

Photos from Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga's post 10/05/2020

2nd last day on site! ‘Tis gonna be a tough one 💪⛏


Something to think about!


Today’s illegible mine site sessions...4 days to go!


Core/yoga day up at the Yandi mine site camp!

I’m not usually one for shirtless selfies...but there’s something about working up here that leans me right out! That something is actually super simple...I get in a s**t-tonne more steps every day walking around site!

From a training perspective...Believe it or not, your abs are actually designed to keep your core stable under load...not to repetitively flex your spine! So train them that way!

Static holds, loaded carries, and simply learning how to brace your core properly during virtually every other exercise known to man is far more beneficial (and functional!) than endless sit-ups and crunches...Especially for beginners! That’s not to say sit-up/crunch variations don’t have a place anywhere in a program, but unless your already strong as s**t on things like advance plank variations...I wouldn’t program them too heavily!

Do you think Olympic gymnasts spend their days cranking out endless crunches to get those kinda abs? Not a chance!


3 keys to success!
1️⃣ Show up! Think always something, not all or nothing...
2️⃣ Don’t quit! Be consistent
3️⃣ Ask questions!

The big secret in the world of fitness is quite simple...Everything works! Do some things work better than others? Absolutely! But, for the general population, the thing that works best is the thing that you can stick to!

Here’s yet another messy look at today’s sessions up at the Yandi mine site camp!

Photos from Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga's post 04/05/2020

Quick gander at what’s on the cards for today’s mine site sessions...A quick core series and some yoga/mobility! Again, completely illegible to almost anyone but myself!


Today’s mine site circuit!..Probably makes f**k all sense to pretty much anyone but myself, but ah well! I’ll aim to get some video sequences up of each day while on my r&r 👍


The next weeks sessions up at Yandi. First sessions I’ve been allowed to run for about 10 weeks! 😬


The body weight squat complex in action from my donga. Far harder than it looks on paper (or in a Facebook feed!)

24 squats
24 reverse lunges
24 squat jumps
24 lunge jumps

Time how long it takes you to get through all that long...then start your next round!

3 rounds is plenty! You can do more if you like, this is my second round and my legs (as you can see!) were about ready to give out by the end of the lunge jumps!


🛫 Back to Yandi! Hopefully I’ll be allowed to run some small outdoor group stuff! 😬

Photos from Atlas - Strength • Conditioning • Mobility • Yoga's post 25/04/2020

Jax gearing up for this mornings squat matrix workout!


Some free at-home workout templates/exercise videos are now up at using little more than your own bodyweight!

Post your favourite workouts for others to have a crack at, keep yourself accountabe and ask any questions in our new group!


60 at home/isolation bodyweight conditioning exercises!

Many of these bring back memories from my 15+ years of basketball training. Pick 5-10 of them, pick one of the following intervals (or mix them up/make up your own!), set a time limit (say 4-6 minutes for beginners, up to...Meh, 15 minutes if you want to kill yourself! ☠️ and get after it!

40 seconds on/20 seconds off
30 seconds on/30 seconds off
20 seconds on/40 seconds off
60 seconds on/15 seconds off

All these exercises videos (plus a few more!) will be up on over the next week with a simple "plug and play" system for you to design your own at home workouts!

Stay tuned! 📺


A few social iso/home vertical pulling exercises!

This ends with a bunch of ab fall-out variations...which traditionally are considered an ab exercise (surprise!). However, while fall-outs surely do light up your whole mid section, your lats play a huge role in pulling yourself back up to the starting position...Basically mimicing the movement of a stiff arm pull-down.

All these exercises videos (plus a few more!) will be up on over the next week with a simple "plug and play" system for you to design your own at home workouts!

Stay tuned! 📺


Horizontal pull social isolation/home/hotel/whatever exercises!

It was bound to happen sooner or later...I screwed this video up a bit and had to cut some s**t outta it..In some instances this was my head cut outta the frame, in others, I had to remove complete exercises...But I'll re-do it when I get home!..Quick warning, the 1st 2 exercises take up the 1st 1:45 of the video...then it gets pumping through the rest!

All these exercises will be up on overt the next week and a half with a simple "plug and play" system for you to design your own at home workouts with!

Stay tuned! 📺


Hinge/posterior chain social isolation/home exercises!

Again, I will be adding to these when I get back home and throwing them up on my website for easy access/travel workout ideas (when this Covid-19 stuff is finally over and we return to some form of normality)...Along with a simple system to design your own workouts based on your abilities.

If you consider yourself a bit of a badass, give the single leg suspension strap stuff a go if you've never done it before and let me know how you get on!


Social isolation push-up variations!..This barely scratches the surface...So as with the previous quad dominant social iso video, I'll add more to this...lets call it a catalogue...of pushup variations and get them up on my website with some programming options over the next week or so!


At home quad dominant exercises from the comfort of my donga!
..I've decided rather than posting random workouts, I'm gonna get some montages of squat/hinge/pull/push/core and everything in-between exercises and provide a simple "plug & play" system for anyone who's interested to design their own minimal equipment, social isolation routines!

I'll add more to this video (and others) as time goes on and probably end up chucking them up on my website and/or YouTube for everyone to access! I'm working 12 hour days up here at the moment...So the plan is to smash this out when I get back home from Wednesday! I'll get some basic videos like this one up over the next few days though!

Bodyweight, bands, suspension straps, small paralette handles and sliders is the only equipment that'll be used. :)

Appologies for the crappy quality in the 1st half of the sure what happened there! 🤷‍♂️


Social isolation/donga workout #2 - Hinge/Pull..I’m back for another quick workout! I actually managed to capture the whole thing today! 👍

Pretty simple...started with a shin box series, 3 point lunge stuff, cat/cows and bird/dogs (...basically all the s**t I missed recording in the 1st one of these videos!)

From there, I just kinda made s**t up as I went along...I decided on a banded single leg RDL and a band bent over row for my “main lifts” for the day...but you could substitute them for all kinds of things to suit your equipment availability/level of fitness.

The whole workout looked like this...
Shin box series

Glute bridge 12-15
Pull aparts 12-15
Single leg bridge 12-15
Pull aparts 12-15

Work up sets:
Band single leg RDL x6
Band bent over row x8

Work sets: 6 minutes of as many sets of possible
Band single leg RDL x6
Band bent over row x8

Slide leg curl 1xamap
Band pull apart 50

Any questions, feel free to ask!
..Apologies if the video is a bit crappy, there’s something about being by myself, talking to my phone for an extended period of time that I find somewhat uncomfortable 🤷‍♂️ ...but looks like I’ll have plenty of time to get good at it!

Stay tuned, tomorrow (or maybe the day after) I’ll throw up a yoga/mobility session!


Well, I’m back at the Mulla Mulla BHP camp...Where like the rest of the country, our gym is closed! So, I figured I’d jump on the social media band wagon once again and post some of my own “self isolation workouts” from the cosiness of my donga!

Unfortunately I f**ked up filming the first 15-20 mins/coaching cues are missing! 🤦‍♂️ ...but today was a press/squat oriented day!

What’s missing? I started with a warmup...

A short shin box series
A lunge series
Cat/cow - Bird/dog series
*there will be videos of these as the week progresses!

Followed by 3 warmup sets
Body weight squats/prisoner squats x10
Pushups x10
*last set was actually caught on video! 👍

Then the meat and potatoes of the workout
Pistol squats x15,12,10,8,6,4,2
Banded pushups x15,12,10,8,6,4,2
..and a chest/quad stretch to round s**t out 👍

Regressions/progressions are pretty simple! Any questions/limited equipment issues, feel free to ask any questions!

I’ll probably alternate between a yoga session and a strength/conditioning session from day to day...and hopefully the filming will improve!

Videos (show all)

‘Tis never a bad idea to add a some stability to the single leg stuff from time to time! 👍
The body weight squat complex in action from my donga.  Far harder than it looks on paper (or in a Facebook feed!)24 squ...
Home Workouts
60 at home/isolation bodyweight conditioning exercises!Many of these bring back memories from my 15+ years of basketball...
Vertical Pulling
Horizontal pull social isolation/home/hotel/whatever exercises!It was bound to happen sooner or later...I screwed this v...
Hinge/posterior chain social isolation/home exercises!  Again, I will be adding to these when I get back home and throwi...
Social isolation push-up variations!..This barely scratches the surface...So as with the previous quad dominant social i...
At home quad dominant exercises from the comfort of my donga!...I've decided rather than posting random workouts, I'm go...
Social isolation/donga workout - Hinge/Pull
Self isolation workout 1 - press/squat
Still got it! 🏀 #fromcurryland


Opening Hours

Monday 05:30 - 21:00
Tuesday 05:30 - 21:00
Wednesday 05:30 - 21:00
Thursday 05:30 - 21:00
Friday 05:30 - 21:00
Saturday 06:30 - 06:30
Sunday 07:30 - 06:30