Nourished Way nutrition

Nourished Way nutrition

Simplifying Plant-Based eating for the everyday athlete
BS in Nutrition & Exercise Science
12 Week Program + Meal Planning

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 10/02/2024

February race ✅
8:42 pace
3rd in my age group
6th female overall
29th overall

This felt good. Running at my old stomping grounds, sunshine, the energy of a good playlist and other runners. Feeling especially proud of my 2nd running over a month post COVID and sinus infection.

Was this my fastest 5K? Nope, but I ran my own race and did my best, today and that’s what it’s about.

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 07/02/2024

Still got it!

This is my first run in a month. I wasn’t expecting to get COVID that turned into a sinus infection. I needed to ease back into moving my body again and not over-do it while I was recovering. I made sure to hydrate before and after with

I didn’t know what to expect from this run. I am grateful every single time I move my body but it’s especially a good reminder that at any time, you might not have access to movement like you used to.

If you are lucky enough to have the opportunity, space and a healthy body to exercise, consider yourself grateful and don’t take it for granted and if you get thrown off track, you can always come back, no matter how long it’s been.


Back at it again with for another year of sharing my most favorite hydration product. I became an ambassador in 2018, when Nuun was in a tiny little space in the International District in Seattle and did in person tastings in their office. With my upcoming year of races, there’s no one I trust more to have in my hydration pack.


First race of the year ✅

For 2024 I’m committing to a race every month. Starting off with a Virtual 5k this month since I’ll be traveling. Ok this years docket so far : more 5ks, 10ks, a half marathon and triathlon.

My goal is about consistency, showing up for myself and getting uncomfortable. What are you doing this year?


Why are you waiting?

This isn’t a post about or to tell you that we all have the same hours in the day because I know that’s not true. It takes work to show up every day for yourself, to choose to make time for movement, to prioritize nourishing foods, to drink water, take care of your mental health and get enough sleep. But waiting for a someday when things are more calm to do these things, isn’t coming.

You deserve this, every day, in whatever way works for yourself. As you look at the new year, and think about who you want to be a year from now - what are you waiting for?

If you want to get started - I’d love to work with you - check out my services in my bio.


Why are you waiting?

This isn’t a post about or to tell you that we all have the same hours in the day because I know that’s not true. It takes work to show up every day for yourself, to choose to make time for movement, to prioritize nourishing foods, to drink water, take care of your mental health and get enough sleep. But waiting for a someday when things are more calm to do these things, isn’t coming.

You deserve this, every day, in whatever way works for yourself. As you look at the new year, and think about who you want to be a year from now - what are you waiting for?

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 07/12/2023

Simple, nourishing & easy 🌱

Coming up with ideas to feed yourself nourishing foods every single day is hard. Need to turn your brain off but still want to eat a plant-focused, nourishing meal? This is my formula for a weeknight lunch or dinner that you can throw together with ingredients you either buy pre-done or meal-prepped at the beginning of the week.

Prioritize Protein First 20/11/2023

Self-Care Challenge, Black Friday Deals & Free Recipe Book

Prioritize Protein First Prioritize Protein First

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 31/10/2023

Terrifying 😂

👻🌱 Honestly, could you imagine anything worse?

Happy Halloween!


Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 25/10/2023

All or nothing -

You are not going to do everything perfect all the time. I certainly don’t and despite what instagram influencers make you think, they aren’t either.

When you try to do it 100% all the time, it’s not realistic. So of course you meander off the path and then feel bad about it and give up.

Sustainable change comes from balance and consistency. You can have pizza and salad in the same day, you can move your body one day and rest the next and you’ll still make it to your goals faster than if you go all in and then stop over and over.

Give yourself some grace, a little movement and some chocolate and keep showing up.

Write a caption...


Can you even?

What would this look like? Would this look like talking about food in a different way? Would it look like not talking about food at all?

Though it may take work, It’s never too late to change your relationship with food. Food is so much more than calories. It is family, and joy and community. It provides energy, and gives us nutrients so our bodies can thrive. It gives us protein so we can build muscles to carry our children and have strong bones. It gives us fat for satiety and so our bodies can make hormones and create cell walls. It gives carbohydrates so our cells have energy and our brains can handle all the things we throw at it.

What if, just today, you thought about food differently - how would the rest of your life change?


You already know this

Perfection doesn’t exist, and thank god, because it sounds boring but you can’t sit around and expect to see changes in your energy, mood, fitness, body if you aren’t doing something different. Unsure of where to start? If it feels overwhelming, here are my top tips to start where you are.

1. Set Clear Intentions:
What do you actually want? Not what your sister wants, or your partner or what you THINK you should do. What will help you show up every day - is that increased energy, better sleep, weight loss, or overall well-being? Get clear with yourself
2. Small Changes, Big Impact:
Big transformations often start with small, sustainable changes. Instead of overhauling your entire routine overnight, focus on incorporating one new healthy habit at a time. Whether it's drinking more water, adding an extra serving of vegetables to your meals, or going for a short walk each day, these small changes accumulate over time. These small habits also help contribute to a sense of accomplishment and help us keep going.
3. Chose Nutrient-Dense Foods When You Can:
No one is out here eating kale salads and egg white omelettes every day, because that would be awful. Just try to fill your plate with a colorful array of nutrient-dense foods as often as you can.
4. Move Your Body:
You know you should be doing it. You know you feel better when you do it. Consistency is key, so don’t pick something you hate, if you actually enjoy it, it’s a lot easier to show up.
5.Hold Yourself Accountable:
No one should be out here doing it alone. Consider partnering with a friend, or if you want some extra support, check out my coaching options to see how we can work together. My favorite part of coaching is being alongside you for those wins, both big and small.

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 17/08/2023

Not just for looks 😎

Sure, exercise can help with your , but when you don’t see immediate progress, it’s easy to stop. If you’re looking for some other excuses to prioritize some me-time and squeeze in your fitness- Here are my favorite things about exercise that aren’t focused on the scale.

* Boosts Energy Levels: Regular exercise increases your overall energy levels and reduces feelings of fatigue, keeping you energized throughout the day.
* Improves Mood: Exercise stimulates the production of endorphins, also known as "feel-good" hormones, which can enhance your mood, reduce stress, and alleviate symptoms of anxiety or depression.
* Increases Strength and Stamina: Exercise helps build muscle strength and endurance, allowing you to perform daily tasks more efficiently and reducing the risk of injuries.
* Boosts Immune System: Regular physical activity strengthens the immune system, making you less susceptible to common illnesses like colds and flu.
* Promotes Better Sleep: Exercise can improve the quality and duration of your sleep, helping you feel more rested and rejuvenated.
* Reduces the Risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular exercise lowers the risk of developing various chronic conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancer.
* Enhances Bone Density: Weight-bearing exercises, such as walking or resistance training, can increase bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
* Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem: Regular physical activity can enhance your body image, boost self-confidence, and improve overall self-esteem.
* Improves Digestive Health: Exercise promotes healthy digestion, reduces constipation, and can alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders.

What’s your favorite benefit you get from exercise?


Embrace progress over perfection

I don’t know about you, but I’m not a robot. I’m out here, doing the best I can every day, and that doesn’t always mean “perfect”. Parenting and life will throw a lot of curve balls at you; your job is to keep showing up, remember to take small steps every day for your own wellness and mental health. All those things add up over time, I promise 😉

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 07/08/2023

Step Away from the coffee ☕️

It’s time to embrace some new afternoon snacks! When that 2pm slump starts creeping in, make sure to have these these plant-focused superstars ready to help you power through to the dinnertime hustle.

- Yogurt + Berries + Granola or nuts
- Homemade or store-bought energy bars
- Veggies + hummus
- Avocado Toast on sprouted bread
- Dark chocolate - YESSSS
- Edamame
- Protein powered smoothie
- Roasted chickpeas
- Fruit + nuts

Which one is your favorite?


🌿🍴 Nourished Way Nutrition's Meal Planning Service is HERE! 🍽️✨

Are you exhausted with figuring out what to make for dinner every night? Say hello to a nourishing journey like never before. My meal plans include delicious dishes with family-friendly recipes to prioritize eating more plants for any lifestyle, we've got you covered!

If you’re excited nourish your body, prioritize your wellness and eat more plant-based foods, but not ready to commit to coaching, my subscription service is perfect for anyone who is ready to take it to the next level. Scared of commitment? You can sign up for just a month to try it out and there are other recipe e-books you can download, including some ones!

I’m so excited to offer this new way to help people every day and take the mental load of planning off of your busy schedule!

Checkout the link to my shop in my bio!

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 28/07/2023

I HATE this -

A lot of people get outside more when the weather gets nice, and I certainly enjoy a nice sunny walk but as far as running? No thanks. I will take a cloudy, 50 degree day over 70 and sunny any day. Alas, I can’t just pause my running for 3-4 months out of the year so I suck it up and try to make it as tolerable as possible.

How do I do that? Here are my top tips to stay cool if you are like me and start to melt when you have to take your workout outside in the summer.

- Wear a visor - It me a while to come around on this but it keeps the sun out of your face and makes a HUGE difference
- Pre-hydrate - hydration doesn’t just happen on the road, you need to start hydrated since you will lose 3-4 pints via sweat per hour. Also - water isn’t going to cut it - use something like to
- Freeze your pack - this is a GAME-CHANGER. Not so it’s completely frozen but throw it in the freezer 30 minutes before you head out the door and it’ll be partially frozen and thaw as you go = nice, ice cold, slushy water for your run
- Light clothing - this is not the time to channel your inner goth - stick to light colors and breathable fabrics
- Sunscreen - I know you’re not out here trying to get wrinkles when you’re trying to get fit - this is non negotiable. Put it on boo.
- Rise & run - get out as early as you can, and avoid the hottest times of the day if possible

That’s it! Hope this helps - do you love running in the warm or cold weather?


Everything is a choice, including what you’re not choosing.

Are you ready for some real talk?

I tell my 4 year old this almost every day and it applies to adults too. Prioritizing your wellness, your health, your fitness, or NOT, is your choice, and no one else’s. We are all busy and juggling a lot but if you genuinely want to make a change, you are the only one who can make that decision.

What truly matters to you? Nourishing your body? Moving with purpose? Nurturing your mental well being? Having energy to keep up with your kids? Remember, wellness is not about perfection but progress, every day and finding what works for you.

Ready to embrace a healthier and happier you? Let’s go - schedule a free consultation with me to figure out what we can do - link in bio.


🍽️✨ Master the Art of Meal Prep! ✨🍴
Feeding your family nutritious meals amidst the chaos of daily life can feel overwhelming. I've got you covered with time-saving grocery store hacks and meal prep tips to make it easier than ever.

From meal planning and strategic shopping to pre-cut produce and one-pot wonders, discover my top secrets to save time, money, and sanity in the kitchen.

For the full list of tips and tricks, click the link in my bio and reclaim your kitchen kingdom! 👑🥗

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 10/07/2023

Vacation Vibes 🌲

I just got back from a week-long vacation with my family and as relaxing as it was, I’m really glad to be back in my routine.

I know a lot of people stress about losing their fitness or over indulging while on a trip, but the reality is, you can enjoy vacation and still feel like you’re making your wellness a priority.

Here is how I focused on my well-being without stressing or missing out on anything -

1️⃣ Know that fitness is not a priority but movement is
2️⃣Cook meals when I can, but be ok with eating out
3️⃣ Find foods that are nourishing most of the time
4️⃣ Carry a huge water bottle, stay hydrated with
5️⃣ Continue to practice good sleep hygiene + take naps when possible
6️⃣ Walk, play in the pool, go on hikes
7️⃣ Use sunscreen every day

What are your favorite ways to be well while traveling?


6 Easy Make Ahead Vegan Breakfasts

Look, you’re busy. I’m busy, but you still need to eat breakfast. Starting your day with no gas in the tank is a recipe for plummeting blood sugar, brain fog and grabbing something that won’t actually help you later. No more excuses.

Here are my top plant-based breakfasts packed with fiber, protein and healthy fat to start your day quickly, the nourished way.

- Overnight oats - batch make all of these at once and grab and go in the morning for an easy on the go breakfast
- Savory muffins - Bake savory muffins using vegetables, herbs, and spices and reheat in the morning with some fruit
- Chia pudding - So easy to make a big batch and then add fresh fruit, yogurt or granola to this in the morning
- Vegan breakfast burrito - Scramble some tofu and add roasted veggies, vegan cheese and roll it up and freeze it. Pull one out and warm it up and you’re good to go!
- Smoothies - prep all the fruit into individual bags so you can just throw it in with your protein powder and milk in the morning
- Energy bars - you can even buy these if you prefer, but you can easily make a big batch and store them in the fridge all week

Are you a savory or sweet breakfast person? Which of these sounds good to you?

Happy break-fasting!

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 22/06/2023

Embracing serenity in a chaotic world. ✨✨✨

Are you stressed AF? Need to bring it back down to earth?

Here are my quick tips to manage stress with food, exercise and lifestyle choices to nourish your soul.


Welcome back

When I found running it became the thing that quieted my mind. It balanced everything out. It gave me a space to be free from stress and anxiety and just move.

I became a better, stronger and more balanced person. Finding that person again after having two kids has been hard. For a long time it felt like something was missing, a huge part of my identity as no longer available because my body wasn’t ready or I didn’t have the time.

Making time to train and complete this half marathon was like coming home. The joy I felt in the first few minutes was overwhelming and my body said, welcome back.

I am a better human, parent, wife, friend because of running, and I’ll be celebrating that every day, but especially today. Happy global Running day!


Bodacious Buckwheat -

This powerhouse food is actually a seed and has lots of impressive health benefits, check out the whole list!

1️⃣ Nutrient-rich: Buckwheat is packed with magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, and B-complex vitamins. These nutrients support energy production, bone health, and immune system support.
2️⃣ Excellent source of fiber: Buckwheat is an exceptional source of dietary fiber, particularly soluble fiber and can help with digestion.
3️⃣ Gluten-free alternative: This can be used as a flour in baked goods or as soba noodles for a great gluten-free dinner.
4️⃣ Heart-healthy properties: Buckwheat contains rutin and quercetin that help support healthy blood pressure levels, promote proper circulation, and assist in maintaining optimal cholesterol levels.
5️⃣ Antioxidant powerhouse: Buckwheat is rich in antioxidants, including phenolic compounds and flavonoids to help boost your immune system.
6️⃣ Blood sugar regulation: Buckwheat has a low glycemic index, meaning it causes a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar for more sustained energy and can help avoid blood sugar spikes and crashes.

Try buckwheat cooked whole as a breakfast grain instead of oatmeal, ground as flour in your baked goods or as soba noodles for your next stir fry!

Have you tried it yet?


Gratitude and movement :
Find joy in every step, strength in every breath, and gratitude in every motion.

In the final series of my series (closing it out on a Tuesday) I discuss how this practice can be the thing missing to help you push through motivation lulls, appreciate and love your body more and experience more joy in your workouts.

Check out the link in my bio to read the full list.


Let’s MOVE! 🏃🏻‍♀️

Do you love moving your body? Do you dread it? How about if you started by choosing something that you love instead of something you think you should do or something that works for a friend.

Then, can you bring more mindfulness to the practice overall? In my latest blog I discuss the ways to continue our mindfulness journey with movement .

- Choose your exercise with intention
- Be mindful during movement
- Be kind to yourself

For the full list check out the link in my bio and head over to the blog.

Photos from Nourished Way nutrition's post 19/05/2023

Don’t believe the hype -

There’s a lot of content out there about what you should and shouldn’t do, but the reality is there is not one magic bullet to health. Sure science is doing some incredible stuff but it really boils down to the basics here on simple, sustainable actions you can take to achieve our best health.

So what should you do? Here are some of what I see as the most overrated health trends what what’s underrated but works for my clients.

- Counting calories
- Fat free anything
- Avoiding any food after a certain time
- Juice cleanses
- Going hard with your exercise every day
- Keto

- Prioritizing more Whole Foods, specifically fruit and veggies
- Walking - exercise doesn’t have to be intense always to be effective
- Staying hydrated - your digestion, energy and brain depend on it - try something like for an extra boost
- Managing stress - doesn’t feel good or do your body any favors in excess
- Fermented foods - happy gut = happy life
- Prioritizing sleep - we all need to repair and restore

Which of these are you doing? Anything you need to cut back on?