ARTE Mutuo

ARTE Mutuo

Bringing you the highest quality art from the most current artists in Latin America, with a focus on ecological and cultural preservation, and sustainability.

ARTE Mutuo is a collective of Mexican and international artists and activists that aim to bring the socioeconomic benefits of the international tourism market in Mexico to otherwise excluded communities of the Yucatan Peninsula through urban art and art education, with a focus on sustainability as well as ecological and cultural preservation. Art, especially public art, has a long history of inspi

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 24/06/2023

If you are interested in buying the highest quality art 🎨 directly from the artists and craftsmen themselves, while also contributing to art education and intercultural exchange programs in Isla Mujeres, Mexico check out

All proceeds from this year’s sales will go towards:

🎥 Documentary on the oral history of the fishermen of Isla Mujeres

✈️ Travel expenses for Isla Mujeres’ artists to participate in Festival de Fuego 2024 in Santiago de Cuba

Recent sales through ARTE Mutuo by Rafael Baca-Art

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 21/11/2022

If you didn't get a chance to come out to the Art Expo on Saturday, no worries, all of the art will be in exhibition at Mahaché until December 2nd when the ARTE Mutuo artists will be taking it to exhibit in the Casa del Fundador in Villa de Leyva, Colombia during the Intercultural Exchange between Boyaca, Colombia and Isla Mujeres, Mexico. Mahaché is one of the businesses in Isla Mujeres that most supports local artists and musicians, and it also just happens to be one of the best restaurants in Isla Mujeres.

To make a reservation for lunch or dinner at Mahaché you can contact them at 9982363879 or directly through their page. Not hungry? Feel free to drop in anytime between 1:00 - 11:00 PM to check out the exhibition and pay a visit to their gallery/gift shop featuring jewelry, clothes, handicrafts, and art by local and international artists. They also have the best espresso and tiramisu on the Island, and nothing goes better with art than good coffee and pastries.

To book a private consultation with any one of the ARTE Mutuo artists, explore their portfolios, to purchase any on the art available at the exposition, or to donate to ARTE Mutuo artists' travel expenses to Colombia please visit the website:

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 25/04/2022

Español Abajo!
Last week, participating ARTE Mutuo artist Barbara Siebenlist Palomar (La Babi en Accion) started giving classes in the Casa de Cultura, downtown Isla Mujeres. Next week she will be starting classes for children and adults, and invites you to join, but also is reaching out to the community for art supplies donations! Below is the list of supplies she has provided to us and is hoping can be donated, any little bit helps! To organize donation drop off or for any questions regarding an item on the list, you may send Barbara a message on Facebook, we have tagged her profile in the comments of this post 🎨🖍

•Brushes - various sizes
•Drawing paper
•Watercolor paper
•Drawing pencils
•Colored pencils
•Blanket fabric
•Wood for racks
•Palettes for painting
•Spatulas for painting
•Cardboard / Poster board
•A4 paper sheets
•Paper illustration
•Pencil sharpener
•Rags to clean brushes
•Cups for water and cleaning materials

La semana pasada, la artista participante de ARTE Mutuo Barbara Siebenlist Palomar inició actividades en la Casa de Cultura, en el centro de Isla Mujeres. La próxima semana empezará con clases para niños y adultos, y te invita a sumarse, pero también se está pidiendo apoyo de la comunidad para donaciones de material de arte. A continuación está la lista de materiales que nos ha proporcionado y espera que se puedan donar, cualquier cosa ayuda! Para organizar la entrega de donaciones o cualquier pregunta sobre una cosa en la lista, puedes enviar un mensaje a Barbara en Facebook, hemos etiquetado su perfil en los comentarios de esta publicación 🖼🖌👩🏽‍🎨
•Pinceles de diferentes medidas
•Papel de dibujo
•Papel de acuarela
•Lápices de dibujo
•Lápices de colores
•Tela manta
•Madera para bastidores
•Paletas para la pintura
•Espátulas para pintar
•Hojas A4
•Papel ilustración
•Trapos para limpiar pinceles
•Vasos para agua y limpiar materiales

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 08/03/2022

Feliz Día Internacional de la Mujer de parte de nuestra equipo a ti! Al equipo de administración trabajadora - Kristen, Alexa y Tara, a las talentosas artistas femeninas con las que trabajamos - Barbara, Herenia, Valeria y Niz - a las increíbles mujeres con las que hemos colaborado, Paola y Mayra - y a todos las artistas con quien hemos trabajado y con quien trabajaremos en el futuro y con todas las demás mujeres hoy! 💪🏽✨
“La mujer debe romper con los modelos que la sociedad le impone, para alcanzar una imagen auténtica y buscar siempre elegirse a sí misma” - Rosario Castellanos
Happy International Women’s Day from our team to you! To the hardworking admin team - Kristen, Alexa and Tara, to the talented female artists we work with - Barbara, Herenia, Valeria, and Niz - to the amazing women we have collaborated with, Paola and Mayra - to all of the female artists we have worked with and will work with in the future and to all other women today! 💪🏽✨
"Women must break away from the models that society imposes on them, to achieve an authentic image and always seek to choose themselves" - Rosario Castellanos

Photos from Arte En Movimiento's post 03/12/2021


Photos from Arte En Movimiento's post 03/12/2021

Boyacá Vive Mexico 2021 💃🏽🔥🇨🇴🇲🇽

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 01/12/2021

Español Abajo ↓
Where in the world is ARTE Mutuo? 🌎🇨🇴
Join ARTE Mutuo Founder, Kristen Tywan, in Boyacá, Colombia as a participant in the “La Nación de la Lluvia" collective. They are attending Boyacá Vive Mexico 2021, a cultural exchange hosted by the organization, Arte En Movimiento. After more than a year long delay due to Covid, they are all finally gathered together in Colombia to experience the art and culture of Mexico through dance, music, photography, and more 🇲🇽🎶💃🏼
All the way from Quintana Roo, Mexico, Kristen is representing Isla Mujeres and has brought artwork by six of the talented participating ARTE Mutuo artists Antún Kojtom (Antun Kojtom Lam), Valeria Navarrete (Valeria Navarrete Artwork), Fredo Kenrin, Eleanor Niz, Dyg’nojoch (Dygnojoch) and Barbara Siebenlist Palomar (La Babi en Accion), who have all painted in and beautified the walls of Isla Mujeres. Their art will be displayed in the the exhibition, “Desde la Riviera Maya Hasta Mixteca Baja.” 🏝🎨
The group is currently in Bogotá enjoying the sites before starting their exhibitions in Boyacá on December 2.
A special thank you to artist Ulises A Machuca (Machuca - Arte Mixteco), representative and Manager of the collective Ñu Savi "Nación de la Lluvia”, and Paola Luna Rodriguez, the Director and Founder of the Arte en Movimiento organization for hosting us 🙌🏼🔥
¿Dónde en el mundo está ARTE Mutuo? 🌎🇨🇴
Sigue la fundadora de ARTE Mutuo, Kristen Tywan, en Boyacá, Colombia, como participante del colectivo “La Nación de la Lluvia”. Están participando en Boyacá Vive México 2021, un intercambio cultural organizado por Arte en Movimiento. Después de un retraso debido a Covid, finalmente todos se reúnen en Colombia para vivir el arte y la cultura de México a través de la danza, la música, la fotografía y más.. 🇲🇽🎶💃🏼
Desde Quintana Roo, México, Kristen está representando a Isla Mujeres y ha traído obras de seis de los talentosos artistas participantes de ARTE Mutuo, Antún Kojtom, Valeria Navarrete, Fredo Kenrin, Eleanor Niz, Dyg'nojoch y Barbara Siebenlist Palomar, que han pintado y embellecido las calles de Isla Mujeres. Su arte se exhibirá en la exposición “Desde la Riviera Maya Hasta Mixteca Baja.” 🏝🎨
El grupo se encuentra actualmente en Bogotá disfrutando de los sitios antes de comenzar sus exposiciones en Boyacá el 2 de diciembre.
Un agradecimiento especial al artista Ulises A Machuca, representante y gestor del colectivo Ñu Savi "Nación de la Lluvia", y a Paola Luna Rodríguez, Directora y Fundadora de Arte en Movimiento Gestión Cultural por recibirnos 🙌🏼🔥

Photos from ARTE Mutuo's post 17/09/2021

Last year we said “See you Later” to Barbara Siebenlist Palomar (La Babi en Accion) and Fredo Kenrin as they made their way to start their new adventure in Oaxaca, and today we get to say hello again as they arrive back in Isla Mujeres for the next 3 months! You may recognize Barbara’s beautiful work from all around the island - and she is back to offer her services while she’s in town. She can do mural work, mosaic and cement relief work, easel paintings, engravings, industrial design, graphic design and much much more! Feel free to send us a message via Facebook or an email to [email protected] if you are interested in hiring her 👩🏽‍🎨🖌
🎨If you would like a custom mural by Barbara on your vacation property or in your home, purchase your consultation here:
🖼If you would like a custom painting by Barbara, purchase your consultation here:
El año pasado les dijimos “Hasta Pronto” a Barbara Siebenlist Palomar y Fredo Kenrin mientras viajaron a comenzar su nueva aventura en Oaxaca, y hoy nos da gusto a saludarlos nuevamente cuando regresen a Isla Mujeres durante los próximos 3 meses. Es posible que reconozcas el hermoso trabajo de Barbara en toda la isla, y ella ha regresado para ofrecer sus servicios mientras está en aquí. Puede realizar trabajos de murales de pintura, mosaico y relieve en cemento, pinturas de caballete, grabados, diseño industrial, diseño gráfico y mucho más. No dudas en enviarnos un mensaje por Facebook o un correo a [email protected] si te interesa contratarla👩🏽‍🎨🖌
🎨Si desea un mural personalizado de Barbara en su propiedad de vacaciones o en su casa, compre su consulta aquí:
🖼Si desea una pintura personalizada de Barbara, compre su consulta aquí:

Photos from Mahaché's post 17/09/2021

Today at Mahaché starting at 6:00 PM 🙌🏼

Our Story

Who We Are
ARTE Mutuo is a collective of Mexican and international artists and activists that aim to bring the socioeconomic benefits of the international tourism market in Mexico to otherwise excluded communities of the Yucatan Peninsula through urban art and art education, with a focus on sustainability as well as ecological and cultural preservation.

Art, especially public art, has a long history of inspiring, recording, uniting, and creating positive change. Along with nature and cultural sights, art is also one of the most important travel attractions globally, greatly contributing to the world’s number one export earner; international tourism. Combining art’s ability to inspire positive social change and its force to attract visitors from every corner of the planet, we can promote a more practical and sustainable yet equally lucrative form of tourism to the less frequented parts of the peninsula.

Our goal is to utilize art as a means of uniting artists from around the globe, local peoples, student populations, governments, associations and community stakeholders to a common social cause, and to demonstrate the power of social unity and responsible citizenship through art.

Quiénes Somos
ARTE Mutuo es un colectivo de artistas y activistas mexicanos e internacionales, que tienen como objetivo llevar los beneficios socioeconómicos del mercado turístico internacional en México a comunidades excluidas de la península de Yucatán a través del arte urbano y la educación artística, con un enfoque en la sustentabilidad, así como en la ecología y la cultura de la preservación.

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