From My Metta

From My Metta

From My Metta is a journal of observations, images, quotes and articles of local and global community practices of loving kindness.

From My Metta: Metta is a Buddhist word defined as loving kindness – goodwill to all. “May all beings without exception be happy.”

May all beings be happy, content and fulfilled. May all beings be healed and whole. May all have whatever they want and need. May all be protected from harm, and free from fear. May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease. May all be awakened, liberated and free. May

Elation: The Amazing Effects of Kindness 08/04/2021

Elation: The Amazing Effects of Kindness Acts of altruism have far-reaching effects. Could our sense of elation from witnessing kindness be a manifestation of humanity's higher nature?

Episode 74: 24 Hours of Kindness 28/08/2020

Kindness can produce meaningful life changes

Episode 74: 24 Hours of Kindness Why should you be nice? Our guest explores how small, daily acts of kindness can produce meaningful life changes.

New UCLA institute will study — and spread — kindness 15/10/2019

Studying kindness at UCLA

New UCLA institute will study — and spread — kindness UCLA is launching an interdisciplinary research institute on kindness, exploring its health benefits and exploring ways to spread it.

No hugging: are we living through a crisis of touch? 30/09/2019

Just a reminder.

No hugging: are we living through a crisis of touch? Strokes and hugs are being edged out of our lives, with doctors, teachers and colleagues increasingly hesitant about social touching. Is this hypervigilance of boundaries beginning to harm our mental health?

UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute established with $20 million grant 28/09/2019

Studying kindness.

UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute established with $20 million grant A new institute at UCLA aims to undertake research, engage in public outreach and educate students on kindness.The UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute, established Wednesday, was funded by a $20 million…

UCLA receives $20 million grant to study kindness 28/09/2019

UCLA receives $20 million grant to study kindness The now-established UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute hopes to use its research to promote kindness and create a more humane world.

Find Your Lovingkindness On The Mat With Metta In Motion 17/09/2019

To invite more metta into our hatha yoga practice.... taking five or 10 minutes, when we first came to our mats, to hold ourselves in the embrace of loving awareness.

Find Your Lovingkindness On The Mat With Metta In Motion Learn how to infuse your hatha yoga practice with metta in motion to find your lovingkindness.

How to Practice Loving-Kindness 12/09/2019

"When I discovered other translations of the word metta, like care, friendliness, goodwill, and benevolence, the practice began to feel more accessible and less lofty. Metta felt like something I could touch and cultivate daily. The great balancer began to do its work. My doubt began to melt."

How to Practice Loving-Kindness Joanna Harper teaches us the famed Buddhist practice of metta – offering love to ourselves and others.

The Moral Bucket List 17/02/2016

The Moral Bucket List What kind of adventures produce goodness, rather than build résumés?

Timeline photos 23/10/2015

Beautiful wisdom.


It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart,
Even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth.
It is to build a house with affection,
Even as if your beloved were to dwell in that house.
It is to sow seeds with tenderness and reap the harvest with joy,
Even as if your beloved were to eat the fruit.
It is to charge all things you fashion
With a breath of your own spirit.
~Kahlil Gibran~


“Let gratitude be the pillow upon which you kneel to say your nightly prayer.” ― Maya Angelou


"My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness." ~Dalai Lama~

Seane Corn: Grief Transforms Us 02/07/2015

Seane Corn: Grief Transforms Us Grief is non-discriminatory, often inconvenient, and can hit us like a brick

How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing... 17/05/2015

How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on the Four Steps to Arguing... "Just how charitable are you supposed to be when criticizing the views of an opponent?" "In disputes upon moral or scientific points," Ar


"Once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue, a wonderful living side by side can grow, if they succeed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see the other whole against the sky."
Rainer Maria Rilke


"The yamas and niyamas are the beginning two stages of Patanjali’s eight-limbed path to yoga consciousness – enlightenment. They are the end as well. One does not begin on the real path of yoga unless they are intent on true self-improvement, with the sincere desire to be the best that a human being can be. That’s yoga. To be on the path of becoming the best example of what a human being can be, in every moment. Any human, regardless of their religion or race, taking on this monumental and holy endeavor, is practicing yoga, call it whatever you wish. And if you take this task of self-betterment to heart, you will, no doubt, be practicing the yamas and niyamas."~Devarshi Steven Hartman~

Timeline photos 08/04/2015

“There is in all the universe, including man, a balancing power of good, of perfection, which causes a readjustment, a healing, to set in after every transgression of the law, every wandering away from that which is wholesome and true…Man seems ever to have wandered away to the limit; then a great reaction has set in, and he has been led back to a saner level. Thus he evolves, grows; and finally he shall come into a full consciousness of his perfect good.” ~Charles Fillmore~

Loving-Kindness: An Essential for Everyone 07/04/2015

....realizing that self-care, anything done on a regular basis to help enhance or maintain overall health and well-being, is far from being selfish. In fact, it is necessary so that we can be our most effective selves, both personally and professionally.

Loving-Kindness: An Essential for Everyone Learning this lesson, and realizing that self-care, anything done on a regular basis to help enhance or maintain overall health and well-being, is far from being selfish. In fact, it is necessary so that we can be our most effective selves, both pers...

10 Ways To Make Positive Life Changes 06/04/2015

Do something nice for someone else. Help out at a hospital or shelter, perform a random act of kindness for a stranger, buy a greeting card for a friend or family member you have not spoken to in awhile.

10 Ways To Make Positive Life Changes Spring brings with it a sense of renewal, and I've found it's the perfect time to reinvent your self. Shake off those winter cobwebs and take steps to reassess and renew your life! Here are 10 tactics I use to freshen my perspective and stimulate po...

It's Cool to Be Nice at Tennessee High School 22/03/2015

It's Cool to Be Nice at Tennessee High School Acts of kindness have become the cool thing to do at Independence High School in Thompson's Station.
