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I was a little surprised…

I was working out yesterday and had a trainer friend text me asking to give him a call.

After some small talk he said I need some help and I’m sorry to bug you.

I can’t get a head and I feeling a little burned out getting up at 4am and not finishing till 8pm each night. Plus I frustrate because My bank account sucks. I know your were a coach and trainer too and I see your success now what did you do?

This is what I shared with him.

The system of trading hours for dollars was not working. I know the 30/hr of training was good until I factored in things like:

✅ Time spent creating workout plans 💪🏻 not getting paid for that time.
✅ Broken equipment 👎🏻 lost time not getting paid to fix it.
✅ Gas spent driving to and from gym ⛽️ only costing more
✅ Answering your phone around the clock ⏰ to schedule people or reschedule them.
✅ No show Clients 😡 meant no money and lost time.

All before I even train one person. Time is being stolen from us and the hourly rate keeps going down, because I was putting time other place that don’t pay me. The reality was, if I keeped this model. I was going to end up very frustrated, broke and my family was going to suffer

I shifting my mindset to a system that could earn me money as I was training or coaching. Plus still earn me money when I was not training or coaching (residual income). Plus I need a business that fits into what I was already doing.

I found the answer with a fittness and nutrition DNA company. A good friend was crushing. Plus the People I was working with wanted faster results the DNA assessment did that. Plus they were using supplements all right. Way not offer the best that could be personalized to them and their body. Now I had a system working for me, because it was all online and everything was already set up. All I had to do was train people and share how the DNA assessment could help them. That is how it all started to change. Then it took off from there and now we make more on the side with DNA then training.
He asked can I see more

I then gave him this


You ever feel like no matter how hard you work nothing changes? 😏 It is like this revolving circle of the same old result ”FRUSTRATION”

Frustration my pants don’t fit even though I’m eating salads 🥗 

Frustration you workout & the scale still reads FAT 😡

Frustration I try to get to bed early but still wake up exhausted 😵‍💫

Frustration we are going 100 mph every night and don’t have time as a family.

Frustrated I give everything to my job, but the paycheck does not grow with the family‘s needs. 😔

Heather and I can tell you, you’re not alone we were in this exact spot 💯 frustrated with our hands in the air ready to just quit.

What changed?

We took some advice from some great friends who changed their life too. With a one size DON’T fit all approach for our health. We personalized our workouts and our diet with a DNA health & fitness assessment. We lost weight and started feeling better. I started sleeping again. Then we started sharing DNA assessment with others to help them get results too. This opportunity changed our finances tremendously and has started to help others too. We now have family time and the family needs are covered and then some.

That feeling of frustration is gone and replaced with the feeling of winning the day and the year!!

It is a great feeling and YOU can have it too. You just have to ask how to start….


Bowling 🎳 fun!!


Don’t engage in every BATTLE. If the battle is NOT between you and your DESTINY, it’s simply a DISTRACTION. So move on and go back to work on your dream!!! 💪🏻💥


It was a magical week full of amazing memories.

Heather and I had 4 amazing friends join us on this incentive trip, so I had to ask. What was your favorite moment? We heard things like

Swimming with the turtles 🐢
Walking the beach 🏝🌊 with my wife
Being able to meet and talk to very successful people 😀
Being pampered the whole time we were here 💁🏼‍♀️

My favorite part was seeing the smiles on all of these folks right here.


If you’re not first you’re last 🤣

Classic line from Talladega Nights that we all know. Well there is some truth to it. The only way I was going to win this beauty of a woman over. Was to come in first and win her heart, second place would have not done it. So you have to put everything on the line and take a chance.

This past week we earned an amazing all inclusive trip with first class airfare, private driver and an incredible suite to one of the top resorts in Riviera Maya. Hands down one of the most amazing times of our life. All because once again we put it all on the line. We don’t care about people shooting us down and we gave up little things like TV and other time wasters. Then put that time into building our business and helping others do the same. After getting to spend this dream like week with my wife and seeing her smile. Made all the work worth it and ready to do it once again.

So remember giving up small things to have what others don’t. Is so worth it in the end!!!


Enjoying the no boss club !!


Hanging with the team in Mexico


Hanging out at the Tulum Jungle gym


Happy 5th Anniversary to my best friend. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life. An amazing mom to our 3 children an incredible wife to me. Then pinch me because we get to  celebrate this day in paradise together wow what a way to ring in 5 years. Here is to more amazing memories together!!


 swinging through the week!! Our after noon hang out is starting right here.

Once again loving the NO BOSS club on a Wednesday afternoon!!!


So check this out!! We have our own butler who is here to help us with anything we need. Room service at anytime sounds amazing to me. We have not even been here 24 hours and I keep being blown away with this place. First class all the way and more.


Good morning from Mexico 🏝
Last night was we got to enjoy a private dinner with some very amazing friends. Then after hangout after in the VIP lounge with a lot of laughs.

Then this morning could not be any more perfect to enjoy our hot tub together as the sun rising over the ocean and palm trees.

I don’t know how much we needed this until we were sitting here together enjoy each other’s company and talking.

Time together without work, without kids, and without worry. Is so important for couples to keep that internal flame going. Doing life with this woman is price less to me.


Our three superhero’s


Happy Halloween 🎃


Very proud of the boys today. They finished the regular season 14-0-1 and clenching the conference NCAC championship. Now it is off to conference tournament and the NCAA tournament. If they can take care of business this coming week. We should enter into the NCAA as 3rd or higher seed. More to come!!


I used to be more passionate about other mens victories on television 📺 then my own families success.

Then I realized that is crazy, I’m the coach of my family and we need to win championships for us.

So my game plan changed! It became to continue drive forward down the field of life, giving my family victories of making their dreams come true, and to continue making my kids every day be extraordinary 🏆 filled with 💯 mom and dad in their life.

Thats is what I get all worked up about now, not a tv 📺 and other mens dreams.

That’s where I spend my emotional & physical energy. Crushing a better life for my family. Not wishing for some other team to win that I have no control over.

My family and others friends families are the teams I fight and root for now! 💪🏻

We are in the 4th quarter of the year, there are 2 months left in this year, its time to drop excuses, re-evaluate priorities, tighten up me chin strap and explode fearlessly into 2023💥

Who is with me, because I am ready to build an Army of moms and dads that want more.

I‘m coming for you 2023……


Let’s crush this together 💪🏻💯


The world best business partner.


Was back on stage this weekend helping grow and build our people in our company.


Our Tuesday morning adventures is a rocket 🚀 ships and 💯 imagination.

Who knows where we will go today in the world of Joselynn’s imagination!! 🪐🌎


The kids had the day off school today, so we took a little ride up the road to the north side of the lake to see the fall colors 🍁 and spend some time hanging out.

Time goes by so fast and it is days like this I’m glad Heather said yes to IDLife and I Where we can just get up on a Monday and decide last minute we need to go hangout with our kids.

It was a great morning for it too!!!


𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 #𝟏
Why trainers and coach can’t get a head each month: (Trust me I was there) Had a great coaching résumé, but my bank account was weak.

Here is what I learned and changed
Problem 1
Because it is hard to get away from trading hours for dollars (hourly rates).

30/hr paid a week sounds good until you factor in things we don’t get paid for like:

✅ Time spent creating coaching plan or workouts. 💪🏻
✅ Fixing broken equipment or pumping up balls and maintenance 👎🏻
✅ Gas spent driving to and from gym/field ⛽️
✅ Answering phone around the clock ⏰
✅ No show Client or canceled trainings 😡

All before we even train one person. Time is being stolen from you and your hourly rate keeps going down.

The reality is, if this is your current model. You are going to end up very frustrated like I was.

It’s time to fix this. First, by shifting your mindset to just training to this.

Opening your mind and skills to getting something to work for you and earn you an income as you are working with your clients. A program that can earn you money outside of the gym and 7 days a week. Plus you need a business that fits into what you are already doing and into your business you are already running.

You want to Add an extra income to those hourly rates, so you can earn more and enjoy your passion for fitness once again.

Let us know. We have head a lot of coaches, gym owners and trainers.

It is time to take back over your passion 🔥💪🏻


Grace ran her last cross country meet today 🏃‍♀️ amazing how fast the last 4 years have went. She ran her best time of the year today and finished with a smile and a BIG hug for dad & Mama Bear at the end. Love seeing her finish out this way and very proud of her!! Now soon off to college. Great job Grace we love you!!


Race time Columbus half



Love the road we live on. The 1st day I drove down it to come see the lot it was fall 🍁 and the levels were so amazing. I knew this would be a spot Heather would love.

We get to run it all times of the year and each time it has a new beauty. 🍁❄️🌱🌺

This was on my run today. I hope it brightens your day!! 


It is 7:30am Sunday and we have family coming at 11am for Joselynn’s birthday party. Most moms would be going crazy about the house being clean, food ready to go and  decorations up. Not my wife she is before any of this we have to get our 7 mile Sunday morning run in. This is what I love about my wife, she crushes a run then comes right home puts the final touch on a birthday cake and whips up food for 20 plus people. Without going into panic mode. If you ask her why she had to get the run in. She will tell you it is a non-negotiable and if you talk to our friends they will say. Hey hold on before we leave I need to go run a quick 6 miles then we can take off. That is true lol 😂 but we all have to put a list of thing first in life or you will not know what we need to do first each day. Have to keep goals out front.


Did you know in 2005 I was 220lbs very unhealthy with cholesterol problem and  migraines coming once a week. Yes I was fat and looked about 15 years older then I was.

Did you know in 2011 I was drowning in credit debt and student loan debt. About to loss my home. With no way out, because I was already working 7 days a week. The worst part I had ZERO family time for my two children and never wanted to be that dad.

Fat, broke and stressed out, summed me up pretty well back then.

So when I say

Get healthier and earn extra income without interfering with my full time job or crazy life style 🤔. I really mean it to be possible, because that was me.

As you know life did Change for me…

Today I’m healthier then I have ever been. We don’t live pay check to pay check. Our kids have the best schools, but even better they have us full time in their life. Because we joined the No boss club. We travel when we want too and get to say yes to what we want and say no to the stuff we don’t want to do.

You may ask how did you do that?

I had said yes to an opportunity that let us work from home from our phones in small pocket of times as we were working our full time jobs. Helping others get healthy with a DNA based company. Who is turning a billion dollar industry upside down and we have gotten to be apart of it, because we said yes. It was kind of like getting started with Apple or Tesla when they were getting started.

The best part is we are still growing and still looking for others that want to help us grow this company and to be very well reward for doing with us

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Joselynn coaching Lucas