Hiya Healthy

Hiya Healthy

Your Guide To Healthy Living!


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7 Ways to Avoid Headache and Migraine Pain 14/03/2020

7 Ways to Avoid Headache and Migraine Pain Isn't it horrible to walk or do your daily activities with a pulsing sensation on your head? Having headaches can drastically lower the quality of life regarding comfort, work schedules, and family events. We all want a good

13 Signs & Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis You Might Be Ignoring 16/02/2020

13 Signs & Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis You Might Be Ignoring Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious and complicated autoimmune disease. This disease happens when someone's immune system, for some reason, attacks its own tissue end joints. This is a serious disease that gets progressively worse as time goes on.

9 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes, Number 4 Will Shock You 15/02/2020

9 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes, Number 4 Will Shock You Diabetes is becoming one of the most common diseases of our time. As obesity rates rise, so does diabetes. It is overburdening the healthcare system, and there is no end in sight. Diabetes is a disease where the