Wellness Of A 73 Year Old

Wellness Of A 73 Year Old

To maintain constant wellness, knowledge alone is not enough.

The secret, to heal our illness, calm our mind, bring peace and joy to everyday life, is to surpassing our habits, be aware of our physical and mental conditions and live it correctly.


We all know wellness is composed of enough sleep, exercise, balanced diet and stress free life style. There are plenty of suggestions online as well as guidelines from our parents and love ones. The challenge is not the lack of knowledge, but how to live accordingly.

In order for us to live accordingly, we need to be “conscious” of our current conditions of body, mind and spirit. Why body, mind and spirit? Because they affect each other. A sad day often cause a low energy body. A tired body would not give us joyful spirit. A worrisome mind definitely causes slow circulation as well as troubling spirit.

Therefore we need to be constantly conscious of the conditions of our body, mind and spirit in order to maintain our total wellness. This is why I wanted to share the methods and practices that brought me total wellness for 73 years.

I will introduce to you a self-healing method to relieve you from chronic pain and immune system oriented illness, such as diabetes and hypertension. I will introduce to you Chan (Zen) mindfulness meditation to enhance your consciousness so to be aware of your physical and mental conditions. I will introduce to you the three basic exercises that I practice. My diet guidelines as well as tips to maintain health and wellness, which benefited me all these years.


Lately I have been thinking how blessed I am. At the age of 73 without any illness. No medication. No vitamin.

I feel so blessed and felt that I should share my secret online. The secret is really no secret. My wellness is all because of my life style.I decided from today on ward, I will share all the practices, exercise, diet that I have benefited from.

Please check out all the free lessons that I practiced in my "Service Sections" on the left.