Melissa Reetz -Fitness & Nutrition

Melissa Reetz -Fitness & Nutrition

Email me @ [email protected]. Lets get started on a healthier, happier you! I took back my life and got healthy and made a complete lifestyle change.

I want to help you and show you that you can also make the change you always wanted. You can do this! I am also a devoted wife and mama of twins! My family is everything to me, but I also have a passion for helping people. We all have things going on, life is busy but I can help you balance it all while becoming healthier.


Day 2 of my 30 day b***y challenge !!

Timeline photos 14/09/2016
Timeline photos 19/01/2016


Not all coffee drinks are created equal.

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Texas chili is simmering mmmm

Timeline photos 11/01/2016

Yes! Let this be your best year yet!!! Do this for you !


I have to tell you guys I an loving hammer and chisel so much ! Today was power lifting and I have always bee intimidated to do this but always wanted to try it. A little tough to get the concept at first by I loved it so much !! I felt bad ass lol . I really love how this program makes me feel and how strong I am getting because because of it . Almost 5 weeks in and so happy to do this !

Timeline photos 09/01/2016

Meal prep for the week has begun !!

Mobile uploads 08/01/2016

I really try not to do this anymore . I reheat in Pyrex or on a plate

Make sure when you dine out, you ask if they use microwaves! You'd be surprised how many do and how many heat food up in plastic.

Plastic is
Most vinyl chloride is used to make polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic and vinyl products. Acute (short-term) exposure to high levels of vinyl chloride in air has resulted in nervous system effects (CNS), such as dizziness, drowsiness, and headaches in humans. Chronic (long-term) exposure to vinyl chloride through inhalation and oral exposure in humans has resulted in damage. is a major concern from exposure to vinyl chloride via inhalation, as vinyl chloride exposure has been shown to increase the risk of a rare form of liver cancer in humans. EPA has classified vinyl chloride as a Group A, human carcinogen.

Polyvinyl chloride, or PVC, is a major source of phthalates – which are the same dangerous plastic softeners banned from children's toys yet still in so many household products, lunch boxes, containers, shower curtains etc.

PVC contains dangerous chemical additives including phthalates, lead, cadmium, and/or organotins, which can be toxic to your child's health. These toxic additives can leach out or evaporate into the air over time, posing unnecessary dangers to children.

Read more about what toxins are in our environment contribute
Click here:

Timeline photos 07/01/2016

Homemade protein bars with shakeology ! Chilling in the fridge ! Will update tomorrow but they look awesome !

Timeline photos 06/01/2016

Don't mind if I do 😂

They Said That Drinking Lemon Water In The Morning Is Good For You. Here Is What They Didn’t... 04/01/2016

They Said That Drinking Lemon Water In The Morning Is Good For You. Here Is What They Didn’t... We hear every day that consuming lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is very health-beneficial, but not many of us are familiar with the actual effects this drink has on the body. Lemon juice is loaded with flavonoids, potassium, antioxidants, proteins, as well as vitamins B and C. Plus,…

Timeline photos 04/01/2016

Ready for a good week!

Timeline photos 04/01/2016

Ready to start the week off right after not eating so good the past few weeks! I could totally feel the difference in my body and my mood from not making good choices with food . But today I am making good choices starting with my shake and a banana !

Timeline photos 03/01/2016

Fridge is cleaned out of crap and meal prep is done for our lunches for the week! We got kickin grilled chicken, brown rice and steamed broccoli !!! I am ready to be good this week

This type of sugar is most toxic: Here's how it might fuel cancer 03/01/2016

Very interesting article

This type of sugar is most toxic: Here's how it might fuel cancer Researchers say they may have helped explain how sugar might fuel the growth of cancer.

This is What Happens To The Body When You Eat Pink Himalayan Salt 02/01/2016

Very good read! If you never heard of Himalayan salt or wanted to know more about it , read this article !! We recently made the switch from reg salt to this and love it !!!

This is What Happens To The Body When You Eat Pink Himalayan Salt Salt is an essential nutrient that our bodies require for transporting nutrients into and out of our cells, regulating blood pressure, exchanging ions and much more. However, not all salts are equal. Table salt, which has been stripped of all its minerals except sodium and chloride, for instance, wi…

Timeline photos 20/12/2015

Think about it

Timeline photos 16/12/2015

This is so me today ! I love working out during the day and most times will not work out it I can't get it done During my usual time . This workout has me so motivated . No matter how tired I am I will not miss a day and I will make sacrifices to get it done !!!!

Day 3 here it goes !!!!!

I KNOW YES... I KNOW you heard me talking about jumping up in the morning when I wake up with a fire up my 😷, lol... I am getting so much better and creating as a post like that.
So in the past few weeks part of my dedications were how to learn to do that...
So the reason I'm sharing that with you is because if you are trying to learn something new or afraid to learn something new. there's only one thing that you need to do and it says it below.

Why do I say that because I have a contest or a challenge for you guys and I will say it in the next post.
Stay tuned.

Timeline photos 15/12/2015

This is so me today and loving it !!!!!

Timeline photos 11/12/2015

So important !!!!!

Timeline photos 09/12/2015


Timeline photos 09/12/2015

One of my favorite meals to make ! Better then take out chicken fried rice !!!

Timeline photos 08/12/2015

Better late then never with my lunch meal prep :)

Timeline photos 08/12/2015

Just about to sit down with a cup of tea to eat my banana when this little monster stole it ! Guess I can't get to mad I mean he's a cute monster and he is choosing to eat fruit :)

Timeline photos 08/12/2015

Spaghetti squash boats with grilled chicken ! Yummy !!!!!!

Timeline photos 07/12/2015

These are my results from my 30 days of Insanity Asylum. My goal was to not miss a single day and I wish I could say I met that goal but life happened, holidays , kids etc. But on the days I did workout I worked hard and gave it all I got !

This pushed me in a way like no workout ever had . This was not easy , And there were things I didn't think I would be able to do . I really had to dig deep and get out of my head while shaun T pushed me to keep going like never before .

With the help of my husband , teammates and challenge groups I was able to stay commited and get real results despite missing days.

I also got the pleasure of being in a additional challenge group run by Tania from t25 , insanity , and cize ... She is amazing and so supportive !

While the workouts are longer then I am used to I would recommend this to anyone looking to challenge themselves while getting great results !
Insanity The Asylum Shaun T Carl Daikeler Beachbody

Timeline photos 07/12/2015

Are you following me on Instagram? User name : Melissa _reetz . I love being on IG bc their is a mutual respect on there for people working out and being fit and healthy . We know the struggles, the hardships , and the hard work put in to achieve our goals !!!! Find me and follow me for extra motivation and support


Videos (show all)

Day 2 of my 30 day booty challenge !!
I have to tell you guys I an loving hammer and chisel so much ! Today was power lifting and I have always bee intimidate...
I normally don't like to work out with the kids because I lose my focus . So when Caelyn didn't want to nap today I wasn...
Day 6 of #insanityasylum  is complete ! This is the most mental as well as physical workout program I've ever done The o...
Here is a little of the newest workout I am doing . Well it's not really new but new to me . Today is day 4. This workou...
Burpee tutorial gone wrong #momoftwins So I made a burpee tutorial earlier . But this one is way more entertaining and a...
Today Chris and I got to work out together ! It's been a long time since we have been able to do this due to our crazy s...
Here's how my night went ....Caelyn up till 12Joshua up from 130-2:15Caelyn up from 230-4Joshua up for good at 6 am  I a...
Did not feel like pushing play today . I just wanted to lay on the couch today lol Got it done and did my burpee challen...
Today started day 1 of our fall challenge group .  Getting my workouts in have been difficult lately but my husband and ...
This is me getting stronger :) I used to despise pike ups ... But now I love them !!!
Copy of my scope on healthier football game day food options !!! Take a look , let's all make this a healthier season Dr...