The Right Light

The Right Light

Health, Wellness & Spirituality; its all about the light through which we filter thoughts, emotions, No copyrights infringement is intended.

Spirituality, health and wellness are all part of the circle that keeps us balanced and whole. This page is all about looking at life with the right filters and in the right light. When we walk the path that is true to our being, we reflect goodness and light that energizes and frees others. Through the practice of doTerra Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils you will positively affect your life and t


I don't often post about my daughter. She is 22 now and I like to respect her privacy. I have permission for this, though - along with permission of the mother of the sweet one in this photo (green paint in her eyebrows and all! ha ha)

**(Disclaimer) :I don't say all of this to brag -- I say this to ENCOURAGE. Parents, let your children's interests guide you. Be a student of your child. It is SO worth it.

It was long apparent to me that Anna was going to be in a "helping" profession. When she was little she was always the one sitting on the outside watching everyone else - then reporting to me the child that seemed to need a friend. She's definitely an introvert - and doesn't like a spotlight.

We would make trips into downtown Atlanta and have to keep manna bags to give to the homeless in our car because she was so burdened by their situation. We volunteered at a soup kitchen in downtown Atlanta and she was more at home than any adult volunteer.

During our homeschooling time she volunteered a lot with the special needs ministry at our church. This was her "thing". She is such a strong defender of this population and is the first to recognize their extraordinary gifts.

Last year she graduated with her Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, with the thought of possibly being an Occupational Therapist. This year she's been thinking more about that, observing people in the field, and also serving as a nanny for three sweet little ones whose mother is battling breast cancer.

This "job" has been a blessing for her. One of the little ones has special needs. All three of the girls have captured Anna's hearts and I think the feeling is mutual. Not only has she adored caring for these girls, but she has also witnessed a strong, Godly family face a challenge courageously and with faith.

Anna made all of the girls a no-sew blanket for Christmas. This one, in the picture, has different textures because Emory has sensory issues and loves textured things. When Anna sent me this picture I could feel the love and joy from both girls in it - and it made me so thankful we took the time to homeschool Anna.

That investment in her learning style and her special gifts was priceless. The fact that she could be at home each day and learn how to nurture others (yes, through those ancient arts of homemaking!) has uniquely equipped her for whatever God chooses for her next.

I'm not sure what will come next for her, but God sure had good plans for her with this family.


Be comfortable in your own skin.
Know who you are.

Understand deeply that what people do is never a reflection of you and is always their perception of life.

You are not for everyone and they are not always for you.

When you are not included, invited, or considered, whisper to yourself, “Thank you for the space necessary in my life for the people that matter most to me. I am blessed.” 💚

(Sometimes the only solution is to let go. No more overthinking. No more crying. No more headaches. Exhale, keep your sanity.-)



Wildcraft: An Herbal Adventure Game – LearningHerbs 15/11/2023

Wildcraft: An Herbal Adventure Game – LearningHerbs Wildcraft! An Herbal Adventure game is a cooperative board game that teaches edible plants and healing herbs. Wildcraft! is beautifully illustrated, nature-based, and created in the tradition of the classic board games.


I see the earth writhing with birthing pains,
and I hear Him whisper…do you trust me?

I see relationships around me that need healing and restoration and I hear Him whisper….do you trust me?

I see people sick in both spirit and body and I hear Him whisper….do you trust me?

I see Him calling me to things I don’t feel equipped for and I hear Him whisper….do you trust me?

I see a world that is full of evil and I hear Him you trust me?

I see the faces of my children and I think about their futures and I hear Him whisper….do you trust me?

I see people who are lost and don’t even know it
and I hear Him whisper…do you trust me?

I see people I love running from God and I hear
Him whisper…do you trust me?

I see things that confuse me and worry my heart and I hear Him whisper…do you trust me?

I see problems that don’t seem to have any answers and I hear Him whisper…do you trust me?

I see storms coming on the horizon and I hear
Him whisper…do you trust me?

Do you trust in My goodness?
Do you trust in My plans?
Do you trust in My sovereignty?
Do you trust in My mercy?
Do you trust in My grace?
Do you trust me?
Child, do you trust me?
Then let every worry fall and hold on to Me.


This is one of my very favourite recipes, it is simple and your windows will be sparkling! BUT that's not my favorite part, what I love is that when my grandbabies are over I don't have to worry about those silly things kids do - like licking windows 😋 I can also let them help me (as some kiddos love to), without worrying about anything toxic they could be exposed to like with conventional cleaning supplies! Breathe easy - in more ways than one!


Always 💕



Pineapple: The Most Effective Fruit for Battling Inflammation, Improving Digestion + More 26/07/2023

Pineapple!! Beautiful delicious and so beneficial to our health.. Gratitude for what God has created and provided for us here on Earth.

Pineapple: The Most Effective Fruit for Battling Inflammation, Improving Digestion + More The pineapple is one tropical treat you don’t want to bypass in the grocery store. The nutritional benefits of pineapple are fascinating - they’re an excellent source of vitamin C and manganese, as well as copper, vitamin B1 and B6, folate, pantothenic acid and fibre.


Yes my Native American Sisters and Brothers, your stories matter; they should be told, your people not forgotten and your sacred places, traditions, dance and cultures remembered and historically preserved.

Respectfully, and with integrity.

Dahteste was a famous Apache woman warrior, and it was widely known that she could out-ride, out-shoot, out-hunt, out-run, and out-fight her peers, both male and female. She took part in battles and raiding parties alongside her husband and best friend Lozen, another Apache woman warrior. She and Lozen were good friends with Geronimo, and he chose her to be his official translator in his talks with the US Cavalry. After negotiating treaties with the US government, she was imprisoned in Alabama and Florida, and later, Fort Sill, surviving both tuberculosis and pneumonia. 19 years later, she was released and lived out the rest of her life on the Mescalero Apache reservation.

Thank you for your interest in this post !❤️
We Native Americans have lost our history, our land and our culture! And it's the least discussed genocides in the history of the world! It's not fair that many stories of native american historical and cultural landmarks are not taught in schools and are slowly being forgotten!
so that! Hope those who read this post can share it with all your friends and relatives so that we can all learn more information from this post!


A person must look deeply to discover if they have forgiven as the Lord does. …How does the Lord forgive? How can we be like him?

Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13
Forgiving others is not easy. There will be times when forgiveness seems like an impossible task. We replay what happened over and over again in our mind. Sometimes anger and bitterness fills our heart, at the very thought of the person who has hurt us, but we have a choice. It is to forgive, not based on feelings but on obedience. God knows how you feel, but He is there to help you. He will give you the strength to forgive from your heart. I have experienced that. The struggle is very real, but Jesus will help you through it all. Just remember how He forgave you. That will serve as a reminder of His love, faithfulness and His continued presence in your life. When we do that God can use us to minister to others who are going through similar paths.

Don’t look back! 23/07/2023

Yes, this kind of determination and faith.

Don’t look back!

Dandelion Recipe: Lemonade 22/07/2023

Dandelion Recipe: Lemonade Dandelions aren't just weeds: they can also be a delicious addition to your meals! Check out this tasty dandelion recipe and enjoy the benefits of dandelion flowers.


Hello WILD BERGAMOT= Beautiful Medicine & Food!
I adore this wildflower beauty who is scientifically referred to as Monarda fistulosa.

Gathering wild medicine from the meadows brings deep joy! Receiving and acknowledging how the land provides us with wild, free, and potent remedies is to share in a simple, small, natural miracle that is available to all.

Wild bergamot produces a powerful tincture for supporting the body during colds and flus, upper respiratory infections, and also for dealing with an overgrowth of yeast (candida). It has antiseptic properties from its high thymol & carvacrol content.

Do you use wild bergamot and if yes, how so?

To help with ID, harvest here is our illustrated Wild Bergamot page from our book Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cookbook by Dina Falconi; illustrated by Wendy Hollender. More about our book on our site here:

Timeline photos 20/07/2023

There is a war raging against our children.
Darkness is spreading over the earth.
Darkness of sin and pure evil.

Blatant disrespect of God and His Word,
this evil threaten to devour our children and future generations.

But we, as daughters of Christ, recognize the work of the enemy. His schemes and lies do not surprise us or take us off guard.
We are able to see with our spiritual eyes
what is really going on in our nation.

We are armed and ready to fight the battle ahead on behalf of our children and our children’s children.

We hold our heads high and know that victory is ours through Jesus. We can see the Light behind the darkness of the sky.
We can hear His voice above all the noise and confusion. We can see the hope of all that is to come because we have our eyes on Him.
We are not lost in deception and the heaviness of darkness.

We will rise up as an army of mothers, who are ready to fight this war. To stand on the front line in prayer wearing the full armor of God.
Putting a hedge of protection around our children’s minds and lives, and around our homes.

We will cover them in prayer like never before.
Shield their eyes from perversion and sinister acts. Protect their innocence and keep them on the path of righteousness.
We will teach them the Word of God and chisel it into their hearts. We will remind them that they are set apart and not of this world.
We will constantly speak life over them and remind them who they are….children of God!
Children of Light!

The enemy never rests and we must not either.
We must remain constant in prayer.
Fighting in the secret place on behalf of our children and our nation.
We must not allow the enemy to continue to make a mockery of the church.

We must rise up like the victorious Lion of Judah and fight against the enemy, on behalf of our children and their children.

We must shake the gates of hell with our praise and prayers. We must walk as the warriors that we are.

We must fight this battle right now, today because there is a war raging against our children and we will not let the enemy prevail.

Everything You Need to Know About Secure Attachment - Raised Good 20/07/2023

Healthy attachments begin prenatally and if lovingly built, strengthened and maintained they will serve to assist in building healthy relationships, correct boundaries and connections that are necessary and appropriate. Essential to preventing toxic relationships.

Everything You Need to Know About Secure Attachment - Raised Good Did you know that the best predictor for how any child turns out – in terms of mental and emotional health – is whether or not they developed a secure attachment with at least one person?  Children with a secure attachment are more likely to develop:  A greater sense of self-agency Better emot...


Summer sunshine and enjoying fresh fruits 🍎 🍉 🍌 are such gifts that bear fruits of their own toward promoting our good health!

🌞 Summer fruits give you the energy and nutrients your body needs, help cool you down and stay hydrated, and can even help protect you from the sun.

And many fruits have been found to be spectacularly effective in treating and preventing a variety of health conditions.

🍉 Learn more here:


I too have found this to be true. Once we’re aware of this, we can more easily discover and make changes in our eating habits and create healthier food choices and combinations that readily remedy and release toxicity.

I have found this to be so true in my life, what about you? 💚


Sharing a simply great post from a respected friend and wellness coach. In her post Rosie discusses the benefits of eating a nutrient dense lunch.

Boost your energy and avoid overeating later with a nutrient-dense lunch!

Choosing a meal like this, that is packed with protein, healthy fats, and fiber can help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day, reducing the likelihood of overeating or snacking on unhealthy foods later on. Make lunchtime a priority for better nutrition 🥗


There are distinct differences in understanding and discerning right from wrong, truth from error and good from evil. Living so as to recognize the differences and discerning our path is our responsibility in answer to our agency and how we govern our lives.


So honestly written. Can some of you you relate?

Burnout is something I struggle with. I’m learning that the root is pride. I used to say, If it’s going to be, it’s up to me!” It starts innocently enough, wanting to do my best for God, to serve my family, to be a blessing. Soon enough, I’m exhausted. Drained. Empty. I’ve learned—am learning—to rest more. My health journey taught me the value of sleep, clean eating, and community support. But still, I’m holding onto stress as a highly motivated achiever. I’m learning to let things be “good enough” and to delegate more. To ask for help and receive it. It’s not selfish to steward my physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It’s essential. In humility, I lay my burdens and responsibilities down and acknowledge that God is all I need—and He doesn’t need me to do more. I’m already loved.

“Lord, it’s not up to me for it to be. You have it all in hand. I trust You. May my worship of rest and trust be pleasing to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”

“Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)