Periodic Table of the World's Religious and Philosophical Traditions

Periodic Table of the World's Religious and Philosophical Traditions

The Periodic Table of the World Religious and Philosophical Traditions lists all known spiritual and scientific systems of thought, knowledge and belief

The Periodic Table of the World Religious and Philosophical Traditions (PTWRPT) is a new attempt, based on integrative, comprehensive and transpersonal historical methodologies, to codify, categorise and present the entire range of human spiritual, intellectual and scientific discoveries and approaches over the history of our species.Taking the ideas of Mendeleyev, (to group all the atomic eleme

Open Letter to President Biden on Gaza 19/08/2024

Open Letter to President Biden on Gaza

Feds United for Peace

July 29, 2024
Released November 2023. Civil servants knew and warned their leaders that this policy was damaging to U.S. interests as well as devastating to the people of Gaza.
Read press coverage here; read letters from similar groups here
Dear President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Members of the Cabinet,
We represent a coalition of Biden-Harris Administration political appointees and civil servants, positioned across the domestic and foreign policy spheres, working in federal agencies, departments, independent agencies, and the White House. We are a diverse group of public servants representative of various faiths and backgrounds. We come to work every day to serve and protect the American public, and execute the priorities of this Administration, a mission we are deeply proud to serve.
We are devastated by and condemn Hamas’s horrifying attacks killing more than 1,200 Israelis on October 7th. We are also horrified that the events of October 7th have been followed with indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas by the Israeli military. More than 10,000 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli government and the death toll continues to rise. [Note: as of July 2024 the death toll is near 40,000 Palestinians and some experts estimate over 186,000 may have been killed.] Various reports indicate that Israeli hostages have also been killed in Israel’s bombardment. Many of us are mourning loved ones, and praying for the survival of our loved ones held hostage by Hamas and our loved ones held captive by Israel’s bombardment and siege.
We are shocked by the brazen violations of international law, which aims to protect civilians, medical and media personnel, as well as schools, hospitals, and places of worship. The United Nations reports that the health system in Gaza is on the brink of collapse. Israel’s deprivation of food, water, fuel, and electricity to the civilian population and the alarming reports by human rights organizations alleging the use of white phosphorus munitions in densely populated areas, as well as targeted bombings of critical communication infrastructure, refugee camps, and hospitals should be unacceptable to this Administration, and are unacceptable to us. Palestinians in Gaza, who have been living under occupation and displacement for more than 75 years, have in a matter of weeks, suffered losses so staggering that entire extended families have been wiped off the Palestinian civil registry. At the time of writing, over 1.5 million people have been displaced and over 4,000 children have been killed. We are acutely concerned by this spiraling humanitarian crisis in Gaza, which rapidly worsens with each passing hour.
At the same time, we are deeply concerned about the consequent rise in Islamophobia and anti-Semitism in the United States and around the world, and we fear that continued escalation will only contribute to increasingly unsafe conditions for Jews, Muslims, Arabs, Sikhs, and many other groups in the United States.
For all these reasons, we call on President Biden to urgently demand a ceasefire; and to call for deescalation of the current conflict by securing the immediate release of the Israeli hostages and arbitrarily detained Palestinians; the restoration of water, fuel, electricity and other basic services; and the passage of adequate humanitarian aid to the Gaza strip.
The overwhelming majority of Americans support a ceasefire. Furthermore, Americans do not want the U.S. military to be drawn into another costly and senseless war in the Middle East. As the world witnesses the United States enabling Israeli government policies of retribution and collective punishment, U.S. diplomats, troops, and other Americans abroad face an increased risk of attacks, as made evident by the Department of State’s latest “Worldwide Caution” alert for U.S. citizens. Hundreds of thousands of people marched in Washington, D.C. and across the country on November 4th to demand a ceasefire. Sixty-six percent of U.S. voters surveyed across the political spectrum agree that the United States should call for a ceasefire and de-escalation of the violence in Gaza. They are joined in their call by Pope Francis, French President Emmanual Macron, the UN Secretary-General, 18 heads of UN agencies and international NGOs, dozens of national organizations–including unions--representing millions of working-class Americans, Doctors without Borders, Oxfam, Amnesty International, 35 Israeli Jewish and Arab peace and human rights organizations, a growing number of members of Congress including Senate leadership, and millions around the globe who have marched for an end to violence and occupation.
Our country, as Israel's strongest ally, holds a vitally important position in the days and weeks to come. Decisions made now could shorten this war, while continuing on the current path will undoubtedly lengthen it. We are witnessing a catastrophic assault on Gaza that has decimated civilian life and threatens Israel's safety in a protracted conflict that may catalyze decades of heightened violence in the region.
This violence must stop, and for this reason we call on you to support an immediate ceasefire in Israel and Gaza. We must avoid at all costs believing that this conflict, however intractable, is a permanent fixture of the region. The lives of millions of people hang in the balance: in Gaza, in Israel and the West Bank, and across the region. Diplomatic achievements like the Good Friday Agreement are possible, so long as the conditions are met to foster them. A ceasefire is the most essential of these conditions and cannot be delayed for any reason.
When elected, President Biden stated that the primary ambition of his administration would be to fight for the soul of America. We believe this is a laudable goal, and we have been proud to serve in advancing this mission. Supporting a ceasefire and de-escalation is a clear opportunity for President Biden to again show the world the distinct moral leadership of his administration. Through these actions, he can demonstrate that the United States unequivocally stands for the protection of all civilian life.
500+ Public Servants from:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Executive Office of the President
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Federal Trade Commission
US Government Accountability Office
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Labor Relations Board
Peace Corps
U.S. Small Business Administration
U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
U.S. International Development Finance Corporation
U.S. Department of Commerce
United States Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Department of the Treasury
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Open Letter to President Biden on Gaza Released November 2023. Civil servants knew and warned their leaders that this policy was damaging to U.


If any of my friends are voting in the forthcoming election for the new Chancellor of the University of Oxford to replace Chris Patten, please vote for Imran Khan, who is languishing away in a jail cell but deserves to be out and living in Oxford, his alma mater. He is a brilliant thinker, a good man and a true intellectual in fact, whose speech to the UN General Assembly back a few years when he was PM of Pakistan was one of the best I have ever heard. So please vote for him. It will do Oxford the world of good instead of currupt Tory placemen. And it will remind my fellow academics how much we in Europe owed to the geniuses of Islamic thought who gave us back the works of Plato and Aristotle and other Greek savants whom we had neglected here for centuries. Plus their own works of course ! I dont get a vote because I wasn't a student there. Only a teacher.

The Philosopher's Two Archetypes -- The Politician and the Madman -- Understanding The Value of Public Opinion 11/08/2024

What a great article.. I guess we all walk this tightrope somehow..

The Philosopher's Two Archetypes -- The Politician and the Madman -- Understanding The Value of Public Opinion (Mr. Roland Leblanc's French translation, below)(Philosocom's Directory on Politics)Ms. Tamara Moskal's SynopsisPhilosophers can be classified as two archetypes: politicians or madmen. The Politician Philosopher seeks respect and recognition from their audience. The Madman Philosopher embraces eccen...

Mindfulness + Enlightenments | The Retreat Company 07/08/2024

One might have thought that with England backsliding into a racist o**y of mob riots a retreat to learn about how to counter this kind of nonsense would be exactly what the doctor ordered ! Please book up and reserve your place so we can learn together what to do to counter all this..

Mindfulness + Enlightenments | The Retreat Company Mindfulness and Enlightenments retreat in Poole, Dorset; Mindfulness Practices, with Interfaith Philosophical Peace and Enlightenment

This philosophy club was held in central France on August 4, 2024 (1) 07/08/2024

This philosophy club was held in central France on August 4, 2024. It begins with a report from Dr. Thomas Daffern about his recent and various peace projects and activities in the past week. He spoke about the mob violence fulled by hard right racism that has broken out in England. Thomas has been warning of this ever since Brexit was forced on a UK which did not vote for it, as being caused by infiltration of our social media by dark forces engineered by Putin and an international right wing network of racists, in alliance with figures like "Tommy Robinson". Having lost the general election, the extreme right wing is now trying to engineer social division up to even civil war (Musk). Thomas also shared some of his ongoing research for the 99 Names of Peace. We first consulted the Periodic Table and got Freemasonry, Co-Masonry (Esoteric, 118) and Eco-Philosophy and Eco-Sciences (Philosophy 150) and discussed their significance for now. We next considered the significance of the Tarot Card of Hephaestus and Thomas explained how this was a very important deity for the Ancient Greeks. We also discussed Zeus and how he represents the King of the Gods in the Hellenic and Classical worlds. Finally, we discussed Tane, the God of the Polynesian culture including among Maoris and Hawaian peoples, who is in charge of trees, wood and humanity, and who brought the 3 baskets of knowledge to humanity. We also discussed the grinding conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza and Sudan as seen philosophically through the eye of these analytical tools (Periodic Table, Tarot of the Gods etc.) and asked what insights they can offer us to resolve and heal this conflict. We concluded with a lively question and answer exchange teasing out the implications of each node on the Table that we were comparing, and each aspect of the Gods. Thomas drew on the Periodic Table of the World's Religious and Philosophical Traditions in this meeting which is available at and his Tarot of the Gods at, and his writings which are available on (1)

This philosophy club was held in central France on August 4, 2024 (1) This philosophy club was held in central France on August 4, 2024. It begins with a report from Dr. Thomas Daffern about his recent and various peace project...


So here we learn about the faith of Kamala Harris ("for her faith is a verb") and her deep commitment to interfaith peace work.. what a refreshing alternative she will make as USA President if and when she gets elected in due democratic process.. thanks God for God is all I can say. and also, at the 1988 World Congress of Philosophy in Brighton, I gave a paper which also argued that the word "God" is actually a verb.. not a noun.. I argued that if we all realised this, then our petty religious and ethnic and cultural wars and battles would fade away.. I think Kamala Harris would have actually properly understood.. I am not sure Putin understands this however, nor Trump nor Johnson nor any of their acolytes

Nuclear conscience and conflicts in the Middle East 02/08/2024

Very interesting meeting of the Pugwash Conference on line.. welcoming the new President, an amazing Iraqi scientist Dr Hussaini Al Shahristani..Hussain al-Shahristani - He was imprisoned from 1908-1990 in Iraq by orders of Saddam Hussein for his refusal to cooperate with Saddam's WMD program and his intentions to build nuclear weapons. He was imprisoned personally by Saddam Hussein and was threatened directly by him too. "While imprisoned and tortured at Abu Ghraib prison for 11 years under Saddam Hussein he refused to help build a nuclear weapon for the country.
He was later sentenced to death in an effort to terrorize him but the sentence was reduced to lifetime imprisonment as the regime always hoped it could benefit from his skills and expertise one day—a false hope which never materialized for Saddam's regime. He was put in a solitary confinement prison cell for 8 years and was not allowed to make any communication with his family or the outside world during that period. In his memoir, Escaping to Freedom, he mentions that "the sound of a defective neon light was the highlight of his time during that period since silence was all he could listen to". He could not have a conversation even with his prison guards and food was passed to him through the gap under the prison cell's door. He escaped from Abu Ghraib during the 1991 Gulf War and went to Iran, where he left for UK. He obtained his freedom in an extremely daring 'Hollywood' style escape plan which was conceived, orchestrated and implemented by him. He went on to set up humanitarian aid organisations for the millions of Iraqi refugees during the Saddam era. If anyone can lead Pugwash back into the limelight that Russell and Einstein wanted it to hold as a vanguard organisation in ridding the world of nuclear weapons, Shahristani can do it. He is also the first president of Pugwash from a Middle eastern country.; congratulations Sir..

Nuclear conscience and conflicts in the Middle East On 28 June 2024, Pugwash held an online event to welcome the new Pugwash President, Dr. Hussain Al-Shahristani, and express gratitude to former President Amb. Sergio Duarte. The Chair of the Pugwas…


TO CELEBRATE LUGHNASADH, I SHARE HERE MY THOUGHTS ON THE LUGH COMPLEX, Lugh is the great Solar deity of the Celtic world, and was known and worshipped all over the entire Celtic tribal regions, from the further West coast of Ireland to Gaul, to Austria and down into the Danube and Galatian tribes of Anatolia. His legend is famous, and tells of how he first came to Tara. At the feasting halls of Tara that night were gathered the Tuatha de Danaan, the assembly of Gods, and a stranger appeared outside at the gate, and asked the Gatekeeper to be allowed to be admitted. The gatekeeper asked him why, on what grounds should he be granted admission to so noble a feast and such a great assembly of divine personages? What can you do, scoffed the gatekeeper. And the stranger answered, I can run faster than the Wind and track lost trails across mountains and moors, as far as to where the earth meets the sky, and return back, before you have blinked your eye. The gatekeeper scoffed. A runner? Is that all? A tracker? We have within these sacred halls of Tara many other Gods who can do as much. The gatekeeper yawned. Is that all? You’d better be on your way laddie (for the stranger was a comely youth). The stranger held up his hand and said, no, that is not all, I can also forge metals, of the finest and strongest kind, for everything from weapons of bronze (for this tale dates from the earliest time of Irish heroes when bronze weapons alone were in use) down to intricate gold crowns and laurels to crown bards with, made from the finest imitations of oak leaves, and necklaces of gold for the ladies covered with intricate spirals and whorls that are so detailed you need to see them through glass. All this I can do, and also procure the metals, smelt them, and turn them into wondrous objects of beauty and usefulness. What, a smith? Just a smith? scoffed the gatekeeper again. We have no need of such, we have so many inside, more than you have teeth in your head. If that is the extent of your skills you best be on your way, stranger. But the stranger stood his ground – well, he said, I can also remember the tales of all the heroes of old, I known their stories and sagas, I know their marriages and couplings, I know their births and deaths, I know when the last breath came out of them and where and how, and I know when their first breath went into them and where and how; I know who they loved, and who they hated, and how they worked and how they played. I know these stories and can tell them and recount them, around the fire, in the feasting halls, at night, far into the night when the sparks of our warming fire rise up to meet the winding sparkling stars. Oh, I see – a historian? How impressive, mocked the gatekeeper, well it so happens we have at least two dozen historians in the halls right now, and they are famed throughout the land for their wisdom, so I doubt they have need of yet another mouth to feed. Be off with you! Kind gatekeeper, go into the halls and tell them that I am also a Druid, I know the fates of each man and woman born, I can read the secret meanings of the patterns of events, I know the karmic destiny of nations, and tribes and families and people, and can tell them their paths of destiny, which to pursue and which not to pursue; I can judge fairly in conflicts and disputes and can mediate when parties wish to avoid conflict and will always give my decisions fairly. Oh don’t tell me you’re a Druid said the gatekeeper, we’ve got some many Druids in there you would just be another voice among the crowd – but to please you, I will indeed go in. Inside the gatekeeper interrupted the assembly and said “sorry to bother you my friends and assembled Tutha de Danaan, but I’ve got a stranger outside and he’s begging to be admitted to your august company” and he says he’s a Druid ? A Druid in the assembly said – we have enough of them, tell him to go bother someone else (though a few of the wiser Gods felt this was a wrong and irreverent attitude to have taken, but they held their peace). Returning outside, the Gatekeeper told the stranger that the Tuatha de Danaa still would not admit him to enter. And so it went on, each time the gatekeeper told him to go, the stranger gave forth yet another skill he possessed: he was a lover, who could woo the fairest women of the land and make them swoon with devotion and adoration of him; he was a warrior, who in battle could slay and bind the fiercest opponent; he was a farmer, who knew which crops to grow when, what to sow and what to lay fallow, and when to harvest, and how to pray for rain; he was a magician, who could do spells for the benefit of all, and cast circles and make potions and give insights to those who deserved them, and withhold insights from those who did not merit them; he was a musician and a bard, who could sing songs to make the hair stand up on your head from pity or sorrow or delight or ecstasy; he was a judge, who could remember all the laws that had ever been uttered at Tara, and could give fair and just decisions in each case that came before him, and could never be bribed or diverted from the truth; he was a tactician, who in conflicts, if war should come, could advise how to fight so as to win, and how to achieve victory; he was a spy, who could ferret out the secrets of the enemy from all corners, by his magical Druidical powers, and could listen in to the assemblies of those plotting against him; he was a healer, who could with his magical healing powers, bring relief and the ending of pain by curing not only the symptoms of a disease but also the cause, so that it would not recur, and he used only healing herbs and potions and massage and touch, and prayers and spells.. Each time he told the gatekeeper something of his achievements, so each time the gatekeeper went back into the hall and asked the Gods if he should admit the stranger, and each time, the Gods said “No gatekeeper, tell him to go away, we already have plenty of us who do such and such”. Finally, after several hours of this going back and forth, the stranger grew weary, and rising up to his full height, he bade the gatekeeper go back once more into hall at Trara and say to the assembled company, “Friends, I have bidden to ask you this: you may well have many among you who can do each of these tasks or allotted paths of skill, but have you in your number any one among you who can do them all?” At this point, the assembly of Gods stopped speaking, they stopped laughing, they stopped scoffing, and the air grew heavy but also light, brimful of strange invisible tinkling music, as if a thousands golden pennies of the finest quality were dropping at once. Slowly, the chief of the Assembly stood up and said carefully, I think my fellow Tuatha de Danaan, this stranger speaks wisdom. Here, in our company, we do indeed have many who can do his each and every accomplishment, but we do indeed have no one who can perform or undertake them all. If he can indeed do as he says, then he is truly worthy of our company, and we should admit him at once. And with this, a hush fell over the assembly and the gatekeeper was bidden to go outside and admit him. The stranger came in through the locked doors of the assembly hall and entered the ring of light cast by the torches and fires, and in that hush, he spoke and was asked his name by the chief of the assembly, and as he was he asked, so he spoke, and said with a clear, melodious, firm and sonorant voice, like the waters of many rivers trickling down the mountains, “I greet you all, Lugh is my name”…
Now this magnificent story, which has come down from the greatest antiquity of the Celtic bardic tradition, has been interpreted in many ways and by many learned scholars, but as yet it has not been done justice to. One interpretation is that it is the story of the Sun God, because the sun alone has the power and strength to accomplish all things – and that this tale was really a way of the ancient Bards explaining that the Sun is truly the all powerful deity behind every facet and aspect of our existence. There is evidence that Stonehenge, New Grange and other great Celtic and Druid monuments were dedicated as temples to the sun God, ie Lugh. This would explain why after the Greeks and then Romans came into contact with the Celtic tribes and both Gaul and Britain and Northern Italy, they identified their God Lugh with Apollo. Many of the later Celtic towns and cities, which were founded in the pre-Roman era, were named after Lugh, and these included Lyons, Carlisle, Lugdunum (London), Leiden, and many others through the Celtic map of Europe. Lugh was by far the most important pan-Celtic universal deity, on the masculine side, who was worshipped and revered in sanctuaries all over Europe. Later, once he was merged and blended with Apollo, Augusts adopted Apollo as the deity who stood at the heart of his own Imperial cult, and had himself proclaimed as divine emperor of all the Roman Empire in a special ceremony at Lyon, which he chose carefully as it was named after Lugh, and likewise, in that same festival he changed the name of the month of mid Summer to August, replacing the name in use throughout Celtic Europe, which named this month Lughnasadh, after Lugh, since it was the month of the great sun-light. The great festival of Lughnasadh, which welcomes in the month of Lugh, was celebrated with games and feasting and contests and divine couplings and rituals of love and life and laughter all over Celtic Europe, and in the Celtic parts of Europe, and still to this day is so celebrated, especially in Ireland and Wales and Scotland. By making Lyon the seat of his announcement Augustus was saying to the Celtic people of Gaul, that he himself was Lugh come down to earth, that he himself was Apollo, the sun God, taken human form, come down to lead and govern wisely all the people of this great empire.

Now, how do we go from here to the Lugh Complex? It is the author’s contention, that out of this wonderful myth of Lugh, we can construct a truth of fundamental importance both to the study of psychology as well as the study of society and education. There is a certain type of person, or intellectual, who is what we have named a polysavant, or a polyintellectual. These are people who are not content with mastering or learning only one or two disciplines (say algebra and geometry and arithmetic) but want to learn everything, and often have an insatiable hunger to do so. They want to learn all history, all philosophy, all religions, all sciences, all economics, all sociology, all arts and so on. They are rare, but in fact not as rare as one would imagine. In previous times they were called Renaissance men and women, and Leonardo Da Vinci was taken as their primary exemplar, for here was a polysavant who loved music, poetry, fine art, painting, sculpture, biology, anatomy, architecture, mathematics, politics, literature and so on and who excelled in most of these branches of learning and skill to which he applied himself. The renaissance genius is a perfect example of the Lugh complex in operation. It is someone who knows intuitively they are from the Sun, from the solar deity, and are not content with being simply one or the other of the planets in orbit around our solar giant. Our present education system is ill- equipped to educate people with the Lugh Complex, and just as in the tale of the coming of Lugh to Tara recounted above, such people are often excluded from academic positions of authority or responsibility. Academia has too often equated knowledge with hyper-specialisation, and the mastering of the micro-details of knowledge, so that to advance in the formal ranks of academia one has to demonstrate a capacity for the mastery of micro-levels of knowledge or skill. Indeed the whole definition of “science” and what it is to be a “scientist” comes from such hyper-specialisation. But in fact this was not always the case, and true scientists are in fact often people with the Lugh complex, and they have mastered many skills and disciplines – figures like Aristotle, Pliny the Elder, or Roger Bacon, Maimonides, Ibn Rushd, Alexander Von Humboldt, or Leonardo Da Vinci, or Sir Isaac Newton, or Einstein, or Lomonosov, or Mendeleyev, or Harlow Shapley, or Einstein, and many others can be cited here. Truly great scientists are usually people with the Lugh Complex who from a young age are discontented with the limits of knowing that were imposed on them by outer categorisations and like young Lugh, often asked the gatekeepers again and again to let them come into the real centre of things, where the true assembly of the Gods was meeting. In spiritual traditions, figures like Jesus also exhibit symptoms of the Lugh complex, in his questioning of the learned doctors of Judaism in the temple schools even at an early age. So too Buddha, who relentlessly searched for ultimate truth in all the then existing yogic schools and found no rest in any of them until he himself had attained inner realisation of the great sum of gnosis within his own being. So too Confucius, and many subsequent Confucian sages, who sought to master the sum totality of knowledge and then apply it for the benefit of society. So too in the social sciences, people with the Lugh Complex are often polymaths, mastering many disciplines and restlessly seeking to interconnect them all, in ways that other people simply hadn’t thought of before then, such as Plato, or Aristotle, or Roger Bacon, Vico, or Francis Bacon, or Descartes, or Leibnitz, or Saint-Simon, Comte, Hegel, Moses Hess, or Marx, or Sorokin, and many others – these were all in their own ways polysavants who had the full on blast of the hot sun of the Lugh complex beating down upon them, filling their heads with new ideas that could (they hoped) bring benefit to mankind and spread enlightenment to all.
To sum up: someone with the Lugh complex will seek restlessly, for the integration of all possible knowledge, they will seek to master both the natural, political, social and philosophical sciences; they will be ever hungry for new learning; they will not be content to accept as fact statements based on authority, but will rather seek to work out for themselves how such and such a theorem works, or how such an such an insight can be applied usefully. Above all, they will be servants of humanity, and function once they have reached intellectual maturity, as Bodhisattvas of wisdom, who can spread light and wisdom for the service of all humanity as the sun spreads its rays to enable life on earth to flourish, yet without arrogance or egotism. Knowing that in doing this our son is only one among the myriads of stars that reside elsewhere in the universe. Someone truly touched by the Lugh Complex will therefore always exhibit authentic humility, knowing they are but one in a billion billion Lughs. Ordinary people, coming up against someone with the Lugh Complex will exhibit a number of spoiling or disabling tactics, which in sum can described as sophiaphobic reactions. They will defame, insult, mock, belittle, disavow and in extreme cases imprison, torture, and kill people who exhibit an active Lugh Complex. The crucifixion of Jesus is only one such instance of thousands known to history, where authentic teachers and supreme intellectuals and saints have been attacked and wronged by fearful committees made up of bureaucrats and petty policemen of ideas, who rule out of order in advance any genuinely large scale thinking. Yet educators have a duty to persist, and to create institutional centres of excellence where people with the Lugh Complex can feel at home and feel empowered. In creating the Gifted and Talented programmes in British schools the first Blair government did something useful and wonderful, by giving British schoolchildren a sense that what mattered in education was achieving the realisation of their genius, not simply the passing of exams. The author of this dictionary has long campaigned for a similar programme for Gifted and Talented students at university throughout the UK and Europe and across the world. University teaching needs restructuring so that multi-disciplinarity and integrative thinking becomes more common in the way that universities deliver their knowledge transmissions. Instead of teaching knowledge as if it consists in discrete packets of information (aggregated information particles) universities should teach knowledge based on the wave theory of knowledge, that all knowledge is indeed intrinsically interconnected and that, as Newton said, all around us “the great ocean of wisdom lies unexplored”. This reform is long overdue since highly intelligent students at University at present run the risk of being blocked and bureaucratically stifled by committees of mediocre minds that prevent their true genius from being given room to flourish. Universities by definition should be places where the polysavant is nurtured and they are taught and enabled how to tap into the universal wisdom fields of knowing that each discipline is but a path towards and a gate of entry into its ever unfolding depths.