Ashley Kiss-Genova - Ashley's Fit Clique

Ashley Kiss-Genova - Ashley's Fit Clique

I am a Health & Fitness Coach, Navy Wife, Mom, GOAL crusher - Who wants to help YOU get to your financial and fitness goals! Hi there! WELCOME! I know i didn't.

Not sure if you stumbled across my page or were invited but I'm here to say - HI! Here's a little bit about myself in case we don't already know each other~

I am a stay at home mom to a two year old old boy and a proud Navy wife. FItness has become a big part of my life, helping me to stay happy and healthy for not only myself but for my family. Being a fitness coach is the best job I could have

Mobile uploads 13/07/2015

Rainy Monday in Southern Maryland! ☔️☁️

Looking like a coffee on replay all day!

This Leaner Creamer is ✨ AMAZEBALLS ✨

I'm a coffee black with liquid stevia kind of girl so to find a creamer that was both tasty AND nutritional? Yep sign me up!

How do you take you're coffee? ☕️ Let me know!

Laters 💋

Mobile uploads 11/07/2015

Families who together, STAY HEALTHY together 👪💁🏼❤️🌟🍰(because it was cake batter flavored ☺️)

Happy Saturday 💋

Mobile uploads 09/07/2015

There is NOTHING a good stretch session can't fix.

It's honestly the only time I feel I can really get out of my own head.

FOCUS completely on the stretch at hand...
The muscle I'm focused on, how it feels,
remembering to B R E A T H E throughout each stretch.

Even though it wasn't a " yoga " session that stretch workout really helped turn my day around.

Maybe a little cake batter will help too 😜

Remember to FOCUS on the GOOD around you today ! We only have so many trips around the sun 🌞

Mobile uploads 08/07/2015

Chinese food is life! 🙏🏼

Maybe it's a New York thing but MY comfort food is and always has been Chinese take out. 🍜🍚

Being the staple it is, I had to find a healthy alternative to the usual high sodium soy sauce when recreating my favorite meals at home.

Picked this bad boy up at the commissary and honestly am IN LOVE. So yummy and a WAY healthier option when it comes to my Chinese food 👍🏼👍🏼

What other healthy food alternative do YOU use? Drop a comment below, I'd love to add some new alternatives to my list 👌🏼


Mobile uploads 04/07/2015


My morning started with a little Lower Focus from and let me tell you! That ish is no joke!

Of course I had to get my girl in on my workout 💁🏼

This program is SO INTENSE but I absolutely love every minute of the 25 minute workouts.... Yup you read that right 25 MINUTES. That's it.

( you've probably been on your newsfeed for that long 😳🙈 )

Enjoy you're weekend 💋

Mobile uploads 02/07/2015

Now THAT is the face of your GIRL putting in W O R K this morning!

No days off for this chick! Now my workout is DONE 💪🏼👊🏼👍🏼 and we are off to the jersey shore!

I hope everyone has an amazing Fourth weekend ❤️😀🇺🇸🎉🎊

Mobile uploads 01/07/2015

this girl has been a HUGE inspiration for me these past few years. Both as a mother and a fitness fanatic, so obviously when she can to visit from Georgia I HAD to make her KILL some Focus t25 with me. And the Total Body Circuit had us SWEATING LIKE WOAH 💦💦💦

BUT best friends the sweat together, stay together... Or something like that RIGHT?!? 💪🏼👍🏼👏🏼

Mobile uploads 30/06/2015

Transformation Tuesday

This. This is everything. This is why I will continue to push and push and PUSH until my goals are demolished. 💥💥💥👊🏼

The picture on the left is a woman who was LOST and SCARED. taken days after my husband left on our first deployment. I was at my non-pregnant heaviest. I remember how bad my knees and back hurt. How I couldn't, no I WOULDN'T recognize the face in the mirror. This was my bottom. I stayed there for a bit, wallowed and felt bad for how bad it had gotten. But I got up One day and thought OK enoughs enough. ✋🏼

picture on the right. About 30 lbs GONE. 👏🏼🎉🎉🎉
Healthier, happier and while not at my goal I am closer than I was in the picture on the left. Today I look in the mirror and sometimes it still stings ( I'M HUMAN 😔 ) but I am PROUD. proud of all the work I've done to be the best Ashley I can be. For my husband and my son but MOST importantly MYSELF.

And that feeling, is something indescribable.


Timeline photos 29/06/2015

Trent did NOT have a good night…

I swear he woke up every 45 min, and when baby's awake, MOMMA’s awake and I was feeling it this morning… I MAY or may not ( Def MAY ) have hit snooze a few times and cuddle in with my little dude… but thats the beauty of my job! I am my OWN boss and I create my OWN schedule. Can’t hate on that! 💁🏼

BUT!!!! Focus T25 started today and as a personal rule you, NO MATTER WHAT, cannot skip a Monday. It sets a tone for the WHOLE WEEK and I am determined to reach my goals and THEN SOME.

So i threw a double scoop of E&E in my shaker cup and PRESSED PLAY ▶️ on T25 Cardio…. and then I died! 😂 But seriously...This program in NO JOKE Y’ALL.

But it was AMAZING to do something new and get out of my 21 Day Fix comfort zone. 💪🏼👏🏼💥

Cant wait for tomorrow ~ stay tuned!

Mobile uploads 28/06/2015

Next week will be JULY?!?

Where did June go?!

July is a crazy busy month for my little family! But excited to start a program that has only 25 MINUTE workouts and awesome eating plan to get me to my goals!

Sunday prep in FULL SWING!!

I'll miss you autumn!! But Shaun T so excited to see what we can accomplish!!!

Timeline photos 26/06/2015

HEY Fit Clique!!

SORRY for the long hiatus but I’m BACK - and gearing up to start T25 on Monday!!

CANNOT wait to see what changes I can make in the next month or so.

not to MENTION that CIZE will be released next month - HAPPY DANCE -

This morning I repeated the CIZE sneak peak on Beachbody OnDemand and let me tell you I felt like a total BADASS.

AM I a great dancer? No. But thats ok because it was me and Trentman and let me tell YOU he thought it was HILARIOUS haha

I sweated my butt off ;) laughed and smiled the ENTIRE TIME and can honestly say it made my day BETTER! Who couldn’t use something like that in their lives?!

Let me know if you are interested in any info on CIZE - Coming July 2015 -
Shoot me a message or comment below to be added to my email list!!
You DO NOT wanna miss this!

Mobile uploads 20/06/2015

Remember that suit I told y'all about?

WELL here is it!

Yup, I am PROUDLY rocking that size large!

I've worked my BUTT off to comfortably walk around in this bathing suit and I COULD NOT be prouder, and that's the t r u t h.

Progress IS beautiful... So anyone who's not QUITE there yet, ROCK IT.

You're further into the journey than before you started... And THAT is worth CELEBRATING 🎊🎊🎉🎉


Timeline photos 18/06/2015

we all have a why

a wedding, a ten year high school reunion, or just to feel good in a bathing suit.

THIS guy, he is my WHY.

He is the reason I wake up super early to get my workout in and my meals prepped for the day.

He is the reason I LOVE to work from home ... how could you NOT want to hang with his cool dude everyday?!

He is the reason I WANT and NEED to be healthy, and BELIEVE me, he is WATCHING.

If coaching seems like something you would be interested in LET ME KNOW. Lets see if this AMAZING job opportunity could help you get to your financial and physical GOALS.

We all have our WHY’s… what’s yours?

Timeline photos 18/06/2015

let me just say I am STRUGGLING.

The scale is for sure not saying what it should, I mean COME ON I’ve been working my little behind OFF… or so I thought.

I always hear “muscle weighs more than fat” and while I feel I LOOK slimmer ( my “GOAL clothes” not only fit but some of them even feel loose )… so WHY IS THE SCALE being so MEAN?!

I decided to go into my iPhotos to look at pictures of me from June of last year and this one popped u, and it took my BREATH away… that is my hand?… it looked like a strangers hand. NOTHING I remember seeing.

Sometimes we get so caught up on the scale. This photo almost made me want to looe my scale all together.

Changes happen where/when we don’t expect them.

I am BETTER than I was one year ago today. And with that I’m going to sleep with a SMILE on my face.

Mobile uploads 15/06/2015

rainy Monday at the shore

With the weather fully effecting my mood this morning I decided to switch up my workouts and do some Upper Fix instead of Total Body Cardio.

Something about working upper body that makes me feel so STRONG and ready to take on whatever the day brings.

FIT TIP for my FIT CLIQUE : never and I mean NEVER skip a Monday.

Sweat it out friends!

Mobile uploads 15/06/2015

My happy place🌊

A few months after my beach wedding my childhood summer home was destroyed by Hurricane Sandy... I actually found out I was pregnant with Trent the Friday before the storm.

Devastated is an understatement. How did I process this exactly... I had just taken my wedding photos there, how was that place now completely gone? In one storm?!

After 30 LONG months we are rebuilt and opening for the summer season. Seeing my son play in the same spot I grew up playing is beyond amazing. And being able to stay thru a long weekend made it even sweeter.

A little Yoga Fix with this view, and cousins in tow couldn't have made for a better Sunday.

Mobile uploads 13/06/2015


Convinced ( and by convince I mean woke up and said " y'all have 15 min till my E&E kicks in " ) my cousins to do the Cardio Fix with me this morning.

SNICKERS Shakeology and the Beach for the rest of my Saturday

ENJOY you're weekend guys! Don't forget to SWEAT!

Mobile uploads 13/06/2015

Don't think I missed yesterday!

Silly me left her phone charger and had no phone most of yesterday, BUT I KILLED that workout.

Something about Dirty 30 makes my whole body feel AMAZING.

Mobile uploads 11/06/2015

Day one accountability post! So I could barely get my butt out of bed this morning.

I tend to get riddled with anxiety the night before traveling, and last night was NO different. I probably finally fell asleep around 3 😳 so 5:30 came far to quickly for my taste.

I rolled over turned OFF my alarm. " I'll workout when I get to my parents " ( yeah after a five hour drive 😑 ) " I'll pull a double tomorrow " ( told ya that was my fav! )

But, I couldn't let me MIND get the best of me. This girl has GOALS and sleeping in doesn't get them. Two a day's do. Eating CLEAN does. Sweating EVERYDAY will.

And LOOK! A baby Tricep has come out to play!! 🎉🎊💪🏼👍🏼

This month the 21 Day Fix as well as the 21 Day Fix EXTREME are on sale! You can get either program for TEN BUCKS when you buy Shakeology! What?!

These programs are truly GAME changers!

Have some questions? Shoot me a message or click LIKE and I'll get in contact with you! Don't miss this deal!

Timeline photos 10/06/2015

🐫 HUMP day = LEG DAY! ( my favorite!) 🐫

Legs are TOUGH and that workout was NO JOKE but it’s done, I crushed ( and cursed!) it and I feel great…. oh wait, I'm pulling TWO a days…. guess ill go put my sneaks back on 😅😂

** I’ll be traveling a lot this weekend and i NEEEEED some accountability, I will post a POST workout shot every day I’m away, deal? Click LIKE if you’ll partner up to keep me HITTING my goals! 💪🏼👊🏼


Timeline photos 09/06/2015

SO EXCITED for the upcoming months. SO MANY things on the agenda. Just have to keep pressing play and getting to my goals.

Last summer was probably the HARDEST three months of my life. My husband had just left ... I was at my heaviest for sure, and boy did I feel it. I remember sitting with one of my best friends, sweating my A$$ off ( in leggings and a flowy tank top of course ) and I said “I NEVER want to be this hot again!” - and I MEANT IT!

Who wants to spend their summers in jeans and pants and layered tank tops just to hide the weight? NOT ME … I did it and let me tell you IT WAS AWFUL.

I didn’t go to the pool or beach ONCE ( probably because I didn’t even own a bathing suit ) what kind of SUMMER is that?!

This morning I put on my newly purchased bathing suit. YES it's a LARGE. But guess what, it F I T S …I’m ganna wear the HELL out of it, and I’m going to ENJOY my first summer in years…. for this momma!!!!!

If you feel even remotely the same way I did last summer, shoot me a message. Lets get to know one another on a fitness level and lets get you to your GOALS. I’ve been there and I’m on still on my way, but I want to HELP!

Your BODY is capable of more than your MIND will let you believe

Hope to hear from YOU soon …


Timeline photos 08/06/2015

M-O-N-D-A-Y-S… amiright?

I LEGIT did not realize it was Monday until after lunch… SAHM problems i guess.

The little man was… well… a two year old today. I wasn’t sure if nap time was even going to happen. BUT an hour of serious convincing, he was asleep. ( thank you jesus! )

Hubby was at work today so I got in a solo Total Body Cardio Fix ( particularly hard to do with two people in one living room ) and it was a STRUGGLE to get started but I finished stronger than I have in any previous round, so today was a kickass day for Ashley!

Its amazing what AWESOME things can happen when you let go of DOUBT…

Its Monday, Be Awesome!!

Timeline photos 08/06/2015

Sunday … for me that means yoga day.

After a week of workouts there is nothing better then taking a moment to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out those muscles and get ready for the week ahead.

I hope you all had an AMAZING weekend and got to enjoy the nice weather!

Tomorrow is the start to a NEW week, so give it ALL YOU GOT!
( and then just a little bit more ;) )

Night Guys and Dolls

Timeline photos 06/06/2015

We all want that instant gratification.

The “I just did 40 crunches, why don’t i have abs yet?!” type of mentality.

Sometimes its hard to remember where you started and how you felt. (ESPECIALLY because this journey started so long ago for me)

I had to remind myself today, to STOP beating myself up. I work EVERYDAY towards my goals and while I may feel STUCK where I’m at, I just have to keep p u s h i n g.

21 Day Fix/FIx Extreme has for sure made a HUGE difference in the way I eat and how strong I have become, but I’m thinking its time for a changeup. And maybe its because CIZE is coming out next month but I’m think a little Shaun T will SHOOT me right over this plateau.

In two weeks (still going to finish this round of the Fix STRONG) … T25 … Your MINE.

….stay tuned….

Timeline photos 06/06/2015

Today was one of those days, 5:22 pm rolled around and I thought DANG I haven’t worked out yet.

EVERY excuse ran through my head…. I’ll pull a double tomorrow… today will be my rest day (THAT is one of my fav’s)

BUT, with the help and PUSH of my loving husband, I popped some E&E in a shaker cup, put together the most RIDICULOUS workout outfit ( cause it made me laugh out LOUD ) and KILLED some Cardio Fix. 30 min on NON STOP sweat and aching legs but I DID it. Its done and I feel amazing.

The shirt says it all " No Regrets Just Results " push PLAY everyday!

Now on to movie night with the boys

Timeline photos 05/06/2015


A word I’ve seen written 198340823 times but only recently really thought about it. What goals that now, as a SAHM, did I have? To shower that day? for sure. To get in my workouts? yeah, always.

But what were my GOALS?

The big scary things I thought about when I laid in bed trying to figure out how to save some money for my sons upcoming birthday. The stuff that ran through my mind on the drive to the grocery store. What made my tummy fill with butterflies of anxiety??? (** Publishing this Like page was one of those scary monsters! **)

I sat, I thought and I wrote. I put on paper what i wanted to accomplish and I’M DOING IT.

~I’m putting it out there in the universe, letting her know whats up~

This is my accountability post y’all!! Keep me PUSHING. ( Push with me! )

The Self Proclaimed

Timeline photos 04/06/2015

seriously VULNERABLE post:

This picture is my transformation thus far in my fitness journey-

YES there is a 1 year 11 month difference in those pictures. During the “dash” of those photos I went through a WHOLE lot…just a few things to list: the leading up to and going through a 12 month deployment, I moved form GA back to my hometown and now to MD, transitioned from having a baby to having a FULL BLOWN TODDLER (on my own) all while trying to figure out how to make myself feel better….

lets just say it was NOT easy, and i have stumbled and fallen off this track many MANY times. I used to be a person who would dwell on that before/after shot with thoughts like “thats IT?!, Those pictures barely show a difference.”

But when I TRULY think about it, I am a completely different person, both mentally and physically.

Do i still have the “mom belly” HELL YES I do, am I where I want to be HELL NO, but thats the WHOLE point. This is a journey, not a destination.

I am doing this to be the BEST version of myself, and NO negative energy or thoughts will EVER get in my way again.

Join me, lets make this LIFE the BEST life, cause its the only one we’ve got.