Warren Building Project

Warren Building Project

Follow Warren's building project. Get updates and news on the project & be sure to share with friends, alumni and community members.

Employment Opportunities | Lang Masonry & Restoration Contractors 21/02/2020

This statement in the previous post will also be available on the district’s web page and includes the following link for those interested in employment with Lang Masonry - https://www.langmasonry.com/employment.php

Employment Opportunities | Lang Masonry & Restoration Contractors If you are interested in joining our company team, please call our offices at (740) 749-5816 to set up an appointment to meet with the Project Manager and complete an application form, or print the online form - Employment Application Form (right).


February 21, 2020
In response to an open petition on Facebook and other rumors concerning local labor taking part in the construction of our new schools, Warren Local Schools would like to make the following statement:

Warren Local School District is committed to our students and the community. The building project is a once in a lifetime event that will change the educational culture of our district, community, and the region. Before the bond issue vote, the Board of Education passed a resolution that has been our guide throughout the construction process. The resolution highlighted the desire for quality construction and to use our local workforce. As of today, the project has had 84,702 man hours of construction, and 99% has been completed by local companies and/or local workers. The results of their collective efforts is nothing but astounding - our buildings are beautiful, even in their "under construction" state.

As a public entity that is partnering with another public entity, the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC), there are rules and processes that must and are being followed. In our delivery method for construction, Warren Local School District is not under contract with individual subcontractors, Warren Local School District is under contract with one Construction Manager. It is that Construction Manager that holds the contracts with the subcontractors. All of the skilled trade subcontractors are local companies and/or employ local workers. These subcontractors are held to standards of quality as well as other workplace requirements that are dictated by state law and the OFCC regulations. As long as these requirements are met, the district has no authority to influence who a local business employs.

The Construction Manager used a bidding process to select the subcontractors on the project. Only one local company bid on the masonry work; this company won that bid and is working on the project. In recent communication with this company, they have been and are currently looking for local skilled employees to add to their workforce. These individuals could have the opportunity to be a part of our community growth by working on our community's schools and should contact that contractor for information.

Warrior Nation is a proud community; it is this community that makes our schools strong. The future is bright for our students, as they will be part of an event that will truly change the educational culture of our community.

Photos from Warren Building Project's post 20/09/2019

Thank you for the great start of the school year. Our students, staff, parents and community members have been so cooperative and patient with the change in traffic patterns and parking for school and after school events. Thank you for working together through the building project!
Check out the drone pictures from this week. It’s so exciting to see the buildings taking shape.

Photos from Warren Building Project's post 06/09/2019

Here are some recent photos of the construction site. Other photos are posted on the school’s web site under the Photos link on the right side of the Building Project page.

Photos from Warren Building Project's post 12/07/2019

If you have been by the middle school or high school in the last several weeks you’ve probably noticed the heavy equipment and the ground being moved for the new elementary school. For those that are not by the area regularly, or live outside the district, we will be posting construction photos so you can see the progress as it happens.
The construction fence is now up for the high school as well, so please be cautious as you drive in the area and help keep the construction workers and those working around the buildings safe.
There are several more photos available on the school web site. You can check them out here…


Warren construction on time, moving forward | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times 13/06/2019

Here's a link to a recent article from the Marietta Times... http://www.mariettatimes.com/news/local-news/2019/06/warren-construction-on-time-moving-forward/

Warren construction on time, moving forward | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times VINCENT — The board of Warren Local Schools took another step in the district's $63 million project Thursday morning by approproving a portion of the work fo

Photos from Warren Building Project's post 02/04/2019

Save the Date!
We’re so excited to announce the official ground-breaking ceremony for the new school buildings will be Monday, April 22nd at 4:30pm! Please plan to join us!
There has been many, many long hours put into the design of the buildings by the design teams, and now we’re excited to be moving into the construction phase. If you drive by Warrior drive you’ll see fencing going up where the new buildings will be.
There is a project board meeting this Thursday at 5:30 in the middle school band room. All are welcome to join us to get updates on the project.

Warren construction project hits setback | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times 21/02/2019

There has been a lot of activity going on with the building project since the first of the year as we are in the bidding process. This involves collecting and reviewing bids on each of the different trades such as electrical, plumbing, masonry, civil engineering, roofing, technology, etc. Naturally, some bids are coming in under budget, and others over budget. The over bids are being reviewed in more detail by the construction manager, the OFCC, the architect and the district, and in some cases, being rebid. Once the bid winners are selected and scheduled, we should be able to start looking at dates for a ground breaking.

Here’s a link to an article from the Marietta Times that talks about the bidding process:

If you’d like to know more, or have questions, please join us at the next working project meeting on March 7th at 5:30 in the Warren middle school band room. Representatives from Barton Malow, the construction manager will be there to answer questions and share updates on the bidding process, and next steps.

Warren construction project hits setback | News, Sports, Jobs - Marietta Times The $63 million building project being undertaken by Warren Local Schools has hit a slight setback. Superintendent Kyle Newton said Thursday that when bids for


On November 26th, the Board passed a resolution approving the Design Development (DD) for the new Warren Elementary School. Here is some background on the process:
• The BOE will pass individual resolutions for the construction process. Each resolution is specific to a building: high school, middle school, or elementary school.
• Resolutions are specific to a design or construction process. The BOE will pass a resolution at three stages: 1) Program of Requirements/Schematic Design submission 2) Design Development submission 3) Acceptance of the final bid documents. Some of these have been passed.
• Specifically, the Design Development resolution for the Elementary School passed at the last regular board meeting outlines the following:
o The building is part of an Ohio Facilities Construction Commission (OFCC) project and the district is partnering with the OFCC as a co-owner during construction.
o Co-ownership recognizes that the building must be built to the Ohio School Design Manual (OSDM) standard. This standard is above and beyond basic residential, commercial, and industrial code.
o Co-ownership also recognizes that the OFCC and the district will pay their share of cost on items that are within the OSDM standard. The district could be responsible for cost that is above the OSDM and/or is deemed a Locally Funded Initiative (LFI).
• In general, the passage of the Design Development resolution signifies that the building design is approximately 90% complete and ready for the bid and the Greatest Maximum Price (GMP) process.
At our working meeting this week we heard from Barton Malow, the construction manager about the bids process and we also discussed traffic flow during and after construction.
Here is a link to this month’s community update. If you’d like to know more or have questions please contact the school’s administration office.




Our November working project meeting will be Thursday, November 1st at 5:30 in the middle school band room. If you have any questions, or would just like to hear more about the project please join us. All are welcome.


Reminder – There will be a building project working meeting on Thursday, October 4th at 5:30 at the Warren middle school in the band room. We will be reviewing the results from the high school survey and will be sharing information from the architect on how we're designing safety into the schools. There will be a status update on progress and will be discussing our next steps.
All are welcome to join us.
If you are unable to attend, please check out the community updates under the Project tab of the school web page. Monthly reports are posted soon after our working meetings.

Warren Elementary Walkthrough 10/09/2018

At our working meeting last Thursday Jen Fuller, project architect, presented 3D walkthrough videos of the high school and elementary buildings. It’s so exciting to see the buildings take form and start to come to life. The links to the videos are below and are also on the school web page.
Please keep in mind that these are first drafts. Furniture, fixtures, and colors are for presentation purposes only. The building design teams will be meeting soon to decide more of the details and to make adjustments where needed. Also, the survey results will also be finalized and tallied and will help to decide some of the design features as well.
Enjoy the videos!!!

Warren Elementary- https://youtu.be/9js8_ZqkK7E
Warren HS- https://youtu.be/E1ItQs2lBSM

Warren Elementary Walkthrough


Reminder – Our next building project working meeting will be this Thursday, September 6th at 5:30 pm in the middle school band room. Architect Jen Fuller from Fanning Howey will show us a 3D walk through of the elementary and high schools. All are welcome.

Warren High School - Aesthetic Survey 24/08/2018

We are seeking input from the public on the aesthetics for the exterior/interior of the new high school. Use the link below to view some possible designs and offer input via the survey. Please complete your survey by September 9, 2018.


Warren High School - Aesthetic Survey Please select your preference for each picture. Please note that winning selections may not be used if cost becomes prohibitive.


The next building project working board meeting will be this Thursday, August 16th at 5:30 pm at the Warren Administration Office. All are welcome.

Untitled album 30/07/2018

Project updates:
• The schematic design for elementary building was approved by the board at Monday’s business meeting.
• High school administration and key staff from the VoAg and Industrial and Engineering Arts department have been working with Brandon Biniker of Fanning Howey to design efficient and flexible spaces as well as identify equipment, utility and storage needs for their area in the new high school.
• The middle school design team has been working on detailed design for the renovation focusing on educational use and operational improvements.
• Food service representatives from all three buildings attended a conference and visited two different schools to gather information and inspiration to help design the new food prep and eating areas.
• Logistics – Traffic patterns will change starting in the fall to help begin the transition to the building phase. New parking lots and construction areas for equipment and materials are being mapped out.
For the complete community update with more details on the project activities and the logistics plan, click here…




The next building project working meeting will be Thursday, July 19th at 5:30 in the middle school band room. Normally, our working meetings are held the first Thursday of each month but it falls in the week of July 4th this month and several people are on vacation or traveling.
This month, we plan to complete the schematic design phase of the project for the high school. The schematic designs for the elementary and middle school should be completed in the next two months.
This is an exciting step because this starts the transition from design to construction. Logistics meetings are already taking place to organize traffic flow and site usage during the construction process. If you’d like to know more, or have questions, please join us on the 19th. All are welcome!

Photos from Warren Building Project's post 12/06/2018

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey for the elementary building. We had 653 results and gave the project team some good input on the project. The results were shared at the working meeting on Thursday along with some other great developments in the project. The link to the full report for June that includes project updates, the elementary survey results and the high school atrium images is below.

The attached images are from the architect and will give us some idea what we will see when we walk in the front door of the high school. If you enter the front door your back will be to the middle school. If you go up the stairs (or elevator) there will be a door that leads to building 6. There are a few more images in the report if you’d like to see more. Keep in mind this is a working design and there will be changes as the project develops.


Warren Elementary School - Aesthetic View 31/05/2018

Do you want to know more about Warren’s building project? Public working meetings are held the first Thursday of each month. Our next meeting will be Thursday, June 7th at 5:30 at the Warren middle school band room. Topics for this month will be:
- Reviewing the results of the elementary building design survey
- New design images for the high school
- Updates on the project status
- Q&A
If you haven’t had a chance to take the online elementary building survey, you still have a few days to complete it. The survey will be closing June 6th. We’d love to have you input, so if you haven’t done so, please follow the link below.

Warren Elementary School - Aesthetic View Please select your preference for each picture.

Warren Elementary School - Aesthetic View 16/05/2018

We would love to have your help is choosing some design elements for the new elementary school. It should only take a few minutes and will give the design team some valuable community input.
Please click the link below to complete the survey.
Thanks for your help!


Warren Elementary School - Aesthetic View Please select your preference for each picture.


Reminder: There will be a BOE building project meeting on Thursday, May 3rd at 5:30pm at the Warren Middle School Band Room. Our architect will be there to review design ideas with the public. There will be an opportunity to participate in the design process so please plan to join us.


Our next Working Board Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 3rd at 5:30. Our architect, Jenn Fuller from Fanning Howie will present different design proposals for the outside of the buildings. She will have a technology-based voting system that will allow us to help gather consensus for different building views. All are welcome, so please plan to join us.

Open the April communication link below to see additional details that also includes some exciting new schematic designs for the elementary building.

This link and others are available on the Warren Local School District web page on the Community Updates link under Building Project.


Photos from Warren Building Project's post 22/03/2018

Here are pictures from the first elementary design team meeting held Thursday March 15 at Warren Middle School.

The design phase is still in the beginning stages, however, the team will begin shaping the buildings design and adjacencies, educational spaces and how they interact, as well as other key features of the elementary. There will be a design team for each of the buildings, Operations and Technology as well as Community use and Campus.

Team members are:
Ashley Skinner, Danielle Rinard, Jill Lipscomb, Kaitlin Hurley, Kim Yabs, Tara Freshour, Valorie Adams, Beth Maidens, Missy Kemper, Melissa Childers, Joe Oliverio, Robin Carter, Shane Freshour, Lisa Spence, Scott Elzey, Angela Dunn, Kyle Newton, Cathy Cunningham, and Sidney Brackenridge.


Bus Drivers Needed
Warren Local Schools has open part-time positions starting at $11.50 per hour with summers off, and no nights, weekends, or holidays. This is the perfect job for semi-retired person, a stay-at-home parent, someone needing a little extra cash, etc. We will provide training and help the new hire obtain a CDL-B driver’s license. The job begins by driving a bus with a possibility for a significant pay increase and great health insurance. Please email or call David Dye if you are interested, or know someone that might be interested, or go to Warrenlocal.org and click the Parent/Community link, then Employment link and there you will find a brief application.
Contact Information: Phone: 740 678-2366 Ext. 131
Email: [email protected]


The district building project design process was reviewed last night at February’s working meeting with the board and several community members. The project architects, Jenn Fuller and Steve Wilczynski, also presented building locations and some of the pros and cons of each option. Thank you to those that attended and for the great questions and conversation.


Warren BOE to meet Thursday

There will be a special meeting of the Warren Local Schools Board of Education at 6 p.m. Thursday.

The meeting will be held at the Warren Local Administration Office, 220 Sweetapple Road, Vincent, for the purpose of having a work session relating to the Ohio School Facilities construction project.


Getting into the project details during the IT - Information Technology planning meeting.
