Cross Leaks
Leaks sobre CrossFit. Leaks sobre tudo.
Stillness it’s not the same as doing nothing.
Talk to and listening to are two different types of interaction. You have the power to choose how you want people affect your daily life. Talk and be nice to everyone, but only listen to the ones who have your best interest in mind.
Today, for many is redo-Monday. The last day of the 2023 Open. Do not listen to everyone how you should approach the WOD.
Enjoy your Sunday!
If you create something, the initial idea comes from your own mind. And if you start to believe that you can picture things and turn them into reality, just imagine what you can do with practice!
That old truth has passed the test of time. You see what you want, what you might become. And it's a bold image of what you might become.
So, start!
But, go way beyond or imagine. And start today. Start by adding one more rep on your set. Add one more glass of water on your day. Add one more 100 steps on your daily steps.
Your fitness I'm slowly improve and that image of you it turn into reality.
And it's not your body. Clear your head. One more video on youtube of the subject that interest you. One more book.
What once was small, one day will be big.
Will this make some problems go away? Most likely no.
Will you get some out of this? Most likely yes! You will enjoy time with yourself, appreciate the moment and have a little bit of fun in the middle of the weak.
you could be in the Box and hear 3, 2, 1 go. Or with a book in your hand that you want to read for a long time. You know and feel the time of the task ahead.
But it is easy when you decide not for motivation, but with principles. Choose to be good. So one rep at a time, focus on getting better, not getting the best time. Focus on start reading on a page slowly.
It sounds like old and boring cliches, but somehow you know it's true: everything begins with the first step or decision.
Don't complain. So simple. Complain will not get you anywhere. Sure, people will listen. Your friends might be empathetic. Yes, sometimes venting is needed.
But in the end?
Did it help? Maybe.
Did anything change? Probably not.
So stop reviving the things that upset you constantly on your mind.
You win or lose first on your mind. Your thought dictate gestures and confidence. It's simple, yet hard to master. Give yourself time.
That lift leaves the floor first on your mind.
We are in the middle of the open. You just did Open workout 23.1 and now you have 23.2. And you already identify areas you need to change. Maybe it is just a coaching aspect. Or discipline. Or whatever.
But the best part, you can start whenever you want! It is completely up to you.
Be hard on yourself like you'll be to one of your friends. But also be empathic to yourself.
If you messed up the WOD, acknowledge that, and don't ingnore your mistake and shrink your shoulders. Give you the right to be mad at yourself.
On the other way, if you missed the WOD but you tried your best on that day, with that conditions, why would do be mad?
It's a fine line. The best way it's to act like a true friend to yourself. Compliment when it's due, be harsh when needed.
The 2023 Open is upon us. We all have expectations. All of us, can't hide. The question is: can we ignore the expectation when facing a negative outcome?
That's a question only you can answer. But bare in mind, expectation sucks. Free yourself of it.
The truth is that to be great you need to try every day. try to learn from past days and challenges. It is an ongoing job. Sometimes your mind will wander or say you had enough. Most of the time it is not true. You can keep going. You can get one more rep. One more breath and you can pick up where you left off.
This is true to most, if not all, aspects of life. Time is running out and you think you`ll do it tomorrow. But, when? You know tomorrow will have its demands, why add one more that you can do today? Why do you say that to your Head?
Your head and thoughts are yours. You command them, not the other way around. Chose to be the master. It is easy to say. Harder to do. But now you know the baseline. You have a starting point. Do not think of the endless buts you can imagine. Just focus on one principle.
Repeat that at the beginning of your WOD today. To put that in practice, slow down. You have to do 12 reps. Do it slowly. Do not rush them. If you have to break them, instead of 6+6 go for 4 +4 +4. Do less than you think you need. Suprise yourself with the order and commands you give to yourself.
💡 set a vision of you.
During the wod.
During the workday.
During your own time.
🧠you can set a vision by what you want to get out of that workout, it can be just to test yourself in one of the movements.
It is up to you.
Judge others only by the rules you apply to yourself.