The Weather sKwirl™

The Weather sKwirl™

The Weather sKwirl™ Blog = Website = S


Happy Thanksgiving! 💖🐿️

Photo illustration by 😍


Every time I go to I pick up ocean plastics. Yet, even when thousands gather there, I rarely see anyone else doing it. There is no signage, no park rangers and no programs that even inform people about how this harms people, animals, birds, fish and the planet. So this is the start of a X collab as a simplified version of our very complex gallery and museum pieces made from found plastics and reclaimed plywood. See it. Read it. Share your knowledge.

Cheap plastics like this turtle sand toy when left on the beach, get eaten by the ocean and many times wash back up and sit in the sun, breaking up into microplastics that birds and fish mistake for food. Plastics contain many toxins on their own and in the ocean other toxins attach themselves making microplastics even worse for all living things. And that’s just one part of it.

and plastic bottles and food containers and plastic bags and spoons and snack wrappers and straws …

💖🐿️ #06605


(🛸 abducted is also a fine choice!) 💖🐿️


There’s still time to picnic in plastic-free July! We do it in with a classic wicker basket, metal camping utensils, an old-school glass-lined insulated container and a 1960s linen table floral motif tablecloth.

How about you? 🐿️💖


found in art 💖🐿️


La Luz de Jesus Gallery is thrilled our to present our annual juried group exhibition - Everything But the Kitchen Sink 2023.⁠

Exhibition: July 8 - August 31, 2023⁠

100+ Artists, 200+ Artworks. Let’s face it, this is an incredible group exhibition.⁠

Featured image: kHyal “Yes” ©2023
mixed media on wood panel, 12 "⁠ x 12"⁠

More images and info on our featured artists soon.⁠


Every day is 🌎 and we only have one, so let’s take care of it by being mindful of our actions. I’m sure the idea of escaping 🚀 to Mars is more fun than addressing the mess we’ve made here for some, but where does that leave most other living things? Including future generations of … We are not above nature, we are part of it. 💖🐿️ THIS MESSAGE HAS BEEN PAID FOR BY THE WEATHER SKWIRL. THE WEATHER SKWIRL APPROVES OF THIS MESSAGE.

Photos from The Weather sKwirl™'s post 08/04/2023

It’s a thing! We were lucky enough to learn from a pro when Lux Williams of Off Cut Studio in the UK came to our fave maker space in New Haven — MakeHaven — with the help of JR Logan and additional sponsorship from the Yale Center For Engineering, Innovation, and Design.

So much acrylic goes to waste in the design industry, but it can be safely recycled into new sheets and used again. (And any leftover scraps from reuse can also be recycled!) At the workshop, we hammered, shredded, molded, baked, pressed, and laser cut — and a brand new one-of-kind multicolored Weather Weather sKwirl™ was born!

You can learn to do this, too! Check out Lux’s Instagram, and also a project by — it’s full of open-source goodness including machine blueprints and all kinds of knowledge from the plastic recycling movement around the globe!


What you consume and discard has a far-reaching impact on others. This image from shows a mother feeding her baby what she thinks is food but is primarily plastic. Birds often mistake plastic and other marine debris for food.

What can you do to help? Be mindful of your consumption, and choose products and packaging with as little plastic as possible.

And, thanks to who brought this image to our attention.

Photo: ©️Chris Jordan / .thefilm — (Watch the film for free on Vimeo.)


— Some studies say it’s making squirrels fat, maybe even lazy. What?

Give a squirrel a break. Lay off the greenhouse gas emissions. Keep the planet cool!

Want to learn some basics? Check out

The Weather sKwirl by ©2023

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🐿️s don’t pollute! 💖