BUY BrainTap

BUY BrainTap

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from BUY BrainTap, Health & Wellness Website, .

Photos from BUY BrainTap's post 04/05/2019

If you want to help yourself with stress, you might want to think about BrainTap.

It's simple to do.

Works Fast... and has been proven and tested on hundreds of thousands of people just like you.

Oh and by the way, if you want to get started today, just go to:

You'll find everything you need there.


If you read my last post you know that I'm big into helping people with neuropathy.

If you have neuropathy and you happen to be reading this, you're most likely going to love what I'm going to tell you in these posts.

As our population ages and is increasingly struggling with weight issues and diabetes, the number of people with neuropathy will increase.

That's just the sad facts.

Neuropathy is a condition where nerves in the body have been damaged, malfunction, or in some cases have even died.

It's not something that you want, but you never really think about it until it happens to you.

These nerves that are affected are usually located close to the surface of your skin and the most common areas affected are the peripheral nerves (the nerves that are not close to your spinal column) that extend to your fingertips and toes.

A person with neuropathy... may feel a pins and needles sensation, tingling, burning, pinching or electric shocks.

Usually this is something that people think will just go away. When it doesn't, that's when they get worried.

In some cases, they may feel numbness or loss of sensation in these areas, especially the feet and toes.

Here's where it gets worse.

Most patients have difficulty sleeping due to the PAIN... in their feet and legs.

The most common cause of neuropathy is diabetes.

You don't have to have diabetes to have neuropathy, but diabetes is one of the things that causes some cases of neuropathy.

Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to the damage of nerve cells resulting in the loss of feeling most often in the feet and legs.

When you damage your nerves it can be very bad.

If you've ever stubbed your toe, or had a tooth ache, think of something worse than that and that will kind of give you an idea of what neuropathy can feel like.

Chemotherapy and cancer drugs have also been known to cause neuropathy as well as some statin drugs. I told you about this in a previous post, but right now I just want you to know the basics.

In some cases, doctors aren’t able to determine why someone suffers from neuropathy.

There are things you can do for neuropathy, things that won't damage you, internally and externally so you'll want to pay attention to my next posts.

Again, please SHARE and LIKE this page. You may not understand, you may have your own ideas of what works, or doesn't work and that's all good.

Just have an open mind to the possibilities.

Thank you.


Money is replaceable. Health is something that you can lose forever.


Do you know anyone that has something called neuropathy?

If you do, this is going to be something you'll want to share with them on Facebook.

Here's what I mean.

Imagine feeling as though you can’t participate in life with your family, take a simple walk in the park or get a good night’s sleep.

Imagine living life worrying about losing your balance and falling, which could lead to a broken bone. There are a lot of people that DIE from a fall like this, so it's something you don't want to take lightly.

Here's the stats.

For over 20 million Americans that is exactly how they go through life due to neuropathy.

Some people just accept it and take drugs.

Here's the deal.

Neuropathy is a debilitating condition that affects lives in numerous ways.

Chances are you or someone you know has been diagnosed with neuropathy and you’ve probably been told there is nothing you can do to relieve your symptoms.


If you have neuropathy or you know someone that wants a real solution, you’re going to want to stay connected and read more about what I've discovered in the last few months concerning neuropathy.

FACT: There are solutions to manage neuropathy and as people become more aware of the brain/body connection, treatments are gaining momentum and patients are seeing relief for the first time in years.

Thanks for your time and thanks for taking your time to connect with me. If you get a chance, please share this and LIKE IT please.

When I see people LIKING my pages, I just do one thing. I write and research more.


Do you care about your health?

Do you really care about your children's health?

Do you want to live longer?

These are some of the questions I've asked before b ut I just can't help myself.

Here's the short story.

Increased technology use has also been connected to higher incidences of mental disturbances such as depression and anxiety.

If you have a serious health issue like depression this makes all the sense in the world.

Many researchers attribute this to the associated decrease in authentic social connection, which we are biologically wired for.

Teenagers who frequently engage in online activity also report more common and intense "negative" feedback from their peers, which can negatively impact mental health.

This is why braintapping is so important to the teenagers.

In addition, overuse of technology can eat away at the time we might otherwise spend doing things that ground us and keep our bodies and minds healthy; exercise, spending time in nature, creative pursuits, laughing with family members and friends.

These activities can easily be overshadowed or even replaced by the use of electronic devices; their benefits, however, cannot.

If you're not braintapping, here's where you need to go.

Go to:

Get started braintapping today.

It'll change your life.


Anyone that has a brain should BrainTap.

It's easy.

it's effective.

Anyone can do it and get results.

If you want to know more about braintapping, all you do is Go To:

Get started today.

If you're not BrainTapping, you're not doing everything you can to promote your brain health.

Make sure you read the rest of my posts.

There are a lot of hidden gems in those posts.

Talk later.


Believe it or not, I like BrainTap.

What's that mean?

I love BrainTapping.

It works and it helps keep my stress levels to a tiny portion of what they should be at.

There is so much I want to tell you, but I'm going to back off a little since it's Saturday, relax, and go do a BrainTap session right now.

It is currently almost 7:00 p.m. and I think I need a break. I've been posting for about two hours now and my brain needs a quick pick me up.

Let's see how that works.

I have to BrainTap headsets.

One is a backup.

I'll let you know how it goes.

If you want to join me go to:

It's an amazing experience especially when you do a braintap session each and every day.

Happy BrainTapping.

See ya.


Does yoga really work?

Does breathing help your brain and how it functions?

If you want to know, read this POST now as I may take it down if I don't get any LIKES and SHARES.

Okay, I'm just kidding.

Anyway, let's get going here.

A study presented in 2016 at the International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health showed that daily yoga "and" controlled breathing IMPROVED depression symptoms as effectively as antidepressants.

I'm positive that Big Pharma doesn't want anyone to hear that.

But it's here so someone will finally know about it.

Not only did depression symptoms improve, but levels of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA),gosh that's a big name, which is a calming neurotransmitter, increased.

Here's the best part.

Controlled breathing has been found to "trigger" the relaxation response, which slows your heart rate and digestion and helps you feel calm.

Braintapping helps you do that as well.
Go to: to get started braintapping today.

Slow 'and' deep breathing decreases the effects of stress on the body and improves physical and mental health.

If you have any kind of stress, you might want to pay attention to this post.

If you’ve ever told someone, “Take a deep breath,” to calm down, you’re using REAL science to "promote" relaxation and clear their brain of anxiety.

That's why if you're STRESSED or have a bout with ANXIETY, you might want to take a deep breath until you feel better and then braintap when you get home.

Let's be clear here.

While our breathing is automatic, it can be both an involuntary and voluntary process.

How so?

Well with practice, you can alter the speed and depth and mechanics of your breathing to alter your physical and mental states.

That's major if you don't know that, so please keep this a secret between you and I and don't share or comment on this post.

Okay, I'm kidding.

Share it.

Anyway... short, slow, steady breathing activates your parasympathetic response, (this is the other part of your nervous system as the sympathetic is the other part) which can calm you and help you focus more clearly on your goals.

If you want to achieve more of your goals, you might want to pay attention here.

SECRET: One simple way to practice your breathing skills is by listening to a BrainTap guided visualization.

During each session, you are guided by Dr. Porter or someone else to produce deep, rhythmic breathes, making it easier to achieve the slow, steady breathing pattern you need to put you in the right physical and mental state for creating the life of your dreams!

TIP: What I do to go to sleep is this. I lay there and tell myself to take long, slow deep breaths. I breath through my nose, hold and then let it out. I don't usually get past five or six of these deep breaths and I'm out. Seriously. It activates my parasympathetic system and puts me to sleep fast.

If you have not tried this, you might want to do it tonight.

Thank you.


You're going to like this.

I'm going to talk about some major research that has to do with brain health and BREATHING.

It's important to your family so make sure you read this.

I've talked about breathing in another post but this one is short.

Other research published in the "Journal of Neuroscience" revealed that natural breathing isn’t as passive as once thought.

Not passive?


You'll want to commit this to your memory banks.

Your breathing rate "changes" based on your environment or your emotional state, but rather than being the result of your mental state, scientists believe your body uses breathing to "promote changes in your brain" such as triggering goal directed behaviors or influencing your ability to make emotional judgments and form memories.

If you can get the breathing thing down, and you're braintapping daily, maybe even twice per day, the sky is the limit.

I don't think you understand the real power of your brain.

Go to:

The research also suggests that controlled breathing can improve health conditions such as insomnia, anxiety, and depression.

How many people do you think could be helped with anxiety and depression if they just braintapped on a daily basis?

Good question huh?

Get to braintapping today.

Just go to:


Do you think breathing is that important?

Have you ever in your life had the air knocked out of you?

Do you think you can live a long life without air?

Hey there.

I am going to share something special with you today.


On average, a person at rest takes about 16 breaths a minute for a total of 23,040 breaths per day, and it all happens automatically, without conscious thought.

Can you imagine trying to count those 23,040 breaths each and every day?

No way!

Well look at it like this.

Unless we’re out of breath from exercise or having an asthma attack, (I have asthma, but I've figured out how to beat it naturally and have zero side effects just so you know) we don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about how we breathe or how our breathing affects our bodies.

I don't and neither do you.

Scientists have known for a long time that "breathing" is connected to YOUR brain, but only recently did they figure out that how you breathe "triggers" physical changes and that breathing directly "affects your brain, mood, and stress level."

Sounds like something that might be important so KEEP READING.

Breathing is initiated by a particular cluster of neurons in your brain.

Yes that's what I said.

In one study with mice, (poor little mice) the researchers were looking for the specific neurons that had a role in breathing.

They focused on what they called the “breathing pacemaker.”

They silenced 175 specific neurons expecting that this would alter breathing patterns.

They were surprised to discover this did not occur.

Instead, the mice became noticeably more relaxed.

It turned out that the neurons isolated are those that positively regulate neurons in the Locus Coeruleus, (that's a big medical term, but I'm just going to let this one slide and not tell you what it means at this point) which is linked to arousal.

In other words, scientists had found the "precise link" between breathing rate and emotional state.

That's cool huh?

So by silencing the neurons that control how fast the mice were breathing, the mice became more relaxed showing that slower, steady breathing patterns are ideal.

If you like learning and you want to be healthier, make sure you get braintapping today.

Just go to:

Get the headset and we'll get you braintapping ASAP.



Do you know someone with Alzheimer's?

Do you know someone that has had dementia?

Do you know someone that would like some help with their memory loss?


We’ve all heard the mantra that we need to eat more fiber.

It’s good for your heart.

It’s good for your digestive system.

But did you know that new research now shows how fiber can also benefit your brain?

Our dietary choices are more and more important in maintaining a healthy body and mind and now science is proving it.

“What you eat matters,” says study author Rodney Johnson, head of the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

His research team conducted a study on mice that showed high fiber diets may set off a chemical reaction in the body that results in reduced brain inflammation, which means we can decrease the risk of neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer’s, as well as keep our cognition and memory intact as we age.

Inflammation is something most doctors don't deal with directly, but if I can get a patient braintapping and add my Inflammation product, their life might go from okay to spectacular in just a matter of weeks, but it takes some time for the body to start the changes.

Let's continue with this before I get off track.

The research focused on butyrate, which is produced by the "bacteria" that ferments the fiber we eat in our gut.

Butyrate has been previously found to reduce "inflammation" in tissues of the body.

The researchers fed mice of varying ages high and low fiber diets and then tested the butyrate levels in the bodies and assessed levels of intestinal inflammation.

The results showed the high fiber diet greatly lowered intestinal inflammation significantly in the mice.

This was amazing to the scientists that were researching this.

Genetic testing in the mice subsequently found that those fed the high fiber diet --- also had reduced inflammation in their brain’s immune cells.

When you can reduce inflammation in your brain, you're doing something right.

Inflammation in these particular brain cells are thought to be one of the "chief causes" of cognitive decline as you age.

Aging is something that I've figured out.

But I'll talk more about how I slowed down the aging process in another post.

Let's stay on track here as we're talking about fiber today.

Most adults consume 40% less fiber than is recommended on a daily basis, primarily because convenience foods such as "fast food" and "snack items" contain little or NO fiber.


If these study results hold true, it is even more important to eat a diet rich in fresh organic fruits, vegetables, fresh nuts, seeds and some beans, particularly as we grow older, but it’s a struggle for many.

Growing OLDER is not something you want to talk about when you're in that crowd but I can tell you I am a living testament to what it takes to stay younger, healthier and moving like I did when I was 40 years old.

Like I said, more on this later in another post.


To make it easier to make healthy choices, BrainTap has several audio sessions that can help.

Go to:

You can choose the class from their Nutrition Series on fiber–The Importance of a High Fiber Diet; or Planning A Healthy Diet for Vibrant Health and Eating More Fiber for Better Health in our Vibrant Health series.

It's an amazing session/program for

Do me a favor.

Sit back, relax and change your brain (and heart) for the better with BrainTap! Start your FREE TRIAL now!

Go to: today and start braintapping.

You won't be sorry.


Do you think Doctors are immune to pain?

How about immune to surgery?

I don't think so.

Here's the real story.

What about a doctor that had an amazing experience with BrainTap?

--->If you want to get BrainTap now just go to:

----------Here's Dr. Kropf's story.----------

"I wanted to share with you an experience I had with BrainTap.

I was scheduled for a complete shoulder replacement on a Friday, I had no idea what I was in for except that it would be a long rehab.

The Sunday preceding, as I prepared for this, I was out shopping and felt the onset of anxiety.

Get your BrainTap headset now at:

I felt really strange, edgy, standoffish.

I cannot explain it; all I knew is I wanted to go home.

I arrived home not much better.

Real antsy.

For whatever reason, the BrainTap headset came into sight, so I searched and found a short program for pre-surgery jitters.

It was just 10 minutes, but I felt the difference immediately!

That pre-surgery week, BrainTap was part of my wellness program.

Friday morning came.

I had a BrainTap headset and my phone, complete with the BrainTap app, at the hospital.

Post-surgery that very afternoon I listened to at least 2 sessions, maybe 3, of the Medical Recovery series for pain and healing.

I was also provided oxycodone.

Get your BrainTap headset now at:

The nurse explained that post-nerve-block pain would occur about 1 to 3 am and would feel similar to being shot with buckshot in the shoulder, and that he would provide me a shot just as soon as I pressed the call button.

About 1:30 am, I felt like a fireworks display was happening in my shoulder, although the intensity was 1/10 and I laid curiously aware and waited.

After some unknown time, I felt as if someone took their fingers and abruptly thumped the top of my shoulder, really maybe a 4/10 momentary sensation.

As quickly as it happened, it stopped without any residual symptom.

I never hit the nurse’s button.

The final drugs I used were provided for my ride home.

Although I filled the prescription, I never opened the container.

Of note, I have practiced alternative healthcare for the past 17+ years and, in addition to BrainTap and proper nutrition, I did use cold laser treatments pre and post-surgery even in the hospital.

Not directly on the shoulder while in the hospital, but on the central nervous system.

At home I began a more comprehensive cold laser and nutrition program.

At my 5-day follow-up with the surgeon, he noted that the scar was healing at a 2-week level minimum, and I had the sling off at the 5-week mark.

As you can see, alternative integrated medicine utilizes various approaches to help the body heal naturally.

I am sincerely thankful for BrainTap and all the technology!

Dr. Ed Kropf

That's straight from the horse's mouth.

Thanks Dr. Kropf.

Get your BrainTap headset now at:

This way you can be braintapping each and everyday.

It's a game changer.


Do you want to stay young?

Do you want to stay healthy?

Do you want to stay resilient?

If you answered "YES" then read this post.

Here are the FOUR simple steps you can take to build your own resilient brain starting today:

If you're brain dead, they usually pull the plug, so when I talk about a resilient brain, you should pay attention.

1. Keep your body strong and healthy.

2. Choose a diet of real food such as lean protein, organic vegetables and good essential fats.

3. Nurture your social connections. This doesn’t mean more screen time. It means making real connections and spending quality time with friends and family.

These relationships keep your heart and brain happy, which improves your ability to cope with stressful situations.

Keep a positive outlook. Get up, brush yourself off, and trust in your brain’s capacity for finding a solution to any problem.

4. Spend a few minutes every day focusing on positive mental reinforcement, like I do with my BrainTap headset and audio-sessions.

Go to: to get started.

Here's where I'm going with all of this.

You’ll balance your "brainwave" activity and stimulate neuroplasticity—which is the brain’s ability to create new connections and rewire itself.

If you want your brain to be strong, it has to keep learning and adapting.

This is important when learning a new behavior such as resilience because it allows YOUR brain to adapt and change with you.

If you're not braintapping you should be.

Go to: today.


True Story

This comes from Dr. Patrick Porter the founder of BrainTap.

To find out more go to:


Here's what he wrote in a blog post.

"On September 14, 2018, from my brother’s home in Alabama, I watched the television in horror as Hurricane Florence dismantled my hometown of New Bern, North Carolina—the town I had grown to love.

Once the storm had passed, and I saw the aftermath on the news, I wondered how we would rebuild the historic little city I’m proud to call home.

I was worried about my property and the homes of my employees, friends, and family.

I worried about BrainTap’s corporate headquarters and the downtown businesses, primarily run by local merchants.

Would they have to shutter their doors due to property damage and loss of income?

Prior to Hurricane Florence, I had often written and spoken about the importance of resilience in managing daily life, but the storm’s devastation, and what I witnessed in the following weeks, provided a whole new meaning to the word.

I realized that the world sometimes has plans for us that we cannot foresee.

When tragedy strikes, or things fall apart, how do we pick ourselves up and move forward?

I now think about resilience in a new way.

New Bern wasn’t the first town to go through massive devastation from a natural disaster.

The families who lost everything along Coastal North Carolina were not the first to suffer great loss.

What I realized is that resilience can be derived from adversity.

A shared hardship with others helps us gain empathy, and it gives us the opportunity to get back up stronger than we were before.

When faced with tragedy, towns rebuild better than ever, and families recover and grow closer.

In these ways, we gain resilience.

Fortunately, there are also people with resilience who show us the way.

One such person is Bonnie St. John, who had her leg amputated as a child and still went on to become the first African-American to win a medal in the winter Olympics for her performance on the ski slope.

While non-resilient people might choose to wallow in self-pity over their handicap, or feel less than, Ms. St. John didn’t let anything hold her back from achieving her dream.

She says, “People fall down. Winners get up.”

The message is clear—if you give up, you can’t win.

HealthCorps, a non-profit founded by Dr. Mehmet Oz, is a proactive health movement helping to lead the fight against obesity by teaching mental resilience to teens.

Dr. Oz says the key to a long and happy life is resilience.

“Life is not always easy,” he says, “but you can manage it.”

Everyone faces hardship, but if you equip yourself with the tools to handle life’s challenges, you can overcome any obstacle.

The scientific community is getting on board with promoting resilience as well.

Research from the areas of neuroscience and psychology show that small adjustments in daily routines, including what we eat and drink and how we think and interact with others, can fight the forces that sap our energy and happiness."

If you want to stay on top of your game and have the best you can in life, make sure you are braintapping.

Go to: now.

You won't be sorry once you start.

All the best to you today.


Do you care about your family?

Do you care about other people's family?

Do you care about your friends?


There is no better way to protect your brain and safeguard your health and the health of your family than by purchasing certified organic food whenever possible or growing your own food if you can.

Most people will not grow their own food, but that's fine. to the rescue.

In instances where organic choices aren’t available, be sure to wash foods thoroughly before eating, even if you plan on peeling your fruits and vegetables.

I use a special water filter and source that is a pricey little devil, costing around $2,600 but there is financing so my family is much more important than the money.

Plus, it does so much more than just giving me healing water.

Let me just be very clear with you on this.

To be as healthy as possible, you have to avoid chemical-laden processed food as much as possible, keeping in mind that if YOU stop buying it, they’ll stop making it.

Simple business math.

It’s up to each of us as individuals to do what we can to protect the next generation.

Let me finish by saying this.

You should be referring your family and friends to this site if for nothing more than to read what I'm putting in my posts.

If you need motivation in making those healthy food choices, be sure to check out some of BrainTap's Nutrition Support Series at

Here's the best part.

They have 20 sessions designed to help you make the healthiest choices for your body and your life.

Don't wait.

Start braintapping today.

Go to: today.


Part II about Autism.

If you want to know more about preventing Autism, there's a chance this might help.


I never make claims and I do not claim to know all the answers, but if I can do one post and help one person then I've been successful.

This like I said is Part II about autism and OPs.

One report from researchers showed that babies whose moms lived within ONE MILE of crops being treated with OPs --->>>> were 60% more likely to develop autism.

That's bad.

Really bad.

A study done by the University of California Davis is the third project ton actually link prenatal exposure to pesticides to autism and related disorders.

More people need to know about these things, but I'm just a little guy, with a page trying to get the word out to help more people.

Information gained from data and literature on OPs from the United Nations database reported by 71 countries asserts that these chemicals are such a threat to the health of children and pregnant women they should be banned.

Let me write that so this message is clear.

They should be BANNED.

Bruce Lanphear, professor of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia states, “We found no evidence of a safe level of organophosphate pesticide exposure for children.

To me that means one thing.

They have to be BANNED soon!

Let's take this a step further.

Well before birth, organophosphate pesticides are disrupting your brain in its earliest stages, putting them on track for difficulties in learning, memory and attention—effects which may not appear until they reach school-age.”

This means you'll never associate autism for instance with OPs.

HERE'S THE BIG QUESTION TODAY IF YOU DON'T GET ANYTHING ELSE OUT OF THIS POST. "Can we be surprised by this result when the chemical itself was derived from nerve gas?"

No, we should not!

While we may not be able to completely avoid OPs, we can all make a difference and it’s quite simply this:

"We live in a supply-and-demand world.

Start demanding organic, pesticide-free food and the industry will be forced to supply it!"

Let me add this. If I were you I'd be adding to my regimen of daily tasks to help me avoid brain damage.

Don't wait.

Get yours today at:



Do you want to avoid autism?

Are you anywhere near what we call CROPS?

If you are, or if you know someone that lives in the country, around crops, have them read this.

Every day, we put our brains in harm’s way.

When I say everyday, I'm not kidding.

That is 100% TRUE and you'd better read this and then share it. I would even like it if you commented on what I'm telling you here because it's important to get the word out.

Here's the problem.

We get too little sleep and seem to live in a near constant state of stress.

These days, things move fast.

Many of us participate in recreational or athletic activities that jolt and jar our brains.

STORY: When I was in high school I went out for the Football Team. You know, I wanted girls to like me for being manly or something like that.

Well as soon as the first week's worth of practice was finished I knew I was never going to LIKE football.


It jarred the S #$%T out of my brain.

And I mean that literally.

Some people might call me a pansy, but I can tell you those people that were macho are now in "wheelchairs' and suffering "brain damage."

Sorry, I am just being truthful.

I think Football is fun to watch, but it's what I consider a DUMB sport.


It's not good for the body.

Get this.

Even our daily commute has the potential for harm should we have an unexpected encounter with another vehicle.

You know, a car accident.

But did you know that there are other threats that could be silently and secretly "destroying" your brain from the inside out?


While we all know that we live in a world full of toxic chemicals, "most people don’t think about how these invisible invaders can harm their brains."

One of the most hotly debated topics is the use of organophosphates (OPs) as pesticides on our food supply and in common areas such as golf courses and lawns.

---->If you know a golfer, you might want to share this post with him.

OPs were developed in the 1930s and 40s as human nerve gas agents.

Yes, you should pay attention to what I'm telling you here.

When those agents OP's were no longer needed, the companies who created them looked for ways to continue selling their products and discovered they could be used as insecticides.


One would think the origins of this toxin would be scary enough, and common sense tells us that the more chemicals sprayed on and around fields and living areas, the more those toxins will show up in our bodies to cause harm.

But they are all about the money.

They don't care about you or your brain health, let alone your overall health.

Yet our government is allowing, and even encouraging, this practice to continue.


I have no idea.

Recently, researchers have discovered that these chemicals OPs are especially dangerous for some of our most vulnerable populations such as pregnant women and children, leading to "brain-destroying" health risks such as attention and memory deficit disorders, autism and lower IQs in children—all now being diagnosed in epidemic proportions.

If you want to do all you can for your children and your family you might want to think about getting a headset to balance your brain daily at:

It's a solid investment and something everyone on planet Earth should have.

It's good for a lot of other things, but today I'm just talking about OPs and damaged brains from being around crops, bad food etc. is the place to go.

Buy BrainTap & Change Your Life!

Most people do not understand the power of their BRAIN. Here’s a short explanation.

Braintapping is the “quick” and “easy” way to RELAX, REBOOT and REVITALIZE your body... by simply optimizing your brain’s peak potential—anytime, anywhere.

BrainTap is backed by neuroscience and research. It’s simple to do, it works fast, and anyone can learn to do it in about 2 minutes.

Braintapping has been proven to help people no matter how old or young they are... who experience things like high stress, difficulty sleeping, low energy, weight loss issues, anxiety, brain fog, and many, many other... lifestyle challenges.

Videos (show all)

Neuropathy can Cost you Money
Using BrainTap App
The Results Are Amazing!
UnBoxing the BrainTap So Your Brain Functions BETTER...


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 21:00
Thursday 09:00 - 21:00
Friday 09:00 - 21:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00