Leading for Christian Life

Leading for Christian Life

Leadership and Christian Life: For the Life-long Learner
This is a blog offering lessons on leadershi


Phase 2 of the Empowering Leaders model is here! Check it out here. http://www.leadingforchristianlife.com/who-ya-gonna-call/


What does it take to build a foundation for success? The post this week holds some valuable insights into this topic! Check it out right away: http://www.leadingforchristianlife.com/coaching-your-team-to-the-win/

Coaching Your Team to the Win | Leadership & Christian Life Coaching Your Team to the Win Each year the freshmen on the basketball team at UCLA looked forward to the first basketball practice of their season with the legendary coach John Wooden who had already won several championship rings at the college basketball level, so when he walked into the gym ever…


I know it's been a while, but check out the new post on empowering leaders! It is gained from this summer's learnings. Enjoy!

Empower or In Power? | Leadership & Christian Life Empower or In Power? This summer I had the pleasure of serving at SAMBICA Camp in Bellevue, Washington as the supervisor for the high school program that runs each summer there. This is the second year I have done this job and I am always amazed at the impact that summer camp has on the teens that c…

James: Money Matters | Leadership & Christian Life 17/04/2015

Get ready to talk about money! The second segment in our James series talks about making wise investments based on James 1:9-18.

James: Money Matters | Leadership & Christian Life James: Money Matters Scripture: James 1:9-18 I heard about a wealthy man who died and stood before St. Peter. Peter asked him the standard questions, but the man seemed hesitant to go into Heaven. Finally he told Peter, “I’m not ready to get into Heaven yet, I need to tie some things up and bring so…

Building A World of Leaders | Leadership & Christian Life 01/04/2015

This week has a leadership focus, discussing the importance of encouragement. WHat do you think?

Building A World of Leaders | Leadership & Christian Life Building A World of Leaders I have moved from place to place a few times in the last few years, from home to college, college back home, from there to camp, from camp to my own apartment. Every time I find myself moving, I find I have accumulated a lot of “stuff”. Some of this “stuff” is unimportant…

James: Wisdom Through Fire | Leadership & Christian Life 27/03/2015

Check out the new Spiritual Life post! It is the first in our series on the book of James, taking a look at the wisdom of Christian living.

James: Wisdom Through Fire | Leadership & Christian Life James: Wisdom Through Fire Back before the discovery of America, many things were different. The perspectives of people were radically different. For example, they thought that the earth was round but dared not venture into the unknown Atlantic. During this time a man came on the scene who was purpo…


There are two kinds of people: those who walk into a room with the attitude, "Here I am!" and those who walk in with the attitude, "There you are!" Which one do you want to be around? Which do you want to be?

The Beginning of Following | Leadership & Christian Life 16/03/2015

Check out the two most recent leadership blog posts opening up our series on the topic of Following the Leader, exploring what it takes to follow another leader well!

The Beginning of Following | Leadership & Christian Life The Beginning of Following style="display:inline-block;width:728px;height:90px" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7957720767236874" data-ad-slot="5278009941"> Have you ever looked around you and noted how many places you go where you are not a leader? What I mean is: I think of myself as a leader, I write as o…


This week we kick off our leadership series on following. Wondering how those two things tie together? Check it out: http://www.leadingforchristianlife.com/the-beginning-of-following/


After a week delay, Article #4 in the 4-part Forgiveness series is here! Starting next week, we will begin to dive into the book of James! If you have any suggestions for what you would like to study, feel free to let me know! Here is this week's Spiritual Life post:


What do you want to hear about? I would love to hear what you want to read about in the areas of leadership or spiritual life. Thanks for your support!

Developing 20/20 Leadership Vision | Leadership & Christian Life 19/02/2015

If you need to see more clearly in the venture or adventure that you're on, check out this week's leadership post!

Developing 20/20 Leadership Vision | Leadership & Christian Life Developing 20/20 Leadership Vision Perhaps you have heard the analogy used of the “blind leading the blind”. This analogy is a very good one to illustrate the importance of vision. Whether you are seeing or blind, as a leader, vision is a key element to success. There are many old proverbs that talk…

There Is No Such Thing as a Fearless Leader | Leadership & Christian Life 11/02/2015

Take Courage! A new leadership post is here!

There Is No Such Thing as a Fearless Leader | Leadership & Christian Life There Is No Such Thing as a Fearless Leader As the little boy walked timidly down the creaking stairs into the darkness of the basement below him, he began to smell the dampness of the floor and the musty cobwebs. As his shoes touched the solid concrete of the basement floor, the boy peered into the…


A Gift to Keep On Giving, our third in the four-part forgiveness series is now up: http://www.leadingforchristianlife.com/the-gift-to-keep-on-giving/


Are you striving to be a successful leader? Then this week's leadership post may help shed some light on your situation! Check it out: The Bulls-Eye of Christian Leadership at


Check out the new Spiritual Life Post titled: A Healing That Hurts, the second in our 4-week Forgiveness series. http://www.leadingforchristianlife.com/a-healing-that-hurts/


Check out the sign up form under apps on the left side of the page if you want to sign up for the weekly email update with a notification when a new post goes up and a summary of it.


The second leadership post just went up today, check it out and feel free to share this page, the site, and start conversations about the challenges of leading, prayer requests, and words of encouragement as we seek to build one another up in love.