Glyphosate and Cancer

Glyphosate and Cancer

This is about correlating Glyphosate exposure and cancer in The Rogue Valley, Oregon

Citizens push Jacksonville parks to go organic 30/03/2019

In Jacksonville, Oregon citizens are concerned

Citizens push Jacksonville parks to go organic A campaign is under way to stop synthetic chemicals from being used in Jacksonville parks. Lauren Kemple has lived in Jacksonville with her family for four years, and frequents Doc Griffin Park, where her two daughters like to play. "This summer we were here and it was warm. The girls were running a...

W**d killer residues found in 98 percent of Canadian honey samples 25/03/2019

W**d killer residues found in 98 percent of Canadian honey samples Study is the latest evidence that glyphosate herbicides are so pervasive that residues can be found in foods not produced by farmers using glyphosate.


Glyphosate and Cancer. Let’s talk about it
