Auxil Academy Videos

Videos by Auxil Academy. Auxil academy is a leading learning and training foundation found to enhance the quality of learning

Textile tech got it's new revolution e-bike specially for spinning unit easy to use.

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Textile tech got it's new revolution e-bike specially for spinning unit easy to use.

Science in Sports...

How Differential Gear works
How Differential Gear works

This is a large-scale demonstration of the interaction between period and pendulum length, using 16 bowling balls hung from a wooden frame. This was made by Jeff Goodman, who teaches at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC. Jeff has some more information and videos about the making of this pendulum wave at thanks ScienceDump

BUILDING MACHINES FROM MUSCLES..... if you're going to deploy robots in biological settings – for example, inside the body – it makes a lot of sense to build those robots out of actual biological body parts. Muscle, For example, is a very effective, biodegradable replacement for an electric actuator that can run in a nutrient-rich fluid without the need for any other power source Bio-robotics experts in Illinois have demonstrated a bio-bot built from 3-D printed hydrogel and spinal muscle tissue that can "walk" in response to an electrical signal. Their next step will be trying to incorporate neurons that can get the bot walking in different directions when faced with different stimuli. Using muscle tissue to power a robot is undeniably cool – but what purpose does it serve? Well, according to study leader, Professor Rashid Bashir, biological tissue has several advantages over other robotic actuators: "[Muscle] is biodegradable, it can run in fluid with just some nutrients and hence doesn't need external batteries and power sources – and it could eventually be controlled by neurons in our future work." These features open up a range of potential uses. Bio-robots could operate inside the body in medical applications, or be used outdoors in environmental services. This first bio-robot is a simple design – two feet, a flexible spine and a contracting muscle – but with the technology proven, Bashir and his team are looking to start extending toward more complex machines. The following video by Caroline Cvetkovic, Doug Litteken and Ritu Raman takes us through the bio-bot research project.