

Welcome to QueenDressroom.. Description Terms & Conditions : Description
Terms & Conditions :

1. Otherwise, item will release for other customers.

Due to our ready stock are limited, item only can reserve for 2days. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. (由于货物有限,您的订单只能保留2天。在2天内还未付款,货物将会开放给其他客人。如有不便之处,敬请原谅)

2. Your order will post out within a week after you made the payment! (货物将在收到汇款后的一个星期内寄出。)

3. There is NO EXCHANGE and NO RETURN. (不接受退款或兑换)

4. 在寄货途中如有什么意外,本店不负任何责任。(If any accident happened, we are not responsible on it)

5. 一旦下单,表示买家同意以上
