Traü Athletic Underwear

Traü Athletic Underwear

Traü Athletic Underwear - your workout deserves the best! Organic materials, manufactured locally in

Struggling in Midlife? Take Some Lessons from James Hollis 24/06/2024

I was blown away reading The Middle Passage by James Hollis, so much so that i had to get down the key passages. For anyone 40+, this book is required reading in my opinion:

Struggling in Midlife? Take Some Lessons from James Hollis A download of wisdom from a Jungian scholar especially relevant to those of us in mid-life.


I had the pleasure of attending my niece's graduation last week and it got me to thinking about this, so of course I had to write it down!

Do you really need to compromise in relationships? 10/04/2024

Are you too far are too close in your relationships? Avoidant or Obsessive? What are your thoughts on compromise in relationships?

Do you really need to compromise in relationships? The concept of compromise has always bothered me, especially in relationships. Not because I'm stubborn (well, sometimes I am... 😁) But because I always thought it implied compromising my identity for someone else. And what kind of healthy relationship would encourage me to compromise myself. I'v...

The Paradox of Needing and Knowing 29/03/2024

A little ditty from me...but for you, is it needing or knowing?

The Paradox of Needing and Knowing I’ve heard that paradox is the language of spirituality and this paradox has been rattling around in my brain lately.


How do you move your emotions? What techniques or practices do you have so you can feel what you're feeling??

Traü partners with the Harvard Varsity Club! 27/02/2024

Exciting stuff happening in Traü land...we're getting back to our roots with this partnership with the Harvard Varsity Club!

Traü partners with the Harvard Varsity Club! This has been a while in the making but we're very excited to announce our most recent partnership with the Harvard Varsity Club! I don't often publicize the fact that I went to Harvard (well, mostly because of this) but Traü WAS inspired by an undergarment I wore as football player at Harvard so w...

The Story Behind Traü

It always begins with the end, and in the end, Traü is all about connection and community. And that’s where it all started.

My Freshman year in college I went from being a “Big Fish” High School football player to a very small Freshman football fish at Harvard! I was a stranger in a strange land moving from California to Boston, transitioning from a tight knit, comfortable community to a place where I knew no one and had very little connection. I was lost.

But soon, Freshman football started, and I found my tribe.

Back in 1987, we didn’t have all the high tech gear they have in college football programs today - fancy uniforms, different helmets for every game, and 17 different pairs of gloves for catching the ball. The freshman got refurbished cleats painted with black spray paint and helmets and shoulder pads that would make any loving mother quake in her patent leather heels.

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