The iFit Zone

The iFit Zone

Dedicated to the physical and financial health and fitness of individuals and families everywhere!

GIA Moms on a Mission Invitation 28/02/2018

I'm on a mission and I want you to join me. Together we can change the future for generations to come. Reach out in a comment or private message and I will add you to our GIA Moms on a Mission page.

GIA Moms on a Mission Invitation Special invitation to join a powerful movement that will impact the lives of children now and for generations to come.

Tracy Hillis, GIA Mom on a Mission 18/02/2018

Meet Tracy Hillis, GIA Mom on a Mission from Utopia Texas. Tracy's passion is all about helping families thrive in the wireless age. With 2 young grandchildren she fully understands the importance of educating and offering wireless safety solutions to parents, grandparents and everyone who cares about children. Checkout Tracy's video for information about upcoming Generation Zapped viewing locations.

Tracy Hillis, GIA Mom on a Mission Tracy shares her thoughts about GIA Moms on a Mission and announces an upcoming Generation Zapped event in Uvalde Texas.


The 5G system roll out will bring new awareness about wireless safety to communities everywhere. GIA Moms on a Mission will be there to help families discover a way to thrive in the wireless age. Check out this clip form the Dr Oz Show.


On Sunday morning in San Antonio Texas the GIA Inspired Wellness Home was announced to rave reviews. The Inspired Wellness Home is a 360 degree approach to helping families thrive in the wireless age. The actual launch date is March 1st 2018. More information to follow


GIA Moms on a Mission is growing and we invite you to join us. Watch and listen to this mom passionately share her concerns about the close proximity of a 5G cell tower to her home. If you would like to join our Wireless Safety,GIA Moms on a Mission Facebook Group leave a comment below or send a private message and I will add you. Step Up, Reach Out and Make a Difference.

WiFi Radiation - Dangers of WiFi - See It Measured - How To Remediate WiFi Radiation 09/02/2018

There are simple things you can do to calm down the wireless energy in our homes and environment. Check out this video about the positive impact of simply turning off your wireless router at night.

WiFi Radiation - Dangers of WiFi - See It Measured - How To Remediate WiFi Radiation PLEASE SUPPORT my EMF Safety Zone Channel! - For EMF meters, Consulting and Additional Resources: - Purchase EMF Meters from Ama...


A movement begins as a result of the courage of passionate people who share a vision for something better. Shoutout to the over 700 GIA Moms On a Mission who are creating ripples that will make a positive impact on the health of families and children for generations to come. Keep sharing the good news about Thriving in the Wireless Age. The future of our children depend on it. If you would like to join our Facebook Group search for Wireless Safety, GIA Moms on a Mission or comment below.

Caren Knott, Grandma on a Mission 05/02/2018

Movements are created by passionate people on a mission. Meet my good friend Caren Knott who was thrown into a situation none of us want to experience.

Caren Knott, Grandma on a Mission What would you do if a loved one had emergency brain surgery and the doctor came to you and said "I don't know what caused the tumor but "keep those cell pho...

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs raised their kids tech-free — and it should've been a red flag 28/01/2018

I knew there was a health issue with cell phones the moment I got my first smart phone. I could feel it. I really started to pay attention when my 9 year old granddaughter got hers. Looks like some other people in the know felt the same way. Message me for a list of things you can do to help your family thrive in the wireless age.

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs raised their kids tech-free — and it should've been a red flag A new book suggests the signs may have been clear a decade ago, based on the attitudes of Silicon Valley elite, that smartphone use should be regulated.


Cell phone and Wi-Fi exposure prenatally can cause health issues that could impact generations. Check out this clip from Generation Zapped.

Health risks linked to electromagnetic field exposure 24/01/2018

A study about the impact of non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women indicated a significant increase in the rate of miscarriage. At the end of the this article it calls for more study. Yes we need more study, however future moms should take action now to reduce exposure and reduce the risk. Please Share.

Health risks linked to electromagnetic field exposure A study of real-world exposure to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women found a significantly higher rate of miscarriage, providing new evidence regarding their potential health risks.

EMF Awareness 20/01/2018

EMF Awareness Cell Phone Safety and EMF Awareness What is EMF radiation and what steps should you be taking to protect yourself and your family from its harmful effects?

5 Steps to Ditching Soda 10/12/2017

Being hydrated has more benefits than we realize.

5 Steps to Ditching Soda If you're like most people, you might be drinking anywhere from a hundred to a thousand calories per day, via your favorite brand of soda. Or, perhaps you've sw

Scientists Are Worried About Harm from 5G 26/09/2017

5G Wireless systems are going to your neighborhood. Are you connecting the dots about the potential negative impact on the health of your family.

Scientists Are Worried About Harm from 5G As telecommunications companies roll out 5G coverage in new markets, most consumers view this new technology as simply an upgrade to their existing service. Oth

How to Reduce Your Radiation Exposure 19/08/2017

Turn down the noise and you'll reduce the stress in your life. Imagine being exposed to loud rock music 24/7 for the rest of your days. You would go crazy, right? No sleep, no rest or relaxation. It's hard to imagine what life would be like. That's similar to what's happening to your body as a result of exposure to Wi-Fi in our homes and businesses. Check out our new article about simple things you can do to reduce the negative impact of Wi-Fi exposure.

How to Reduce Your Radiation Exposure “Radiation exposure” sounds like something that only happens in sci-fi movies or medical dramas, doesn't it? And yet, we are all exposed to various forms of

9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation 23/05/2017

New iFit Zone Article published today.

9 Ways to Protect Yourself from Cell Phone Radiation In the course of our lifetimes, we've transitioned from a world in which clunky “car phones” were the coolest, most futuristic invention, that only a few lu

How Do You Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation 15/02/2017

Everyone knows Cell Phone radiation is causing health issues. Here is a simple solution that provides piece of mind in knowing you're doing everything possible to stay safe.

How Do You Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation It has become common knowledge that electromagnetic radiation, emitted by cell phones and other wireless electronic devices, can be harmful to our health. We ca

GIA Vision Message with Lynda 30/01/2017

We're on a mission. This is a 90 second message I'm sending to my closest friends. Do you know anyone who might be interested in something finacially exciting and fun? Check it out.

GIA Vision Message with Lynda Description

The iFit Zone Redefines Your Network 05/01/2017

The iFit Zone Marketing System helps us build two critical networks. One is on the inside on our business and the other is on the outside. Both Networks are key to our long term success. Check out his article that will help redefine our concept of Network.

The iFit Zone Redefines Your Network Who is Your Network? When you’re involved in Network Marketing and creating a team of consultants and customers you tend to think of them as your Network. Th

Timeline photos 21/12/2016

Great News! Shareon Lashe joins the iFit Zone Team. Shareon lives in Santa Clarita California and is teaming up with iFit Zone Teammates Kathleen Kenneally, Carne Knott and Dave Stapp. As a single mom Shareon is passionate about helping moms create a second income or new career with GIA Wellness and the iFit Zone. She is marketing expert and believes the iFit Zone is the perfect business building tool for GIA. Welcome Shareon

How to Keep it All Together During the Holidays 13/12/2016

Here are some ideas about surviving the Holidays as an entrepreneur working from home.

How to Keep it All Together During the Holidays You have a job, a home business, a family and it’s December. How can you survive? When we’re under stress it’s very hard to focus on the important things.

Tracy Hillis – Doing little things that make a BIG difference! 07/12/2016

The iFit Zone Marketing System brings big business marketing systems to the home business Entrepreneur. Check out Tracy's Stroy.

Tracy Hillis – Doing little things that make a BIG difference! When you do the right things good things happen. Shout out to Tracy Hillis and big Texas size welcome to Jules Casburn. Tracy launched her new iFit Zone

Timeline photos 07/12/2016
Congratulations Erin Sullivan! 28/11/2016

Shout out to new iFit Zone Team Member Erin Sullivan from Las Vegas.

Congratulations Erin Sullivan! Great News! Last week Erin Sullivan, stay at home mom from Las Vegas, launched her GIA Wellness business with The iFit Zone Marketing System. On day one over

Here’s the Key to Online Marketing Success for Any Business! 26/11/2016

The iFit Zone is quickly becoming the premier home business resource for moms dads and entrepreneurs seeking the independence and freedom of creating a lifestyle of their own design. Check out Greg’s video about creating online marketing success.

Here’s the Key to Online Marketing Success for Any Business! Ever wondered how you could grow your business faster and stronger? Want to give yourself the best chance for success? Watch this video and discover the ke

IFit Team Call Nov 17 2016 -The iFit Zone's Secret 17/11/2016

Check out last nights iFit Zone Team Call and learn the hidden secret about the iFit Zone System.

IFit Team Call Nov 17 2016 -The iFit Zone's Secret Hear Senior Director, Caren Knott's amazing success story and learn The iFit Zone's hidden secret.

Caren Knott Strikes Gold with The iFit Zone 15/11/2016

Want to create a second income of maybe even start a new career? Check this iFit Zone Success Story about Caren Knott from Southern California. Make a comment or send me a private message and I'll provide more information about how you can benefit from joining The iFit Zone Team.

Caren Knott Strikes Gold with The iFit Zone GIA Wellness Senior Director, Caren Knott, from Canyon Country California just experienced the excitement that The iFit Zone Marketing System can create!

Timeline photos 15/11/2016

Best business building tip I’ve ever heard. Want to make way more money? Provide way more value!

Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income? 09/11/2016

Part of our mission is to help people create financial wellness and for many a Network Marketing home based business with the iFit Zone is the perfect vehicle. Is Network Marketing viable for you? Check out this article from Forbes.

Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income? Can a multi-level marketing or network marketing business be the solution to the retirement savings crisis and help people make a successful transition into their retirement year? The answer will surprise you

Super Hydration: The Benefits of Single File Aligned Water 09/11/2016

Hydration is a key to good health and overall wellness. Check out this article from our iFit Zone website about how Single File Aligned (SFA) water creates super hydration.

Super Hydration: The Benefits of Single File Aligned Water Whether you're reading weight loss articles or books on general wellness, one piece of advice seems to pervade every piece of literature on human health: Dr

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iFit Zone Opportunity
Message for the iFit Zone Team.