Angela Rider - Intuitive Guide

Angela Rider - Intuitive Guide

Find out more at

I offer the kind of sessions that I’d want to receive; guidance that provides clarity and affirms your own knowing, useful insight that shines a light on whatever your truth is right now, and energetic support that helps you feel more centered and peaceful. Ultimately, my work is to assist you for where you are right now and also help you trust your ability to connect with your Spirit Team and be

Accessing the Akashic Pool – Angela Rider 03/05/2024

The Akashic Pool:
Our Higher Self / Spirit also accesses this Akashic Pool while we sleep to retrieve specific “data” that supports our soul plan. We also receive what we need for our free will interests and choices. It’s kind of like getting an update to our data base and operating system based on the trajectory of our path and choices. This happens whether we’re aware of it or not.

The edited version of last month's newsletter has been posted to the blog. Read the details about how you can help yourself make the most of accessing the Akashic Pool.

Accessing the Akashic Pool – Angela Rider We access the Akashic Pool while we sleep to retrieve specific "data" that supports our soul plan. We also receive what we need for our free will interests and choices.


It’ll be my birthday in a couple of days. 🌸

My yearly ritual is to gift my newsletter subscribers some sort of free mini-session as well as a discount code for any 30 or 60 minute session.

The newsletter is going out tomorrow the 21st. You can sign up today to get in on the perks. Link to sign up is in the comments. 😘💗

Photos from Angela Rider - Intuitive Guide's post 22/12/2023

Happy solstice ✨🔥✨🌲✨🌀✨

How guidable are you? – Angela Rider 13/09/2023

How guidable are you?
Looking for a sign-ier sign?👀

New blog post is up!
This is an edited version from last month’s newsletter.

How guidable are you? – Angela Rider Guidance is always available and coming in, but if you aren't open to receive it, you'll miss the subtle invitations of your guides and intuition. Maybe you're receiving signs, but you keep asking for a sign-ier sign. ❗️👀 Or, when you do get a message but you ignore it for a long time, the gu...


Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition - is the edited version of a recent newsletter is now a shareable post on my website.

Link in the comments.

Here’s an excerpt:
“We learn to question and doubt our intuition early in life and it gets more complex depending upon the degree we’ve been conditioned to be codependent or people-pleasers.
We’re often shamed when we use our intuitive senses and can’t logically prove why we know what we know. We then default to dismiss and suppress our intuition when it goes against others’ expectations or we can’t justify it to their satisfaction.

When we lose trust in ourselves and intuition, we seek external approval and validation of our choices. It then becomes easy to talk ourselves out of what our intuition is trying to communicate to us. This is especially true when we’re afraid of making a “wrong” decision, so we run our choices through a process that first considers what everyone else needs or thinks we should do.

When we continually override our intuition, we waste a lot of time, resources, and our inner-peace trying to figure things out but never actually addressing the inner-guidance.

We can’t go back to a factory reset, but we can relearn how our intuition works for us and with practice, we can turn up our ability to hear it above the noise of our conditioning.

When we connect with and follow our intuition, we improve our ability to be guided by our Higher Self and can make self-supportive choices more quickly.”

Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition – Angela Rider 24/05/2023

New Blog post:
Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition

When we continually override our intuition, we waste a lot of time, resources, and our inner-peace trying to figure things out but never actually addressing the inner-guidance.

When we connect with and follow our intuition, we improve our ability to be guided by our Higher Self and can make self-supportive choices more quickly.
Link in comments. 🌸✨

Recalibrate and Connect to Your Intuition – Angela Rider When we continually override our intuition, we waste a lot of time, resources, and our inner-peace trying to figure things out but never actually addressing the


Astrology Transits or Pre-life Soul Plan?

A couple of weeks ago (before the solar eclipse) I sent out my April newsletter and shared some perspectives about eclipses, pre-life soul plans, and astrology transits. I’ve edited the newsletter into a new blog post. To read the full post, click the link below. (Sign up for my newsletter too. 😘)

Here’s an excerpt:

Everything happens. Period.

We’re conditioned to want to make meaning out of everything. We want to know that our suffering serves a purpose or that whatever happened was for a reason. We want to believe that all our successes are because we made the right choices. It’s why we find it easier to blame an astrological transit or a divine plan rather than take any responsibility or credit, or try to make sense out of our life.

Sometimes we can trace our choices backwards to understand how we got here; good or bad. And sometimes we can’t. Things happen. We can choose to make meaning or make use of our experiences, but we’re not obligated to. So, when someone drops the “Everything Happens for a Reason” on you when you’re suffering, you don’t owe them or anyone a “making lemonade” reason for your life. You get to decide how you respond and the choices you make, or whether to make meaning or not.

Pop-culture spirituality would have us reflect as though we’re always the cause of our suffering. There’s a premise that when bad s**t happens it’s because we chose this life or that it’s our wakeup call because we weren’t co-creating with the universe in a high-vibe way. It’s a view that doesn’t acknowledge we each have a soul plan. There’s also systemic privilege and ableism that only works for a few. Not all people have access to support, resources, or safety that affords them the same choices or experiences that are broadcast as “the way to do your life”.

Sometimes We Know. Sometimes We Don’t.

My experience and what I see for clients is, that for the most part, we have an inner-knowing about what’s brewing under the surface that we need to address.

These are the things that are part of a pattern or theme that we’d be upset by, or fearful about if they blew-up or were revealed; but deep down, we wouldn’t be surprised. These are the things we could’ve done something about or influenced the outcome if we acted on them previously. These are the things we have the inner-knowing about but we’ve avoided, ignored, or postponed working on them because we’re afraid and don’t trust we can get through them. They are the hard things because they’re complicated and require ongoing support to help us through all the other tough choices and actions that may come after that first choice.

This inner-knowing can also be about things we want but we don’t give ourselves permission to make a change. We feel like we don’t deserve it or that it’s wrong to change our minds and want something different. So sometimes, it’s easier to let things blow up because then we have to take action even though it’s a reaction. (And hey, if it helps to blame it on a transit, an eclipse, or Mercury, that’s ok too. 😏)

And then there are things that happen where there’s nothing you could’ve done to prevent it. Whether these are due to someone else’s freewill, an unknowable chain of events, or the activation of a pre-life plan; you probably won’t see these things coming. At the most, you may eventually make some meaning in retrospect, but you may also never understand the why.

To read the full post, click the link.

Intuitive Guide and Energy Psychic - Angela Rider 25/01/2023

Happy New Year!
For those of you that aren’t yet signed up for my newsletter, I wanted to let you know that I launched my new website a few days ago.

I’d love for you to check out how things have changed.

Also, when you sign up for my Sign-up for my newsletter you’ll get instant access to a downloadable pdf and 3 short mp3s for an Intuition Attunement and Energy Clearing.
(Make sure you open your newsletter confirmation email after you sign up. That’s how you’ll get access.)

I don’t send out emails that often, but about once a month, I'll share perks, updates, and helpful insights through my irreverent personal stories that I don’t usually post anywhere else.

If you think you’ve previously signed up for my newsletter but haven’t seen the recent one, check your spam folder.

Much love,

Intuitive Guide and Energy Psychic - Angela Rider Intuitive Guide & Energy Psychic - Clarity Sessions - Get answers. Take action. Create a life you love. Let's clear things up.

The "Truth" about Manifestation - Angela Rider 29/07/2022

The newsletter I sent out this morning got such a strong response I decided to turn it into a blog post.

This will probably ruffle up the Woo-Woo-sphere but...🔥

Here's an excerpt:
"Why I don't talk much about "Manifestation"
This is going to be a bit controversial and I wish I had the band-width right now for a deeper dive on this blog post, but I'm going to start with this. There's too much fear of missing out (FOMO) and push to manifest or do things around new and full moons, etc.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to creating what we want in life. The ease or difficulty we have when we want to create or manifest, needs to have context. I believe we can have some magic, delight, and ease in our creations AND we also need to consider that our privileges and resources, astrological make-up and timing, soul-path, conditioning, and all our prior and future choices bring us to what is possible to create.

The cult of manifestation tends to recruit others in the belief that if you set your intentions and do the all the right rituals, alignments, and quantum-whatever, that you will eventually get or create what you desire. And because it's a capitalistic consumer-driven ableist system with plenty of snazzy targeted marketing, it's easy to feel like you too, can do "These 5 Steps to Getting Anything You Want". The problem with that kind of program is that if you don't get what you want, then you think you must not have high-vibed yourself enough or you did something wrong."

Read the rest here:

The "Truth" about Manifestation - Angela Rider This is going to be a bit controversial and I wish I had the band-width right now for a deeper dive on this blog post, but I'm going to start with this. There's too much fear of missing out (FOMO) and push to manifest or do things around new and full moons, etc.


We're in the eclipse window. 🫣
Disruptions, unexpected reveals and endings are a hallmark of eclipses.

Sometimes, when what was hidden is revealed, this can be the spark that creates clarity for next actions. Other times, it's a bit of a thunder bolt that we didn't see coming and then we have to assess the new reality.

This is supposed to be for our wake-up call or growth and not a trial or punishment, but it can feel like that when the sh*t hits.

Here in the U.S. we are always in some sort of crisis, and true to form, we've had more political/judicial agenda reveals this week. ⚡️🌚🌎🌞 (It's a clustermuck here and at the moment there's some movement, but whether we can turn things around is yet to be seen.)

How this eclipse plays out for you on a personal level depends on where Ta**us and Scorpio are in your chart. Even then, this might not be an eclipse season that effects you much.

You don't even need to know your astrology because if you have a blow up, ending, disruption, or reveals, you're going experience it. 👀

Whatever comes up, (mine was the WTF ⚡️kind of experience), take the time to work through it. Experience the emotions and then look at what was revealed. Hopefully, in whatever comes, you'll find helpful insight or understanding as well as clarity for the next steps.

Since there's no going back -
because eclipses break that option -
may you find a way from the breakdown,
to a breakthrough.

The next eclipse that closes the window is on May 15th (or 16th depending on where you live).

Much love.


Venus meets up with Neptune in Pisces today and will soon connect with Jupiter.

Here’s some Pisces ♓️ Venus/Neptune/Jupiter thoughts to ponder:

What do you love and enjoy that nourishes your spirit?

What do you “love” but enjoying it comes with feelings of indulgence or some sort of intoxication “hang-over”?

We can become high, righteous, and deluded on the ideals of spirituality and love.

I’m finding this transit time a good one for noticing where I’ve been foggy (Neptune) about what I believe (Jupiter).

This transit is happening in my 8th house of my astrology chart which is a deep place of occult themes and inheritance, so I’m looking at “toxic spirituality” and the collective (Pisces) delusions.

There’s so much to talk about this topic, but here are some things I’m looking at:

themes of ableism, co-opting indigenous spiritual practices, ascension hierarchy, and rules of manifestation that perpetuate white privilege, toxic positivity, bypassing, and whatever spiritual -meme-speak that leaves people victimized.

This transit will happen in a different theme area in your own chart, but you don’t have to know where.

Be curious and open to new insight that may come to you or just look at what you believe and what you love, and look for anything that comes up that feels like it doesn’t feel true for you anymore or you have doubts.

You don’t have to figure anything out. Just notice and allow yourself to look. 👀

Much love 💗

How to Channel Written Guidance - Angela Rider 19/04/2022

Sometimes guidance will be an invitation to get you moving in a direction that you did not expect. This happens especially when you’ve been stuck for a long time. You may not end up where you think you’re being guided. The point of the guidance was to get you moving and to look at other possibilities that you couldn’t see while you were stuck in an old frame of mind.

You change and create new possibilities when you move your thoughts, actions, and intentions to align with your inner-guidance and Higher Self.

Find out How to Channel Written Guidance at my website. 💗

How to Channel Written Guidance - Angela Rider One of the best ways I get guidance is to have a Spirit Team meeting. I call in the specialist guides that are signed up to support me in a certain area of life and I do a channeled writing Q&A session.


Here’s a message that’s been coming through a lot for clients and myself lately;

“Listen to your body wisdom and the subtle and profound knowing that is constantly coming to you. Keep a journal of things that catch your attention and it will help you to become more aware of your inner- guidance.”

A simple practice to reconnect to your body and inner-knowing is to make a list or place a hand on your heart and say all the things you love.

What sights, smells, tastes, touches, sounds, energy do you love? 🤚🏼💗✨

Much love,


Happy Spring and New Moon! 🌸

It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. There are a lot of reasons I haven’t posted, (pandemic, toxic-spirituality media overload, family stuff, etc.) but I feel like I'm feeling some spring juice and might start posting a little here once again. ✨

These posts don’t usually get seen because I don’t advertise and play with the algorithms, but they will be here incase you come looking for me. 😘

And I wanted to place a beauty marker here for you.

You can also sign up for my newsletters on. my website so you can receive the scoop about once a month or so. 😏

Much love 💗

Oh my! Hello Beautiful Beings

I’m an intuitive guide and energy midwife, psychic consultant and mystic mentor. I’m also an all around non-sense disrupter and sparkle-spreader. :)

I share my good-vibes, dance moves, and love of nature beauty from my 3D headquarters with my husband in Portland, Oregon. Check me out at

Helping Highly Sensitive People and Intuitive Energy Workers

The more clearly you’re connected to your own intuition and energy, the more you’re able to discern when you’re taking in emotions, energy, or thoughts that aren’t your own.

It then becomes easier to release the energy influence of negative self-talk, fear reactions, family and social conditioning, and mass-media influence.

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