Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness

Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness

Alex offers yoga & mindfulness solutions for all of life's challenges.

Yoga with Alex: Heart Centred Practice 27/07/2024

Heart centred practice

I really believe becoming more heart-centred is one of the most powerful things we can do in these times.

We are conditioned to be very in the head & yet our heart has the largest magnetic field of any organ in the body & there are more messages travelling from the heart to the head than the other way round.

When we lead with the heart, we can't go astray since the heart is all about truth. If we follow our head it can often trip us up. This is because the head is trying to keep us safe whereas the heart is a direct connection to source & the gateway to our soul.

When we raise our frequency, the energy we are resonating at, we impact those around us thanks to the Maharishi effect. They can't help but come up to meet us. This is why it's such a radical act of self-care & positively impacts the greater good of all & is exactly what we need to do in these times.

Last week’s practice is now available on YouTube.

Discover fabulous Kundalini yoga practices to open & awaken the heart space.
Tuning into this brings awareness to this sacred centre because where attention goes, energy flows.
Discover more about the infinity wave or walk of 8.

The number 8 represents eternity, infinity & balances the spiritual & material worlds. The Walk of 8 gives us access to the infinite realm by letting go of the past & future, dropping into presence. The practice slows the brain waves into Alpha & Theta brain waves - Theta brain waves are known as the genius wave by NASA scientists & invites us to embody our intentions.

Finishing with the infinity breath meditation - to access our deepest wisdom & purest actions available through an open heart, bringing the heart in coherence & cadence.

Feel connected, whole, at peace, trusting & radiating heartful, soulful energy to everyone within your physical realm.

Yoga with Alex: Heart Centred Practice Tap into the sacred energy of your heart centre. Becoming heart centred & align with your soul's purpose. Manifest effortlessly.Please like & subscribe.Find ...


What are the chakras?

According to ancient wisdom the chakras are spinning spheres of bioenergetic activity, energy centres, through which our life force travels.

The most well known are the 7 chakras located along the spine. In Kundalini yoga there’s the 8th Chakra, the Soul Star Chakra & depending on which tradition you follow there are up to 114 energetic centres throughout the whole body & out into the energetic field.

The colours of the 7 main chakras are said to have been revealed to the ancients during meditation & are known as the rainbow of the chakras.

Each of the chakras resonates at its own frequency, has a seed sound - a word of power that contains all the energy of the chakra & is associated with different elements.

They are not physical organs themselves but they are associated with nerve centres & physical organs.

Chakras collect & transmit energy for physical, mental & spiritual use & promote harmony with your inner & outer world.

Regularly balancing, aligning & cleansing your chakras, brings everything into balance & alignment which is how the body functions best, restoring the free flow of energy or life force, opening you up to optimum physical, mental, emotional & spiritual health.

Some of the amazing benefits of bringing your chakras back into balance & alignment by cleansing & energizing include:

better sleep
improved clarity & focus
increased energy levels
lower rates of anxiety & depression
improved menopause symptoms
improved neuro-spicy symptoms


Ah last week we had another really special heartful, soulful practice outside bathed in the sounds & energy of nature, with lots of smiles & fun.

You’ll feel relaxed, revived & restored & ready for the weekend & whatever it hold for you!

And who knows maybe this Saturday the sun’ll make a appearance?

Register in the link before midday on Friday to join us!


What can you expect?

Welcome Practice – settle into your space feel safe & supported
Sharing Circle – connect with others sharing as little or as much as feels right for you
Sound Bath – rest in healing frequencies for peace & calm
Reflection Time – share experiences or rest in quiet contemplation.

You will feel
a deep sense of connection inside & without
a sense of being seen & heard, supported & safe
relaxed, peaceful & calm
an awakening to your true self

Early-bird tickets are available NOW!


Each week I decide on a theme for the week. Sometimes, like this week, a client will ask for something & if it feels right I’ll teach a slightly different variation in each class. Or I will get a strong sense of what is needed, or I allow the class to flow with the moon’s cycle of the cycle of the season.

Basically I go with the flow with the theme for the classes each week!

This means if you can come to more than 1 class you’ll really magnify the benefits but each class stands alone.

This week we’re releasing aches & pains, joint stiffness. Little did I know when I was asked for this class how much my body would need it after a weekend of packing a head of m,oving.

Discover fun somatics practices to get the body moving to release the stuck energy causing the discomfort.

Hold yin style poses to lubricate the joints with the release of hyaluronic acid: Yin yoga is a natural way to boost the production of hyaluronic. Holding poses for more than 90 seconds & up to 3-5 mins activates connective tissues like fascia, tendons, ligaments & fibroblasts which create Hyaluronic acid.

Activate your healing response to awaken your body’s innate mechanism to heal itself.

Rest in kindful acceptance after all what we accept dissipates, what we resist persists.

Feel your aches & pains ease away along with the stories you’re telling yourself associated with them!

Join me FREE this week only.

Type in FREE below & I’ll send you the link to Yoga on Zoom at 6pm: Easing Away Aches & Pains.


Just before we went on holiday I had the great pleasure to spend the morning with Matt Bate recording my signature chakra energy chamber meditation for deep relaxation & profound healing.

He then layered it onto music he’d composed.

I was back in the studio with him again on Friday putting another meditation down & these will all be available soon!

So excited, I can’t wait!


Whilst we were on holiday Indie & I went diving together for the first time & had the best time.

A couple of days later I returned but as I was kitting up my brain turned to mush & although I’ve done this 100’s times before I struggled to remember what to do, in what order.

Same with the buddy check.

In the water I couldn’t get my buoyancy right, then my breathing went to pot & soon I felt panic rising & nauseous.

As a yoga teacher I knew I had the skills to calm myself but by this time I was low on air – it as time for the safety stop & I couldn’t wait to get out.

On the boat waiting I was shaking uncontrollably as my body released the adrenalin & cortisol.

I felt so embarrassed, humiliated, full of shame & absolutely gutted because I could never imagine diving again.

After an hour or so I let go of these feelings, accepted what had happened & resolved not to beat myself up but it took me a day to realise: I’d experienced brain fog which had escalated into a panic attack.

And just like that I was filled with gratitude for a really powerful lesson.

When I get brain fog in my day to day life I’m confident normalising it & laughing at myself.

Now I had real clarity on how many women feel when they experience brain fog & aren’t able to do this, how quickly brain fog can escalate into anxiety & panic & becomes completely overwhelming.

Slowing my breath underwater had calmed me enough to keep me safe. Self-compassion that helped me afterwards to let go of the overwhelming embarrassment.

Do you struggle with brain fog?

Check this out:

Chakra Retreat 18/07/2024

We’re back for one last hurrah though the chakras in 2024.

And due to popular demand it’s another full day retreat on Friday 20th Sept.

Journeying through the chakras you will experience…

a deep sense of inner peace, calm & presence that last for days
significant improvements in sleep
body, mind & soul coming into alignment, balance & coherence
a sense of wholeness
confidence knowing that you ARE enough

But everyone’s experience is different & the experience is different every time, so don’t take my word for it, why not try it for yourself?

Early-bird tickets are on sale NOW!

Click the link

Chakra Retreat Journey through the chakras with fusion yoga, meditation & sound bath


Last week we may not have been blessed with sunshine but we certainly had fun & a great turn-out!

Surrounded by trees, barefoot on Mother Earth, birdsong filling the air we were ensconced with the healing benefits of nature.

The scent of trees reduces stress hormones, lowering blood pressure, heart rate & boosting the immune system.
Negative ions running across the surface of the earth are absorbed through bare feet & provide grounding mopping up free radial damage, bringing things back into balance at a cellular level, reducing inflammation, joint pain & boosting sleep.
Birdsong calms the nervous system in just 6 minutes.
The gentle rain at the end of the practice even cleansed our auras!

Just goes to prove you don’t need sunshine to have a great time!

So we’ll be back this Saturday at 9.30am at Evesham Rugby Club.

Click the link to register if you’d like to join us.


I’m so excited to be collaborating with Sarah & Victoria in our first Women’s Circle.

When we met Sarah & I realised we’d been at Uni together but never actually met there. I’ve been lucky enough to go on Sarah’s retreats – a wonderful day of connection with like minded souls. Sarah creates a beautifully safe space & we had so much fun – lots of laughs & insights.

Victoria & I only met recently but again I was lucky enough to do some reiki with her & again had a beautifully profound experience.

It’s my honour to be working alongside them to bring our Women’s Circle to Evesham.

For generations women all over the world have gathered together holding space for one another as they journey through this journey we call life.

Spending time with other women is powerful that our bodies have evolved to produce, oxytocin, the feel good hormone when we’re in the company of other women.

Never has there been a more important time to come together to be seen and heard in a safe space, free of judgment, competition or expectation, free from the constraints and demands of the outside world.

You will feel…
… seen & heard
… connected & supported
… free & empowered
…ready to embrace who you really are here to be & release who you think you should be.

Early-bird tickets are now on sale & if you registered to be the first to know check your email – there’s a special offer in there for you but be quick it runs out soon!


Coming soon!

Chakra Cleanse

Friday 20th September

Celebrate the Autumn Equinox journeying through the chakras.

You will feel

…more connected, grounded & centred in yourself & here in your earthly presence.
… open to expressing joy, pleasure & creativity, more comfortable with intimacy, sexuality, a sense of emotional stability & going with the flow.
…more courageous, driven & transformative – no longer afraid of stepping into the unknown.
…a deeper connection to unconditional love, kindness & compassion, openly giving & receiving love, developing more acceptance, understanding & forgiveness not just to others but to yourself too.
…comfortable speaking your truth with both integrity & authenticity, whilst developing more presence in both silence & listening.
…a deeper connection to your intuition, inner knowing & inner wisdom which helps to boost a real sense of trust in yourself.
…an understanding & appreciation of being part of something more than just your physical presence, a connection if you will to something bigger than yourself which encourages a real palpable sense of oneness & trust in life – a knowing you are exactly where you are meant to be.

Click the register to be the first to know!


It’s no surprise that we are feeling more disconnected than ever. 21st century can be isolating & this is often exaggerated during the menopause or life changing events.

Many women report feeling invisible (especially in the menopause), unseen & unheard as well as disconnected.
For generations women all over the world have gathered together, witnessing, supporting each other on their grand adventure called life, connecting around the fire, all generations, sharing stories & wisdom.

Women are hard-wired for connection, releasing the feel good hormone, oxytocin, in the company of other women.
Women’s circles provide that essential connection & a chance to be seen & heard within the confines of a safe, welcoming, understanding space.
They are powerful ancient sacred safe spaces, an invitation to remember who you really are & call back our power.
Never has there been a more important time to come together to be seen & heard in a safe space, free of judgment, competition or expectation, free from the constraints and demands of the outside world.

You will feel…
… seen & heard
… connected & supported
… free & empowered
…ready to embrace who you really are here to be & release who you think you should be.

Want to find out more?

Our first women's circle is on Monday 23rd Sept at 7pm.


Click the link to register to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.

Spaces are limited, so you won't want to miss out!


Last week I was so delighted to get the chance to practice yoga on the beach with the amazing Gaia.

I just love practicing outside especially on the beach.

I can’t stretch to a beach side location – soz!

But I can offer the joy of practicing outside, immersed in the sounds of nature, grounding & earthing in the energetic embrace of the surrounding tress with a fun yoga practice in the sun!

You will feel…
…restored & rejuvenated
…ready for the rest of the weekend
…you may sleep better
…you may notice it boosts your mood

Why not give it a go?

Every Saturday (weather allowing)
Saturday 13th July
Saturday 20th July
Saturday 27th July
Evesham Rugby Club
£8 PAYG cash on the day

Register to join us here…


Discover practices, tips & techniques to support you throughout life’s many challenges including stress, anxiety & overwhelm, sleep, menopause.

Discover that wherever you are in this journey called life you can trust you are exactly where you are meant to be & build a deep trust in yourself in the process.

It’s all about community & community has never been more important. Build joyful connections with like-minded souls.

Join me in person at The GateHouse, Oat St, Evesham on
Tuesday 6pm
Wednesday 9.30am
Thursday 6pm

Or online on Zoom Wednesday at 6pm.

Click here to find out more:

Type YOGA & I’ll DM you a link


Off to the sun so I’m going to take a short break from socials – see you on the other side!


Sunshine Yoga – July Dates!

Fancy awakening your weekend with a fun yoga practice in the sun?

You will feel…
…restored & rejuvenated
…ready for the rest of the weekend
…you may sleep better
…you may notice it boosts your mood

Why not give it a go?

Every Saturday (weather allowing)
Saturday 13th July
Saturday 20th July
Saturday 27th July
Evesham Rugby Club
£8 PAYG cash on the day

It's obviously weather dependent so if you register I can confirm the night before! Click the link:

Photos from Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness's post 26/06/2024

Women’s Circles are ancient
Calling back our power
Through connection
This releases oxytocin
The feel-good hormone
Women’s circles are
Powerful sacred safe spaces
An invitation to remember who you really are

Coming Soon – register here:

Photos from Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness's post 25/06/2024


Women’s Circle
Monday 23rd September 7-9pm

Women all over the world for generations have gathered together witnessing, supporting & sharing each other on their grand adventure and journey called life.

But in recent times it’s an artform we have lost touch with. In a time when we have never been more connected we are actually more disconnected.

For many women they are beginning to feel invisible as well as disconnected.

Never has there been a more important time to come together to be seen and heard in a safe space, free of judgment, competition or expectation, free from the constraints and demands of the outside world.

You will feel…
… seen & heard
… connected & supported
… free & empowered
…ready to embrace who you really are here to be & release who you think you should be.

Register here to be the first to know when tickets go on sale.


I’m so lucky & grateful that over the years many of my tribe have become good friends.

After Thursday’s Summer Solstice class I got the following message:

That class was as good as getting high!

The energy was potent for sure!

I saw her a couple of days later & she said she was still feeling amazing!

Find out for yourself…
Join me in person…

Tues 6pm
Wed 8.30am (this week only!)
Thurs 6pm

At The Gatehouse, Oat St Unitarian Chapel

Or online…
Wed 6pm (Zoom)

Click this link to find out more:


For several years I’ve been collaborating with Harley St at Home supporting their members with yoga classes, meditations, courses & workshops as they navigate their own menopause journey.

I start my week at 8am every Monday teaching online with this the wonderful tribe of women & it is frankly my favourite way to start the week! There’s such a wonderful sense of community & a genuine connection with us all.

Are you just starting out on your menopause journey & it all feels a bit overwhelming?

Look no further!

Harley St at Home have launched their first on demand course.

The Take Control of Your Menopause course brings world class menopause expertise when you want it, direct to your phone, tablet or PC. The first, on demand, Menopause course from British Menopause Society (BMS) Accredited Specialist Doctors. All the medical and lifestyle information you need to take control of your menopause journey in less than an hour. Take Control of Your Menopause is for real women, living real lives, who want to thrive.

The Take Control of Your Menopause course includes four videos that cover everything you need to get menopause savvy. No gimmicks, no hype and no scaremongering. Just evidence based advice, delivered with clarity and kindness.

You’ll understand what’s happening to your body, what you might experience as menopause symptoms, when they might appear and what choices are available to manage the symptoms you find most bothersome.
You’ll start to feel more in control of what’s happening to you and why and what YOU can do about it.

Take Control of your Menopause is available now just click here:

Photos from Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness's post 20/06/2024

The Summer Solstice falls on the day when the sun is highest in the sky. It’s the longest day & shortest night. The sun’s potency is said to be at highest & as such it a s time of powerful healing.

The number 108 is often associated with Summer Solstice. 108 is known as a sacred number & has been revered thousands of years in many spiritual traditions. It is considered to be the most auspicious of numbers.

In yoga the number 108 refers to spiritual completion; there are 108 mala beads for mantra recitation; sun salutations are often completed in 9 rounds of 12 poses or 108 in total; pranayama can be practiced no more than 108 rounds.

108 is said to represent oneness, wholeness, unity.

How are you celebrating Summer Solstice today?

108 sun salutations?
108 rounds of long slow smooth breath?
Spend 108 minutes bathing in the sun’s glow?
Or repeat this mantra 108 times:
May the long time sun shine upon me all love surround me and the pure light within me guide my way on.


We had a glorious day on Friday at this year’s chakra retreat.

Thank you to all who joined us!

But it almost didn’t happen!

At 3pm on Wednesday I discovered we didn’t have a venue.


Actually probably it was more of a oh b*ll*x moment!

There was probably an f-bomb or several floating around too!

I called a couple of people who I thought might know of a venue, both coming up trumps with recommendations & within 2 hours I’d visited the one closest to our original venue & secured it – phew!

And we had a glorious day!

I was worried someone might not read the email advising of the change but everyone was there eagerly waiting for the doors to open - another phew moment!

The weather was on our side & went outside to earth, meditate & experienced a gentle shower to cleanse our auras - cool!

We shared some wonderful practices, great insights & reflections & had glorious moments of connection over lunch & afternoon tea catered by the amazing Emma Perry.

Angie as always never fails to deliver with her sublime sound & gong bath.

And the 3 of us even had a cheeky ½ cider in the sun at the pub down the road afterwards.

Several attendees have already messaged to say what a great night sleep they had that night. Another let me know she’d done 15 mins of practice we’d explored on the day & in her words, ‘I feel is incredible like all that negative energy has left my body...thank you so much you’ve just stopped a massive meltdown!’

Would you like to join us for our last romp through the chakras in Sept?

Would you prefer ½ day Chakra Cleanse or a full day Chakra Retreat?

Click the link to register:


Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what some of my regulars say about the classes…

Photos from Alex Bannard Yoga & Mindfulness's post 18/06/2024

I’m always waxing lyrical about yoga being more than physical exercise!

Yoga is ancient practice thousands of years old. Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit ‘Yuji’ which means union. By uniting the body with the breath, we can help to clear the mind. Since yoga incorporates breathing exercises (pranayama) with physical poses (asanas) with relaxation techniques this can have significant physical, mental, emotional & spiritual benefits.

But what we who practice yoga ‘know’, science is just beginning to confirm. Michael de Manincour, a Psychologist at the Yoga Institute quotes a study done with a group of people suffering from clinical depression & anxiety who practiced yoga everyday for 6 weeks versus the control group, also suffering with their mental health but not practicing yoga.

The yoga group recorded a 33% reduction in depression & anxiety, reduced emotional & mental distress, increased resilience & an increase in the number of positive experiences they recorded along with a reduction in the negative experiences. The control group did not record the same benefits. What is even more staggering, is that those who practiced yoga did so for only an average of 12 minutes a day.

Want to read more?

Settled down with a cuppa (maybe even outside, bare foot feet on mother earth, birds singing in the background & read my blog, The Science of Yoga:


Tomorrow is our Chakra Retreat!

So excited to see everyone!

Here’s what some of you said last time.

Missed it this time?

We’re back for the last time this year in September.

Help us decide!

Do you want…

½ day chakra cleanse


full day Chakra Retreat?

Click here to register:


Women’s Circle

MANY thanks for the phenomenal response to my Women’s Circle Post!

Just to let you know I’m meeting with my co-creators soon – can’t wait!!!
SO excited about this!

Watch this space – it’s coming in September!

Not registered yet?

Click here:


Yoga in the Sun
Are you joining us?
9.30am THIS Saturday
Evesham Rugby Club
£8 Cash
Post in the comments if you're planning to join us!

MYAnanda Story

I have practiced yoga for most of my adult life but due to complications with my lungs it wasn’t until 2013, after I had lung surgery and used yoga to aid my recovery, that I really started to appreciate and access the full benefits of yoga not just physical benefits but the mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. In 2014 I qualified with Yoga Works 200 hours certification and launched my own boutique studio in Germany, which is where we were living at the time. When we moved to Bangkok in 2015, I continued to teach yoga and ran bespoke yoga and mindfulness retreats.

My meditation practice began in 2013 when I combined it with a daily gratitude and yoga practice to help overcome severe depression - 2013 was quite the year! I believe wholeheartedly in the enormous benefits of meditation and mindfulnes, gratitude and yoga in overcoming the struggle with mental health. I have also used it to help navigate a recent divorce and in the constant and ever evolving challenges of being better, more mindful and present parent. I trained with Shamash Alidina and was accredited by the Society of Holistic Therapists and Coaches to teach mindfulness at the beginning of 2018.

MYAnanda Yoga offers yoga classes at The Health Hub & River’s Leisure Centre - please see their class schedule for more details. Private classes are also available - please contact me directly to arrange.

MYAnanda for Kids offers mindfulness & yoga after school clubs for kids - I am currently teaching at River’s & Pershore Leisure Centres (see their schedules for more details) & at Swan Lane First School.

Videos (show all)

What are the chakras?According to ancient wisdom the chakras are spinning spheres of bioenergetic activity, energy centr...
Ah last week we had another really special heartful, soulful practice outside bathed in the sounds & energy of nature, w...
What can you expect?Welcome Practice – settle into your space feel safe & supportedSharing Circle – connect with others ...
Last week we may not have been blessed with sunshine but we certainly had fun & a great turn-out!Surrounded by trees, ba...
I’m so excited to be collaborating with Sarah & Victoria in our first Women’s Circle.When we met Sarah & I realised we’d...
Last week I was so delighted to get the chance to practice yoga on the beach with the amazing Gaia.I just love practicin...
Discover practices, tips & techniques to support you throughout life’s many challenges including stress, anxiety & overw...
I’m so lucky & grateful that over the years many of my tribe have become good friends. After Thursday’s Summer Solstice ...
Don’t just take my word for it, here’s what some of my regulars say about the classes…
Tomorrow is our Chakra Retreat!So excited to see everyone!Here’s what some of you said last time.Missed it this time? We...
One of the most FAQ’s a yoga teacher gets is: What if I can’t touch my toes?I always say: Yoga isn’t about touching your...
