John Bumpus

John Bumpus

For years, John's passion has been teaching others how nourish their inner physician.

It is his belief that a true state of well-being is achieved by working from the inside out. Easing and aligning the spirit, taming the mind, and revitalizing the body.

A Luxury Travel Company Promises A Perfect, Rain Free Wedding Day For $100,000 16/09/2023

In Mineral Balancing, silver, as an elemental burden doesn't typically demand significant attention unless a specific reason is identified. However, with advancing technology, there may be a growing significance attached to silver in health fields if exposure increases.

Since cost is a current factor, there might be a drive to explore alternative, more economical materials, potentially reducing the likelihood of future silver-related concerns, but I wonder what elements they will use in Silver's place?

"To guarantee a sunny wedding day, the company employs a team of expert meteorologists and pilots to fly aircrafts above the clouds to 'seed' them with silver iodide — which causes the rain clouds to burst and disappear. The technique is a form of weather modification called ‘cloud seeding,’ which was developed in the late 1940s, according to Oliver's Travels."

A Luxury Travel Company Promises A Perfect, Rain Free Wedding Day For $100,000 Oliver’s Travels promises to control the weather on your wedding day.

ADHD and Mineral Balancing — Mineral Balancing 26/07/2023

Adults are also impacted by hyperactivity, and certain key dietary habits are linked to this condition. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can be a valuable tool for identifying these patterns and providing guidance for corrective measures.

Calcium and magnesium are known to have a soothing and calming effect on the central nervous system. In individuals with hyperactivity, their hair calcium and magnesium levels tend to fall outside the normal range.

Hyperactivity is typically associated with low levels of calcium and magnesium resulting from fast oxidation. However, the symptoms are now commonly seen in slow oxidizers with high levels of these minerals.

Elevated levels of calcium and magnesium may indicate biounavailability, where the minerals are not ionized in the blood but are instead deposited in the tissues like calcium deposits on faucets in hard water areas. Although the tissue levels may be high, the unavailability of these minerals can lead to symptoms similar to those seen in individuals with low levels of calcium and magnesium. In such cases, patients often benefit from supplementing their diet with calcium and magnesium.

ADHD and Mineral Balancing — Mineral Balancing Note: This article pairs well with ADHD in Children and Mineral Balancing Adults are also impacted by hyperactivity, and certain key dietary habits are linked to this condition. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis can be a valuable tool for identifying these patterns and providing guidance for correc

High Levels - Loss or Toxicity? — Mineral Balancing 25/07/2023

Practitioners and clients often ask about the significance of extremely high readings on a hair mineral analysis. The interpretation of these readings depends on several factors, including which mineral is elevated, the client’s health history, adherence to a scientific Mineral Balancing Program, and how the reading compares to other results on the test.

A high reading may indicate mineral loss, low bioavailability, toxicity, elimination through the hair, compensation, or deposition in the hair. This topic can be complex and technical, leading to confusion. However, let's explore if we can provide some clarity.

High Levels - Loss or Toxicity? — Mineral Balancing Note: This article pairs well with another blog post titled: “ Supplementing High and Low Levels on an HTMA ”

Time to Heal: Posology — Mineral Balancing 24/07/2023

The response time to a Mineral Balancing Program can vary significantly from person to person, with some individuals experiencing immediate relief of symptoms with a "quick-fix" nutritional solution in as little as ten minutes, while others may require a more extensive nutrition program spanning over five years or more. The reason for this discrepancy lies in the various limiting factors that can impact how well a person responds to a properly designed nutrition program and their overall vitality.

Posology is the process of determining the appropriate dosage for a client based on their vitality. Clients with good vitality can usually handle more aggressive regimens, including higher doses of remedies, exercise, and detoxification. For those with moderate vitality, milder doses of supplements are used to strengthen their vitality and prevent relapses. Clients with weakened vitality are best administered gentle relief of symptoms and the mildest of programs to support affected systems using toning, building, and adaptogenic remedies.

However, these general guidelines for dosages and range of remedies are modified by various factors, including the pace, intensity, location, and natural history of a person’s health condition. The pace of the symptoms can impact the dosage and range of remedies required, with slow and sluggish symptoms requiring different approaches than those with rapid onset. The intensity of symptoms can also impact the required dosage, with more aggressive symptoms often requiring a higher dose of remedies.

The location of the health condition may also impact the posology, as symptoms in more sensitive areas such as the eyes may require a different dosage than those in less sensitive areas such as the heel of the foot. Finally, the natural history of the illness may also impact the dosage required, with different dosages being needed during the onset, middle, and resolution of the illness. Let’s jump into a number of limiting factors that affect how a person responds to a Mineral Balancing Program.

Time to Heal: Posology — Mineral Balancing The response time to a Mineral Balancing Program can vary significantly from person to person, with some individuals experiencing immediate relief of symptoms with a "quick-fix" nutritional solution in as little as ten minutes, while others may require a more extensive nutrition program sp

Infertility - A Nutritional Perspective — Mineral Balancing 23/07/2023

Infertility is a prevalent issue that many people face today. While there are various reasons behind it, from lifestyle choices to underlying medical conditions, it's essential to note that nutrition also plays a vital role in one's ability to conceive.

Despite being long recognized in the field of animal breeding, the link between nutrition and fertility is often overlooked when it comes to human reproduction. However, proper nutrition can optimize reproductive function in both men and women, leading to increased chances of conception and a healthy pregnancy.

Recognizing the importance of nutrition in fertility is crucial in addressing the issue of infertility. By making simple yet effective dietary changes, individuals can improve their chances of conception and increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy. Don't let poor nutrition be a hindrance to your dreams of starting a family. Take control of your health by improving your nutritional and dietary lifestyle to improve your chances of conception and increase the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy.

Infertility - A Nutritional Perspective — Mineral Balancing Infertility is a prevalent issue that many people face today. While there are various reasons behind it, from lifestyle choices to underlying medical conditions, it's essential to note that nutrition also plays a vital role in one's ability to conceive. Despite being long recognized in the field of

Calcium/Virus Connection — Mineral Balancing 22/07/2023

In the world of science and medicine, researchers are constantly searching for clues to help us better understand the human body and its interactions with various substances. One area of interest has been the connection between tissue calcium concentrations and viral infections.

Did you know that approximately 75% of infections are caused by viruses? What's more, many types of viruses can remain latent or dormant in host cells for months or even years. One of the most well-known viruses for its latency is the Herpes simplex virus, which can remain dormant in the skin and only manifest itself when an individual becomes stressed, run down, or exposed to excessive ultraviolet radiation.

Despite the prevalence of viral latency, the exact mechanism behind it is not yet fully understood. However, in 1986, a group of researchers explored this phenomenon in relation to the Epstein Barr virus, and their findings were reported in SCIENCE.

The researchers infected lymphoid cells with the Epstein Barr genome and found that the virus would either replicate slowly or remain dormant. Dormancy of the virus could be overcome in several ways, such as super-imposing a super virus or introducing tumour-promoting agents.

Interestingly, the tumour-promoting agents that activated the Epstein Barr virus also activated a cellular enzyme protein kinase C that is calcium-dependent. Therefore, the researchers studied the effect of increased cellular calcium concentration on the lymphatic cells and found that calcium modulation was of primary importance in activating the Epstein Barr genome.

Calcium/Virus Connection — Mineral Balancing In the world of science and medicine, researchers are constantly searching for clues to help us better understand the human body and its interactions with various substances. One area of interest has been the connection between tissue calcium concentrations and viral infections. Did you know that

Therapeutic Order — Mineral Balancing 21/07/2023

The Therapeutic order is a natural hierarchy of therapeutic intervention, based on or dictated by observations of the nature of the healing process, from ancient times through the present. It is a framework from which a Mineral Balancing Practitioner works to develop recommendations for their clients. It is deeply interwoven with the principles and with the process of healing (Zeff, et al. 2006).

The Therapeutic Order uses the use the lowest force interventions possible to both support the natural work of the Inner Physician and avoid harm to the client. It first addresses the cause(s) of ill health, and does so in a holistic manner with regard to all aspects of the body, mind and spirit of the client, allowing the client to learn through the therapeutic process how to heal and maintain their own health.

It can be very helpful when first learning to work with this framework to view each level singly — to compartmentalise the types of interventions or therapies that can fall at each level and to view the levels in a step-wise manner to maximise understanding of the underlying philosophy. However, an experienced practitioner can view the framework through a more complex lens, with an understanding that each level of the order will tend to be iterative of the level(s) above it, and that compartmentalisation of certain approaches at a given level can be an over-simplification.

Therapeutic Order — Mineral Balancing The Therapeutic order is a natural hierarchy of therapeutic intervention, based on or dictated by observations of the nature of the healing process, from ancient times through the present. It is a framework from which a Mineral Balancing Practitioner works to develop recommendations for their client

Pregnancy and Mineral Balancing — Mineral Balancing 20/07/2023

Many women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy often inquire about the suitability of a Mineral Balancing Program during this crucial stage. They frequently express concerns about whether any adjustments or modifications need to be made to the program specifically for pregnant women.

Pregnancy and Mineral Balancing — Mineral Balancing Introduction Many women who are pregnant or considering pregnancy often inquire about the suitability of a Mineral Balancing Program during this crucial stage. They frequently express concerns about whether any adjustments or modifications need to be made to the program specifically for pregnant wo

Addictions: An MB Perspective — Mineral Balancing 19/07/2023

In its negative or pejorative sense, addiction refers to an unhealthy attachment, habituation, or dependency. While the term addiction can also be used positively to signify devotion, we will focus on its more commonly understood negative connotation. In this article, we will explore fundamental principles associated with addiction, delving into its complexities and implications through a Mineral Balancing Perspective. By examining these principles, we can gain a deeper understanding of the detrimental aspects of addictive behaviours.

Addictions: An MB Perspective — Mineral Balancing Introduction In its negative or pejorative sense, addiction refers to an unhealthy attachment, habituation, or dependency. While the term addiction can also be used positively to signify devotion, we will focus on its more commonly understood negative connotation. In this article, we will explore f

Adrenal Insufficiency — Mineral Balancing 18/07/2023

Adrenal insufficiency refers to the condition where the adrenal glands are unable to produce an adequate amount of hormones, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. It can also be characterized as a diminished ability to handle or respond to stress. This condition is quite prevalent in today's population.

It's important to note that adrenal insufficiency should not be mistaken for Addison's disease. Addison's disease entails a complete shutdown of the adrenal glands.

Additionally, adrenal insufficiency is distinct from adrenal burnout. Adrenal burnout is a severe imbalance of minerals that affects the body's energy production mechanisms. In cases of burnout, the body struggles to cope with stress. The symptoms of burnout resemble those of adrenal insufficiency but are more severe and require a longer duration to rectify.

Adrenal Insufficiency — Mineral Balancing Adrenal Insufficiency - Defined Adrenal insufficiency refers to the condition where the adrenal glands are unable to produce an adequate amount of hormones, resulting in a hormonal imbalance. It can also be characterized as a diminished ability to handle or respond to stress. This condition is quit

Aneamia and Iron Burdens — Mineral Balancing 17/07/2023

Anaemia is a condition that occurs when there is a low count of red blood cells, haemoglobin, or red cells in the bloodstream. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and pale skin.

Medical dictionaries list over 100 potential causes of anaemia and iron storage disorders. These can include nutritional deficiencies, chronic diseases, genetic disorders, and certain medications. Diagnosing the underlying cause of anaemia is crucial to effectively treating the condition.

Aneamia and Iron Burdens — Mineral Balancing Anaemia is a condition that occurs when there is a low count of red blood cells, haemoglobin, or red cells in the bloodstream. This can cause a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and pale skin. Medical dictionaries list over 100 potential causes of anaemia and ir

Zinc and Copper - Histamine — Mineral Balancing 16/07/2023

Histamine is the substance that the body makes when it is trying to create a tissue immune response is the main cause of this swelling of tissue and attracts immune agents to the required area. For example if someone is stung by a bee, the histamine causes swelling of the tissue to dilute the poison so it will not cause any further damage. What many people do not realise, is that the mineral zinc is used in the storage of histamine.

So, after the poison has been dealt with by the immune system, the tissue releases a substance called ‘histaminase’, or diaminoxidase (DAO), which breaks down the histamine and the tissue goes back to normalcy. If it did not, then the swelling would remain too long. What many do not realise, is that copper is essential for the histaminase enzyme. If a person has an excessive histamine response, they may overreact to such a sting which causes swelling all over their body. It is not the poison that causes the person to react and swell up in other areas of their body, but instead, it is the histamine that their body produces.

It’s critical to note that some histamine is essential to prevent the poison from spreading into the blood and that the routine use of antihistamines (drugs) can undermine the body’s innate wisdom, and so that they do not have a high histamine reaction to respond to the poison. Too much histamine, however, can be very dangerous if the swelling affects areas that should not be swollen such as the throat. But nonetheless, histamine is essential for a healthy immune response.

Zinc and Copper - Histamine — Mineral Balancing Not a day goes by where I don’t receive a message regarding histamine. Histamine is the substance that the body makes when it is trying to create a tissue immune response is the main cause of this swelling of tissue and attracts immune agents to the required area. For example if someone is stung b

Calcium/Magnesium Ratio — Mineral Balancing 16/07/2023

To gain a full understanding of the ratio between calcium and magnesium, it is important to consider the different roles these minerals play in the body. Calcium is a non-metallic element that is essential for structural strength, compressive strength, and stability. Excessive amounts of calcium can indicate defensiveness and lead to a defensive or protective posture, which can cause the formation of a "Calcium Shell" in hair tissue. In contrast, magnesium is a metal that is used in thousands of enzymes in the body and is essential for their function. Magnesium is associated with a bright, shiny, hot-burning quality that represents controlled power, while calcium is more sluggish, dull-looking, and heavy.

In addition to its role in structural strength, calcium is also a buffer element, damper, and sedative. It is highly alkaline-forming in most compounds, while magnesium is somewhat more acid-forming but still overall alkaline-forming. Magnesium has excellent tensile strength but not much compressive strength, and it is used in high-tensile-strength fine wires and to make highly flexible, light, and strong bicycle frames.

Calcium is mainly found outside of cells, while magnesium is found in greater quantities inside cells. Calcium is also constipating, while magnesium is a laxative. Calcium tends to dry out or expel water, while magnesium tends to attract water to itself and can cause diarrhea in some cases.

The balance between calcium and magnesium is important for various types of balances in the body, including the balance between structural strength and enzyme strength, dissolution or flexibility, and congealing or cementing quality. This ratio is also related to the lifestyle factors of an individual, including diet, attitudes, and relationships, among others.

In terms of electrical balance, calcium represents compressive pressure or voltage, while magnesium represents tensive and amperage or intensity. An imbalance in the Ca/Mg ratio can lead to a reduction in energy production or electrical output. Finally, calcium represents the more yang, father energy, while magnesium represents a more maternal, yin energy.

Calcium/Magnesium Ratio — Mineral Balancing Introduction To gain a full understanding of the ratio between calcium and magnesium, it is important to consider the different roles these minerals play in the body. Calcium is a non-metallic element that is essential for structural strength, compressive strength, and stability. Excessive amounts

Managing Symptoms of Healing — Mineral Balancing 15/07/2023

Moving towards optimal health involves a healing dynamic in which the body seeks to achieve homeostasis or balance. This process may involve temporary symptomatic distress, or perceived negative symptoms as the body works to eliminate toxins, rebuild tissues, and balance minerals used by the endocrine glands. While chronic conditions may develop slowly over time, regaining health also leads to a more desirable outcome.

When undergoing a Mineral Balancing Program, changes in symptoms sometimes occur quickly, typically within 10 to 20 days. If there is an excess body burden of toxic metals, temporary discomfort may arise during the process of elimination. However, any disruptive symptoms can be managed by adjusting supplement recommendations or with added supportive therapies.

While it may be tempting to suppress symptoms, this approach is short-sighted and can result in more problems down the road. The body is an infinitely complex and intelligent system that has extraordinary self-healing abilities when provided with the proper support. These abilities can be observed in physical scabbing over a cut or body temperature rise to fight off a virus. Mineral Balancing works by supporting the body's self-healing processes, its inner physician which takes time but ultimately leads to optimal health.

Managing Symptoms of Healing — Mineral Balancing Moving towards optimal health involves a healing dynamic in which the body seeks to achieve homeostasis or balance. This process may involve temporary symptomatic distress, or perceived negative symptoms as the body works to eliminate toxins, rebuild tissues, and balance minerals used by the endocri

5 Reasons We Are Not Getting Enough Nutrients — Mineral Balancing 14/07/2023

By now, I am sure that at one point or another, you have heard the phrase that “If you eat a balanced diet, you will get the nutrients that your body needs to function correctly”.

As technology moves forward and time becomes a scarce commodity, there has been a dramatic turn towards convenience and pre-prepared foods that contain highly-processed meats, refined oils and carbohydrates. These foods are typically devoid of vital micronutrients, yet packed with a cocktail of chemical additives; including artificial colourings, flavourings and preservatives.

We often hear that it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet, containing at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, for us to be healthy. But in regards to nutrients, is it really enough, and are there other factors at play? And even though it may be enough for now, will it be enough in the future with increased forms of stress?

The purpose of this article is to outline various reasons why you are probably not getting as many nutrients as you thought.

If we keep up with current modern lifestyles, the nutrient content of our foods is only going to degrade in both quality and quantity of nutrients. So even if we are getting enough nutrients now, it has been projected that our children and their children will not be getting the nutrients that their bodies need to be healthy and develop to their full potential. This is very unfortunate and means that the rate of diseases, that are a direct result of primary and secondary nutritional deficiencies, are going to skyrocket.

5 Reasons We Are Not Getting Enough Nutrients — Mineral Balancing We often hear that it’s important to eat a well-balanced diet, containing at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables, for us to be healthy. But in regards to nutrients, is it really enough , and are there other factors at play? And even though it may be enough for now , will it be enough in the&

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care | Toxic Metal Exposures from Infant Diets: Risk Prevention Strategies for Caregivers and Health Care Professionals | by Elsevier 21/02/2023

Attention Parents!

A recent research review has revealed that most baby and toddler foods in the United States contain toxic heavy metals, including lead and arsenic. These contaminants can harm brain development, leading to learning and behaviour problems in children, and are found in everything from rice cereals to formula to puréed vegetables.

Shockingly, heavy metals were found in 95% of baby foods tested in a 2019 study, with one-quarter containing traces of all four metals assessed. Despite this issue being known for decades, most parents are probably unaware of it. Don't assume that baby food is always safe.

Let's raise awareness of this issue to ensure our children are protected.

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care | Toxic Metal Exposures from Infant Diets: Risk Prevention Strategies for Caregivers and Health Care Professionals | by Elsevier Read the latest articles of Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature


When people tell me vitamins and minerals won't impact certain health conditions.

Comparative Biomonitoring of Arsenic Exposure in Mothers and Their Neonates in Comarca Lagunera, Mexico 21/02/2023

Infant Arsenic Exposure Reduced by Breastfeeding

Did you know that arsenic contamination poses a significant threat to human health in many parts of the world? Exposure to high levels of arsenic can lead to health problems such as diabetes, cognitive dysfunction, and certain types of cancer. What's even scarier is that arsenic exposure during pregnancy can result in miscarriages, reduced fetal growth, and greater health risks for children born in contaminated regions.

A recent study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health used biomonitoring techniques to investigate the routes of arsenic exposure in pregnant women and their children. The study found that arsenic can pass through the placenta during pregnancy and that breastfeeding may reduce arsenic exposure in infants compared to formula feeding.

Comparative Biomonitoring of Arsenic Exposure in Mothers and Their Neonates in Comarca Lagunera, Mexico Multiple comorbidities related to arsenic exposure through drinking water continue to be public problems worldwide, principally in chronically exposed populations, such as those in the Comarca Lagunera (CL), Mexico. In addition, this relationship could be exacerbated by an early life exposure throug...

Private Wells - Arsenic: MNPH Data Access - MN Dept. of Health 21/02/2023

Arsenic in North Minnesota and Dakota Well Water.

Thousands of years ago, glaciers advanced into the current states of Minnesota and North Dakota and deposited sediments containing arsenic along with limestone, shale, and granite. Today, testing shows that many private wells in Clay, Norman, and Polk counties have arsenic levels above the safety threshold set by the Environmental Protection Agency for community water systems.

In fact, 27 counties in Minnesota have tested private wells with 20% or more exceeding the safety threshold. Long-term exposure to arsenic in drinking water can increase the risk of certain cancers and cause nervous system issues and high blood pressure.

Municipal water suppliers have responded to the EPA's lowered acceptable arsenic standard by filtering and treating water, but private wells are less regulated. It is up to landowners to decide whether and how to treat their well water, although health officials in both states encourage routine testing for arsenic.

A proposal for a West Central Regional Water District is gaining traction in Polk and Norman counties, which could provide a long-term and cost-effective solution for water quality issues, including arsenic. Clay County has not yet joined the neighbouring counties in supporting the idea, as more information is needed before making a decision.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is effective at identifying a person's arsenic burden and provides enough information to develop a Mineral Balancing Program to assist in detoxifying arsenic, lead, and many other toxic elements.

Reach out at to learn more!

Private Wells - Arsenic: MNPH Data Access - MN Dept. of Health Private Wells: Arsenic Map


Fasting can be beneficial sometimes, but fasting all the time is counterproductive to healing.


Most people, even when they are taking supplements, are not detoxifying from heavy metals.

More supplements do not equate to better.


Nutrition = underrated for addressing toxic metals


Sometimes the truth isn't what we want to hear.


The meme I meant to post today was blocked by FB and IG algorithm. Here's another.


When clients are dumping lead, anger, or perhaps more of a feeling "P*ssed off" is a common symptom.


Memes can be healthy!

I hope you have been enjoying some of my Mineral Balancing and HTMA related ones lately.

Memes are capable of:

👉 Boosting mood and reducing stress: Laughing and smiling, which are common reactions to memes, can release endorphins and reduce stress.

👉 Improving social connections: Sharing memes with friends and family can create opportunities for connection, communication and social support, which are all important for mental health.

👉 Enhancing creativity and imagination: Engaging with memes can inspire creativity, imagination and help to develop a sense of humour, which can have a positive impact on overall well-being.


Did you know that when our cells lack certain nutrients, they will sometimes resort to using toxic metals like mercury to keep our body functioning? This is known as ionic mimicry, or the Biological Replacement of Elements Theory (BRET), and it's a critical part of our body's survival mechanism.

From a teleological perspective, copper toxicity is preferable to mercury toxicity. Our cells have a preference.

When there is a deficiency of copper, there is an increased uptake of elements similar to copper as well.

You can read more about it here:


They are the same thing on a HTMA.


You get used to them sneaking up on you eventually.

Integrative Mineral Balancing

John Bumpus is a hair tissue mineral analysis practitioner (hTMAP) and nutritional consultant that specialises in cellular nutrition, integrative mineral balancing, and natural detoxification.

John's Integrative Mineral Balancing program supports and promotes optimal cellular health, through the simple and time-honoured practice of nourishment. His paradigm-shifting philosophy of the “inner physician” reminds us that the body wants to heal itself.

Integrative Mineral Balancing is a comprehensive and holistic approach that enables the inner physician to promote natural detoxification. It achieves this by providing the raw materials necessary and directly addressing the cause of toxin build-up — undernourishment.

What is a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?


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Monday 09:00 - 18:00