Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)

Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)

An egalitarian Conservative congregation welcoming all to worship, study and grow together.

Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Queens, NY 25/08/2024

Tomorrow morning minyan will be on zoom.
To log on please use the link on
Minyan begins at 9:00 am.
We hope to see you there.

Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Queens, NY ICCJ is an egalitarian Conservative synagogue offering a full range of outstanding Jewish activities to the Jewish community of northeastern Queens in NYC.


To all former Elechester Jewish Center members. We are looking for your help. We are in need of a picture of the original Elechester Jewish Center facade (the blue building) for use in our 20th anniversary video.

If anyone has any pictures of the building (any and all sides) please either share them.on this post or send [email protected] or [email protected].


Join us tomorrow for a Musical Kabbalat Shabbat, led by Rabbi Hillel.


With much sadness, the ICCJ family mourns the sudden passing of our dear member, friend, and beloved & dedicated expert Torah reader,

Howard Tanzman ז"ל

A graveside funeral will take place Tuesday morning, June 18, 10:30 AM
at Mount Hebron Cemetery
130-04 Horace Harding Expy, Flushing, NY 11367

Shiva will be observed Tuesday through Friday, and again on Sunday,
at the home of Cheryl and Mark Hametz:
75-25 170th street, Flushing, NY 11366

Shiva Services:
Mornings, 8:00 AM
Evenings: 6:45 PM

We send our deepest condolences to Howard's children, grandchildren, sisters and the entire family.

המקום ינחם אותם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים
May God's presence comfort them among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem
May Howard's memory always be for a blessing
And may the family know no more sorrow


Lots of exciting things happening at tonight's All-Night Learn-A-Thon, including talks by Noah, Arlene and David, and an in-depth look at Rabbi Yonah's brand-new Torah, and our own Czech Holocaust Torah! Not to be missed!


Prepare yourselves for Shavuot!
On Thursday afternoon (5PM), we will have our traditional Bikkurim (First Fruits) parade.
Please familiarize yourselves with the Bikkurim Song beforehand, using the attached Lyrics sheet (also at Practice the melody using this Youtube link:
Please have your children wear white (if possible). Please have them bring some fresh, uncut, resilient fruit to place in their baskets (we have baskets and garlands). The festivities will also include the reading of the Ten Commandments, a light dairy dinner and an ice cream party!
If you haven't signed up for the dinner, please come for the service and parade anyway.

Photos from Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)'s post 09/06/2024

"Boys With Toys."
ICCJ's Men's Club, typical Sunday morning activity.
(Thanks Adam and Paul!)

Shavu’ot 5784 | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY 29/05/2024

Use this handy form to sign up for our Shavu'ot dinners, and our Bikkurim Parade with Ice Cream party. We hope to see you at our all-night learn-athon and would love it if you'd volunteer to teach a session! Pleaes also stay for our early morning Shacharit!

Shavu’ot 5784 | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY


The following prayer was recited at our morning service yesterday, in observance of Memorial Day:
“A Prayer for Remembrance and Peace on Memorial Day, by David Abernethy

Our God and God of our ancestors,
as we [prepare to] observe another Memorial Day in America,
bless us with the gifts of memory and understanding,
that we may appreciate the true meaning of this [that] day,
an annual occasion to honor the brave men and women
who gave their lives for our country
and for their fellow citizens.

God of compassion,
let those who made the ultimate sacrifice,
so that we may live in freedom,
rest in peace,
honored by a grateful nation.
Remember their parents,
and all the loved ones they left behind.
Protect and comfort them;
bring them peace.

God of justice,
remind us of the debt we owe
to those who lost their lives in the defense of our nation,
and to the families that go on without them.
Fill the heart of every American
with pride in those who served,
and caring concern for their survivors.

May it be Your will
that every American be re-dedicated
to the task of building a nation
worthy of the sacrifices made by our honored dead.
And may it be Your will, also,
that all of us pursue a just peace throughout the world,
so that no more lives are lost in armed conflict
anywhere in Your creation.

And let us say Amen.

David Abernethy practices law in the Philadelphia area and is a member of the Beth Am Israel community in Penn Valley, Pennsylvania.



Yom hashoah.
Never again! Never forget!

Yom HaShoah Community Observance feat. Dr. Ariel Burger (ZOOM) | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY 05/05/2024

Today, 6:45.
This is a very important event. Please do not miss it.

Yom HaShoah Community Observance feat. Dr. Ariel Burger (ZOOM) | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY A collaboration of: Congregation Etz Hayim at Hollis Hills Bayside, Flushing-Fresh Meadows Jewish Center, Israel Center of Conservative Judaism, Jewish Center of Kew Gardens Hills and Temple Gates of Prayer.


Attention ICCJ: If you sold your chametz via Rabbi Hillel, he is happy to announce that he has successfully bought it back for you. Enjoy! Kayitz tov!


If you sold your Chametz via Rabbi Hillel, it has been successfully SOLD!
Happy and Kosher Passover to you all!
חג כשר ושמח!


Links provided by Rabbi Hillel.
Feel free to add links to others that you found.


**Reminder: Service and Siyum for Fast of Firstborn**

Pesach is fast approaching!
The search for Chametz is Sunday night.
Monday is the Fast of the Firstborn.

Firstborns who do not wish to fast until the Seder must attend a "Siyum" - a completion of a tractate of Talmud, followed by a ceremonial meal. This allows them to break their fast and continue eating and drinking throughout the day.

ICCJ will hold a Shacharit service and Siyum,
**Monday morning (Apr 22) at 8:00 AM.**

Please attend to ensure we have a minyan.

Rabbi Hillel requests that those who have not yet done so, email him to confirm your attendance at that service: [email protected]

(Secondborns, thirdborns, fourthborns and fifthborns are also welcome!)

Also, if you have not yet filled out your Sale of Chametz form, please do so immediately, online, here:

Thank you.


In honor of the upcoming launch of our new Yedidya Academy, our friends at Midrash Manicures are offering us a SALE on all their merchandise! Order online using the promo code YEDIDYA and receive an instant 20% discount! Plus, 20% of all proceeds will be donated to ICCJ to benefit our educational programming!
Check out their Matza Pajamas, scrunchies, Ten Plagues Nail Decals, and much more!
So what are you waiting for?! Hurry on over to and place your order today! And don't forget to use the promo code, YEDIDYA


Register today!

60 historic Torah scrolls that survived N***s celebrated at NYC synagogue 08/04/2024

60 historic Torah scrolls that survived N***s celebrated at NYC synagogue Not all of the Torah collection made it through the looting clean: Some were burned, riddled with bullet holes, blood-stained, and in one instance, even contained a hand-scrawled note reading, & #82…

Sale of Chametz 5784 / 2024 | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY 26/03/2024

Pesach is almost here! Sign up online, today, to have Rabbi Hillel sell your chametz for you! And don't forget to sign up for our communal Seder as well!
Sale of Chametz:
Communal Seder:

Sale of Chametz 5784 / 2024 | Israel Center of Conservative Judaism - Egalitarian Synagogue in Queens, NY According to the Torah, a Jewish person is forbidden to own chametz (חָמֵץ), anywhere in the world, during Pesach, even if it won’t actually be seen or used during Pesach. Chametz owned by a Jewish person during Pesach becomes non-kosher and may not be eaten, even after Pesach. This is why we...


♫🎶 "It's fun to pray at the I.C.C.J.!" ♫🎶
(Full lyrics in first comment)


Purim at Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)! All ages party together! True simcha, true l'dor vador.

A mass recitation of the Shema Yisrael prayer initiated by the Hostages Forum Taanit Esther 5784/2024 - The Western Wall 21/03/2024

Global Shema Yisrael, today at 11:30AM our time. Join the livestream, beginning at 10:30AM today.

A mass recitation of the Shema Yisrael prayer initiated by the Hostages Forum Taanit Esther 5784/2024 - The Western Wall A mass recitation of the Shema Yisrael, from the Western Wall, to dozens of locations in Israel and around the world, for the return of the hostages and the welfare of the IDF soldiers.


Ta'anit Esther - Fast of Esther
(Schedule below)

Tomorrow - Thursday, March 21 - is the Fast of Esther, commemorating the fasts that Esther requested the Jews observe, before she endangered her life to go plead Aḥashverosh for theirs. It is considered a "minor fast", observed from dawn until the stars emerge.

Due to its classification as a minor fast, those pregnant, nursing, ill, or with chronic medical conditions which make fasting inadvisable, are exempt. (You may consult Rabbi Hillel if you're unsure.) All other Jewish adults should observe the fast. Those choosing to eat anyway, should consider fasting at least until after Mincha time so that they can recite the special prayers for fast days.

Ta'anit Esther takes on special meaning this year, following the horrific attacks of October 7 and subsequent rise in global antisemitism.

We, too, at ICCJ, will mark Thursday as a day of fasting and prayer for the return of the hostages. This year it is not only the Fast of Esther. It is the fast of Esther, Liri, Carina, Agam, Daniella, Ruby, Naama, Eden, Noa, Emily, Arabelle, Amit Esther, Doron, Shiri, Carmel, Shani, Judy, Inbar, Ofrah, Mia... and the other over 100 hostages still being held captive and tortured,165 days later.

Please consider fasting for them. And please join us for services, especially at 7AM and 1:30PM to ensure we have a minyan and can say all the appropriate prayers.

May God hear our prayers. And may Purim usher in a new era for our people, one in which hatred is overturned and we can all live in safety and security, in light, happiness, joy and love. Amen.

Ta'anit Esther - Schedule:
Thursday, March 21, 2024
7:00 AM Shacharit, in-person
12:30 PM Rabbi's class, in-person
1:30 PM Mincha, in-person
7:30 PM Ma'ariv, on Zoom
7:42 PM Fast ends

Portraits of Philosophy 20/03/2024

Watch Eric Horn's incredible lecture, "Portraits of Philosophy," which was delivered this past Sunday at Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)

Portraits of Philosophy Lecture by Eric Scott HornSunday, March 17, 2024Presented by the ICCJ Education Committee


ICCJ members: please help us check that we have your correct contact info, by filling out this form.

Videos (show all)

The following prayer was recited at our morning service yesterday, in observance of Memorial Day:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“A Pray...
♫🎶 "It's fun to pray at the I.C.C.J.!" ♫🎶(Full lyrics in first comment)
Purim at Israel Center of Conservative Judaism (ICCJ)! All ages party together! True simcha, true l'dor vador.
What a game!
Chanukah at UBS Arena
Sisterhood Mothers Day Event:
Rabbi Hillel blows the shofar on Yom Ha'atzma'ut


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 15:00