Chiro Chica in Costa Rica

Chiro Chica in Costa Rica

Chiropractic and MORE! Sharing the benefits of chiropractic and other unique healing modalities.


Did you know that vitamin D is a pro-hormone? It is the master key to our immune health. It affects thousands of genes in our body. Most people are deficient in vitamin D and should be supplementing, especially if you live in the upper portion of the northern hemisphere or if you are darker skinned. Vitamin D is fat soluble, so if you are overweight, you may need to supplement because you will have less vitamin D in your circulation.

If you are in mid range levels, you CANNOT develop a cytokine storm and you will NOT die of covid. Normal vitamin D levels decrease your chances of hospitalization for covid-19 by 90%.

Vitamin C is essential for proper immune system function and decreases the severity of cold and flu symptoms. It also can reduce the risk of developing further complications such as pneumonia and lung infections.

Zinc is a trace mineral that is essential for optimum immune system function. When taken as a preventative, it can reduce your risk of getting the common cold. Starting to take zinc at the onset of symptoms can shorten the duration and severity. Zinc is responsible for taste and smell and also prevents viruses from replicating.

Making sure that you are eating a healthy well balanced diet and supplementing with these three important nutrients will support your innate immune system and reduce your risk from the cold, flu and covid-19.


In 1904, BJ and Mabel were married. BJ Palmer DC developed our profession, built PSC, built the largest clinic in the world at that time, through 14 years of research he PROVED the one cause and one cure of all dis-ease (Volume 18 - The Subluxation Specific The Adjustment Specific), helped develop the instrumentation to prove what the nervous system is doing when subluxated and not subluxated, owned the first X-Ray machine, developed the adjustment table to hold the correction made by the body, and proved and gave us over 10,000 case studies of people going from different dis-ease processes to complete wellness. Mabel was the anatomy instructor at PSC and the sole author of Volume 9 - Chiropractic Anatomy, she authored many research papers of the proof of the nervous system interference, published
many pamphlets for PSC, students, and the public on Chiropractic.
Because of their work, we can just learn and then serve the masses.

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Chiropractic can get you better faster than you think
A simple exercise to strengthen your feet
Chiropractic testimonial...3 back surgeries and neck pain for 2 years.  Never underestimate the POWER of chiropractic