Mom 'r Wee

Mom 'r Wee

Happy posting!

This page is created for a way to interact with other Momagers and share our daily experiences as moms, parental advice and tips, diy projects, cleaning and organizing solutions, events happening, social activities and so much more!!

Prepare the Way: Good Friday 07/04/2023

Prepare the Way: Good Friday It’s difficult to imagine Jesus’ violent crucifixion on the cross. Never have love and brutality met with such force. Today, we focus intently on the series of hours in which Jesus revealed how much He values and loves us through His suffering and our redemption! Join Andrew Knox as we continue ...

How Narcissists Train You To Suppress 27/03/2023

Just to bring awareness and shed some light. You may have these kinds of people in your life like I do, but there are ways to not let them ruin your relationships. It's ok to take a stand for yourself without allowing their words or actions to overcome you. These are not empathetic people and they can't have a real adult conversation to make amends. In their minds they're always right.

How Narcissists Train You To Suppress Because they carry so much unresolved inner tension, narcissists are driven by a wide array of suppressed emotions and desires. Dr. Les Carter describes how...


Get ready for an abundant, over the top, exceeding !


Merry Christmas to you all!! Have a blessed day!


Any moms of toddlers out there that are picky eaters?! One solution I found helpful so far that is making meals more fun are the cute little picks with animals on them. I found so many moms on YouTube using these especially in the bento or bentgo boxes for their little ones.


God doesn't just give you salvation, but He gives you an absolutely new life.

​(TAG you BFF's and SAVE me for later reading.)

Through the Word of God (which the Holy Spirit inspired), we are taught all things.​ The Holy Spirit teaches us what it means to live in the new identity that we have been given through Jesus.

"And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you." (John 15-17)

​It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the life that Jesus intended for us to live. You are made new through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and you are empowered to do the good works that God intends for you.

​Comment below and tag a friend for encouragement! 👇🙏


I saw this posted on another page and had to share🤣🤣 What’s your stress diet?


Let's join together to pray for both of these countries. We need a miracle of God to bring change and peace.


Hey momma!! Have you been feeling down? Sad? Confused? Frustrated? Under valued? Not loved? Alone?

Well, I challenge you to this new year to grab hold of this great 3- minute devotional titled Too Blessed to be Stressed by Deborah Coty! It has been helping me get through these hard times.

Too Blessed to be Stressed: 3-Minute Devotions for Women


¡Buenos días! Esta semana, vamos a traer a nuestra comunidad latina algunos de los consejos importantes que hemos estado compartiendo sobre cómo lidiar con las indulgencias. Una indulgencia es un aplazamiento temporal de los pagos de su hipoteca. Es una forma de alivio de pago otorgado por el prestamista o acreedor en lugar de forzar la ejecución hipotecaria de una propiedad y se vuelve importante durante la pandemia porque muchas personas perdieron sus trabajos o se les redujeron las horas de trabajo, lo que provocó pagos atrasados o perdidos.

Las indulgencias están ayudando a las personas a permanecer en sus hogares ahora mismo, a pesar de las dificultades. Somos una organización sin fines de lucro que ofrece asesoramiento de vivienda GRATUITO, incluida la ayuda para guiarlo a través de indulgencias, y todos nuestros especialistas en vivienda son expertos certificados por HUD, que trabajan arduamente para ayudarlo a conservar su hogar. Si tiene problemas con su hipoteca, llámenos para obtener asistencia GRATUITA al (973) 659-9222.


Good morning! This week, we're going to be bringing our Latino community some of the important tips we've been sharing on dealing with forbearances. A forbearance is a temporary postponement of your mortgage payments. It is a form of repayment relief granted by the lender or creditor in lieu of forcing a property into foreclosure and it's become important during the pandemic because many people have either lost their jobs or had their work hours reduced, leading to missed or late payments.

Forbearances are helping people to stay in their homes right now, despite the difficulties. We're a nonprofit that offers FREE housing counseling, including helping to guide you through forbearances, and all our Housing Specialists are HUD-certified experts, working hard to help you keep your home. If you're struggling with your mortgage, please call us for FREE assistance at (973) 659-9222.

Instacart Improves Safety Measures for Shoppers 04/04/2020

I find it amazing how much this pandemic has changed the way we all shop now. Now a safety kit may be provided in order to get groceries?! Better safe than sorry 🤷‍♀️

What are your thoughts on this Momagers?

Instacart Improves Safety Measures for Shoppers On Thursday, the company announced new measures that they will be taking, including the distribution of health and safety kits for shoppers, which will include face masks, hand sanitizer, and thermometers.
